Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Panorama 2016 kicked off on January 8th at the Queens Park Savannah. This signaled the real start of the Carnival in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. As always, all Carnival lovers know that the barrels must rumble to signal the start of Carnival.
On behalf of the entire Steelpan fraternity, I take this opportunity to express heartfelt thanks to corporate Trinbago which sees it as a civic duty to partner with Pan Trinbago, to ensure that Panorama 2016 comes off successfully.
Again, thanks for the assurance guaranteed by the many young people of this nation, who took time from their other commitments, to be in the Pan Yards nightly to make it happen and your signal to them that their efforts are recognized and appreciated.
In spite of the negatives bandied about by all those who don't believe, this mega industry that we have developed from the grassroots is one where our children can enter universities all over the world to teach and learn carnival and festival arts, and continue to spread it globally and are able to contribute meaningfully to the national economy.
There are some challenges that exist here at home because of a lack of awareness by people who don't have a true sense of patriotism, and tend to devalue anything that is local, but support and uplift all things foreign. Look at the patronage and support for our national Panorama where thousands of our young people joined by quite a number of foreigners come together in every Steelband yard across Trinbago to showcase our national instruments.
Where is the family support? Pan Trinbago needs the support and the players need it also. It would be so nice when family members would purchase tickets and sit in the audience cheering their children as they perform. Without a doubt, this would surely lift their spirits, and, by extension, strengthen the coffers of Pan Trinbago, thereby, guaranteeing that all performers are paid in a more timely manner. I am making a clarion call to the parents of Trinbago: show love by supporting your children in all their positive endeavours if we must enjoy a stronger and crime free nation.
Most of the successful business people in the communities are only blinded by profits and do not see themselves as having a social responsibility to the people from whom they source their wealth. Most of them don't even live in these communities, so they see no need to give back anything. They come in at 8:00 am, and exit at 4:00 pm, so there is no connection. This is so sad.
The Steelbands, on the other hand, are playing such a great role in the area of crime reduction that is hardly ever noticeable. Because of the Steelbands in the different communities there are much less idle youths out on the streets hassling your business places and customers. As a matter of fact, the Steelband yards are the most disciplined youth institutions in any community. And I say this without reservation. What they could get away with at home and in school are not tolerated in the Pan Yards. This is where most youths learn communication and social skills.
People across the world recognize and respect Trinbago for having the largest percussive festival in the world, and it’s called PANORAMA. Yet we here take it for granted. As the saying goes, a king has no honour in his own land. We must use it or lose it.
Where is the government in all of this? Most of the time when they are not using culture as a political football, they just go about making reckless statements that could be used to devalue the hard work and sacrifice of those involved in creating our indigenous art form that we have developed into a major industry which can and is attracting much needed foreign exchange to our coffers. How long will we continue to endure this disrespectful approach by our politicians who were put in office to serve and make life a little easier for us in our living years?
Michael L. Joseph
Public Relations Officer
Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C.
Doh Jes:-*TALK>"PAN-FAMALY"...*LIVE:-"PAN-FAMALY"!!! ***Accountably/*Non-'Corrupt'ibly/**Cost-Efficiently /*Promptly: $atisfy the *NEEDS of ALL Currently *Registered-Steelbands{Un-sponsored ones given Priority} In T&T..And you will marvel at how Far those Million$$$$$$$ will go towards Uplifting:- *PAN,*PAN-PEOPLE...& DE REST OF T&T!
BURY:-Negative-Thoughts,*Animosities/*Rivalries/*Selfishness/*Greed/*Short-sightedness/*Small-mindedness>>& Expand:-"THE-VISION"...NOT:-'DIVISION'!
I have said this elsewhere before:-T&T's "PAN-FAMALY"...Has *Qualified-Persons in Maaaaany Required Fields...
Sooooo:-"Why Not Help One Another On The Way???Make It MUCH EASIER!***Say:-We Just Can't Live That Negative Way>>>Make Way...For The POSITIVE-DAY!!"<<<TODAY!!!
Yes...Bob Marley/The Wailers,Just Echoin' T&T's :-"TOGETHER WE ASPIRE/{PERSPIRE}...*TOGETHER,WE ACHIEVE!"
STOP Saying Situations In T&..{PAN,& Other-Wise}>>>Cannot/Won't Be Changed For The BEST!
REMEMBER:-*"Who Know The Power Of The *WORD...Will ALWAYS BE Watchful Of What They Say!!!"
ALSO:->"Your Wish Becomes A Prayer...When It Reaches Your Lips!"
PLEASE:-Say/*Encourage Positive *Prayers for:-*PAN,*PAN-PEOPLE...& ALLLLLL OF SWEET T&T>>EVERY-TIME!
Is the writer talking directly to this Minister of Culture or all Ministers of Culture? Is he speaking the truth? I really don't see this as a direct attack on this M.O.C, but if one is politically aligned then I can relate to he/she being offended.
I guess if someone mashes yuh corn, yuh gotta rub it. ent? the truth is a brute, ent?
Patrick: Like dey vex with this NEW MINISTER so dey castigating ALL POLITICIANS to disguise the attack. Me and Diaz thought that she was to going to be ah easy WALK OVER but like she tougher than nails and playing HARDBALL with PANTRINBAGO.
If she do ah AUDIT of PANTRINBAGO ah will have to go to Trinidad and personally SHAKE THIS WOMAN HAND. Ah think that she and CECIL is family.
patrick as far as we can see PT had full support from the ex Minister of Culture Lincoln Douglas.
It does not SEEM THAT WAY!!! It is that way!!! Yuh better take yuh whole family and a few friends to PANORAMA or else yuh not PATRIOTIC PATRICK -- ah like that little alliteration.
It is understandable, this comes from not being able to have their own way with the Minister of Culture.
Cecil: Like ah have to apologize to you for demeaning your NEW MINISTER OF CULTURE, boy. If she have Pan Trinbago cussing she out she must be STRONG LIKE AH LION. Ah have to listen to you next time!
Somehow I always recognized a few of these characters to be utter fools, and at no time, they ever try to prove me wrong. The length of time you all at it , by now I know you all have perfected the art.
Mr. Joseph: Go back and look at your report. You attack everybody and spend all the time you have with your hand stretched out BEGGING. If you are not "strengthening the coffers of PanTrinbago" then you are NOT PATRIOTIC -- give me a break.
Six years ago your President promised that PAN WAS GOING TO BRING IN MORE MONEY THAN OIL. Where is all the money?
You want to be a surrogate -- expect some blowback.