Randi Curvan > evan loboFebruary 13, 2017 at 5:25am
I do hope they change something in the following years. A "show" lasting from 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday and not finishing until 3:15 Monday morning is not repeat NOT good business.
These days the normal attention span of humans is not very long.
Having a semi final with 30 small bands is utter crap. This is not to say that participating bands are not worth a spot, on the contrary, they are just as deserving. However the show cannot continue with its current format. It's far too long.
The media coverage from T & T reflected this problem. CTV cut their show, 91.1 Talk Radio coverage was good but not brilliant. As usual the announcers were not well informed.
58 Bands in total? Give me a break!
14 Small bands
14 Medium
and 14 Large
42 bands maximum.
Better organisation in the logistics needed.
And for world-wide consumption a dedicated online coverage even on pay-per-view would go along long way to raising some cash.
Please Trinbago wakeup and smell the coffee. don't be so parochial.
Imagine 6:15 a.m., 3 hours after competition finish , still no results.
The Pan - Players Should Form an Association outside of PANTRINBAGO and Call it PPA - Pan - Players Associaion. PANTRINBAGO Dont Really Represent the Pan Players of T&T. They are their Employers.. Every Year They Rob Them Blindly Claiming to Have their Interest at Heart When in Reality they are Fulling their Pockets With the Hard Work of the Pan - Players. They Missed a Great Opportunity to Remove the Executive of PANTRINBOGO recently because they were only Focusing on Panorama. PANTRINBAGO Knows that the Weakness of the Pan - Players is Panorama so they Ran Fast to Pay the Outstanding Funds that they Owed them so that Panorama Could Be Held. I Hope that after Carnival they Would Continue to Put Pressure on PANTRINBAGO By Casting a Vote of '''No Confidence''' in Their Leadership. If this is Not Done The Plundering of the Coffers of PANTRINBAGO Will Continue and they Will Again Be Laughing All The Way to Various Banks Where Accounts are LOCATED Dane Gulston - Duvone Stewart The Ball is in Your Court. Do Something with it!
They ‘Pan Trinbago’ will continue with their divide and rule strategy, wheels and deals, back stabbings, cut throat dealings in total secrecy and Pan Players will be calling for transparency. Full disclosure will become a new term in Pan Trinbago vocabulary in their demands from their line minister; you would not hear it as part of their operating principles.
They ‘Pan Players’ will not be able hog the media spot-light and LAWYERS will begin to play Mas with their money, that’s when their Carnival starts.
The Outcast mentality is so embedded in their DNA, no matter how schooled they are in music or lacking in their business skills, there’s this slave plantation mentality to exploit their talents and gifts.
In this High Tech slavery the profits, made from their services are hidden and they have no bargaining RIGHTS.
BUSINESS AS USUAL!!! With all the posters coming on and saying how the PAN MEN in Trinidad are abused and exploited and complaining how they either GET SHORT PAY or DID NOT GET PAY. (Keith Diaz tie up all the gate receipts in court and NOBODY eh notice.)
And praising DOCTOR DOLLY for REALLY taking care of the PAN PLAYERS.
Panorama Euphoria: You have a good title for a Calypso next PANORAMA!
7 day wonder
business as usual
I do hope they change something in the following years. A "show" lasting from 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday and not finishing until 3:15 Monday morning is not repeat NOT good business.
These days the normal attention span of humans is not very long.
Having a semi final with 30 small bands is utter crap. This is not to say that participating bands are not worth a spot, on the contrary, they are just as deserving. However the show cannot continue with its current format. It's far too long.
The media coverage from T & T reflected this problem. CTV cut their show, 91.1 Talk Radio coverage was good but not brilliant. As usual the announcers were not well informed.
58 Bands in total? Give me a break!
14 Small bands
14 Medium
and 14 Large
42 bands maximum.
Better organisation in the logistics needed.
And for world-wide consumption a dedicated online coverage even on pay-per-view would go along long way to raising some cash.
Please Trinbago wakeup and smell the coffee. don't be so parochial.
Imagine 6:15 a.m., 3 hours after competition finish , still no results.
Something must change.
The Pan - Players Should Form an Association outside of PANTRINBAGO and Call it PPA - Pan - Players Associaion. PANTRINBAGO Dont Really Represent the Pan Players of T&T. They are their Employers.. Every Year They Rob Them Blindly Claiming to Have their Interest at Heart When in Reality they are Fulling their Pockets With the Hard Work of the Pan - Players. They Missed a Great Opportunity to Remove the Executive of PANTRINBOGO recently because they were only Focusing on Panorama. PANTRINBAGO Knows that the Weakness of the Pan - Players is Panorama so they Ran Fast to Pay the Outstanding Funds that they Owed them so that Panorama Could Be Held. I Hope that after Carnival they Would Continue to Put Pressure on PANTRINBAGO By Casting a Vote of '''No Confidence''' in Their Leadership. If this is Not Done The Plundering of the Coffers of PANTRINBAGO Will Continue and they Will Again Be Laughing All The Way to Various Banks Where Accounts are LOCATED Dane Gulston - Duvone Stewart The Ball is in Your Court. Do Something with it!
Mr. Young you have hit the nail on the head. A Movement now towards an Association, after the necessary official
work has been done. Question is, are we ready?
douglas, if we ain't ready now when will we be?
Still a lot of work to be done.
They will close-up like "te-mar-we" and go back to sleep.
They ‘Pan Trinbago’ will continue with their divide and rule strategy, wheels and deals, back stabbings, cut throat dealings in total secrecy and Pan Players will be calling for transparency. Full disclosure will become a new term in Pan Trinbago vocabulary in their demands from their line minister; you would not hear it as part of their operating principles.
They ‘Pan Players’ will not be able hog the media spot-light and LAWYERS will begin to play Mas with their money, that’s when their Carnival starts.
The Outcast mentality is so embedded in their DNA, no matter how schooled they are in music or lacking in their business skills, there’s this slave plantation mentality to exploit their talents and gifts.
In this High Tech slavery the profits, made from their services are hidden and they have no bargaining RIGHTS.
Mighty Sparrow - Outcast
You really let it all hang out, odw!!! Much respect!!!
BUSINESS AS USUAL!!! With all the posters coming on and saying how the PAN MEN in Trinidad are abused and exploited and complaining how they either GET SHORT PAY or DID NOT GET PAY. (Keith Diaz tie up all the gate receipts in court and NOBODY eh notice.)
And praising DOCTOR DOLLY for REALLY taking care of the PAN PLAYERS.
Panorama Euphoria: You have a good title for a Calypso next PANORAMA!