An interesting issue developed out of this recent NY panorama. CASYM used sampled voices from an e-pan synthesizer on stage to generate the bell tones heard in their performance. Do you think this might be a potential problem going forward? Should bands be allowed to use synthesizers within their performances as opposed to producing and utilizing authentic acoustical instruments on stage?
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E-Con Man: "Unfortunately, recently, a fellow pannist, Freddy Harris III, not understanding the business aspect, lashed out at me for not giving him a free or drastically discounted E-Pan after he played the instrument in a video that went semi-viral...Freddy made a video giving the E-Pan exposure. I promoted the video giving Freddy Exposure. Anyhow, I've removed the video, so no more exposure." Salmon Cupid.
What didn't Freddie understand? That "raving fans" and "endorsers" are two different people? One gets played, and the other gets paid? Is that why Freddy's punishment was "no more exposure"? Who really needed the "exposure" more; Freddie or the E-Pan? The reality is, the E-Con Man was trying to get footage of anyone he considers "celebrity" in the "pan world", to pose with his E-Thing, in the hopes of receiving free endorsements, and Freddie, who did music business in college, knows an E-Con when he sees one. ♫Here comes the E-Con Man, coming with his E-Con Pan ♫ (Adaption of Bob Marley's "Crazy Baldhead".)
Ghost Who Knows A Conman...Make That An E-Con Man, When He Observes Their "Marketing Strategy".
Really !!! you delete people from your PAGE ??? childish who on WST care if you do that ? answer = nobody.
You upset because Mr. Salmon did not comment to your post about Sparrow !!!!! really WHO on WST care = nobody. by the way I hope Sparrow did lots for Pan in your eye. NEWS FLASH you have to go at sometime.
George this just tell us all how much of a child you are, like Mr.Salmon said go get a good job with all your education you say you have and do something for pan. What have you done for pan ? answer= NOTHING . All I see you doing is posting on WST everyday maybe that is your job. Go and learn some new songs on the pan or something . Do something with the rest of your life, your father will be shame of you maybe you should change your name. This is what you come to bring down a Panman and his work. Your Father fight for a Panman and there work and you are doing the opposite SHAME SHAME SHAME, this is NEW TIMES and panman today is advancing he would have fight for that as well man check yourself. I am SICK OF READING YOUR POST George -The Ghost Who Talks CRAP.
Hear how this works: Salmon Cupid, when he feels he is getting "beat up on WST" (HIS words, not mine), solicits others to post favorable comments. The first time he reached out to me, was for that reason ONLY!. He and his cheerleaders are so obvious, that I knew this was coming. I knew it from the time one of his "raving fans" (HIS words, not mine), pretended to not know about the heated exchange a few weeks ago between Mr. Cupid and myself. He was playing dumb, to see if he could get me to speak about the exchange, so he could report back to Mr. Cupid. When that did not work (I removed both of him from my Facebook group, Pan Forever On De Barbargreen) he then decided to post his E-Pan sales pitch on WST. I also foresaw that shortly after that, we would be hearing from Mr. Cupid, and VIOLA! The Hydra rears its ugly head. We have had some VERY important conversations on WST over these past few years, and I encourage you to review ALL of Mr. Cupid's postings, and you will all see that if the conversation is not about the E-Pan, he either refrains from joining the conversations, or inserts his E-Pan sales pitch. Recently, we spoke about Sparrow's health and Othello's contributions (among other discussions), yet, the ONLY time he resurfaces is after his E-Pan "raving fan" brings up his gadget. Again, because I know how he operates, I know that, like he did in my case, he sought out the help of one of his "biggest fans". His modus operandi involves getting others to bring up the E-Pan in discussions on WST, especially when the discussions are not E-Pan focused. He claims to be an advocate of the steelpan, but, the evidence show he is an advocate of one thing only: THE CADILLAC OF STEELPANS. He may be able to fool some of you, but, because I know him personally, I am not fooled. Again, I present our entire Facebook message thread, for ALL to see EXACTLY what is Salmon Cupid's agenda, and what holds his interests. In any case, his raving fan's post, reveals that it is ALL about recouping a "ROI", or seeing that his investment in the E-Pan yields the expected financial returns on his investment. There is nothing wrong with that, just do not pretend to care about anything that does not relate to the marketing and sales of the E-Pan. So, this is not about the man, but about his actions, which speak louder than any sound the E-Pan can ever produce, no matter how amplified. This is my truth. What does he do, when he feels he is getting "beat up on WST"? Solicits the help of others:
1/24, 9:38am Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
good morning
i need your help
(Go back to that date and time, to get an essence of who was "beating him up on WST". Obviously, it was not me, or he would not have messaged me asking for help, now would he?)
Ghost Who Sees The E-Pan Man For What He Is. A Straight-Up Businessman Looking For His ROI.
EXCERPT (See attached file for full thread.)
August 1, 2010
8/1, 1:28pm
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
Hi George D Goddard
Can you post this link on your wall please and big up all pan men and women, expressing that the E-Pan is a tool that can help move the steelpan player into the futuristic age (which is now)? Just as the piano player has the keyboard as a utility tool, the pannist now has the E-Pan as a utility tool. A digital electronic instrument will never sound and feel like an acoustic instrument. Because of technology they are going to come close and as time goes on and technology improves, the electronic instrument will get better. The link is
December 5, 2010
12/5, 7:10pm
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
Call or text me your number so I can call you please
You don't understand my comment please call me or give me your number so I can call you I am not home I am on the road I will like to talk
January 24, 2012
1/24, 9:38am
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
good morning
i need your help
1/24, 9:40am
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
put steel pan on top of the world but it is to heavy for me to lift up by myself
i will be short becausei have a class now
November 24, 2012
11/24, 8:58pm
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
you up still
11/24, 9:03pm
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
November 26, 2012
11/26, 6:23am
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
how was the cd?
11/26, 8:44am
George D Goddard
I told you; I thought it was great! I did not have time to listen on my headphones, and I want to do that before I make a more informed judgement. Will attempt to get to that today and follow up with you. BTW - When are you planning on being in Trini for next year?
11/28, 4:54pm
Salmon E-Pan Man-Cupid
i find you treating my real bad
Salmon Cupid And My Facebook Messages - 2009 to Present.docx
This is a HOT topic, but I'm note exactly sure how much of this "chat" is a rehashed version of the Like/Unlike of the electro-pans or typical ole talk with some severe tongue-lashing laced with picong and fatigue, but the severe tone of some shows some strained and heightened tensions which will hopefully provoke thoughts. Salo is a one-man pannist on his own mission to "do something for pan", marching to his own drum, albeit not always on the road-march others would prefer to see him track. But he's not the only one to suggest a bent marketing approach as to the alleged mediocrity/superiority of his product, others have done the same.
Business-is-business and in a capitalistic-centred world, one has to give investors a ROI and Salo has invested a lot with his innovation, even as he continues to support and spread steelpan around the globe. The Blurred Lines between Cultural Art-Form and Business are diffic...
Let me congratulate Duvone, Andy, Travis and the entire CASYM team ...
Now to address the question/subject raised in this thread.
There appears to be a mix-up about Panorama in NY as opposed to Panorama in the T&T, the Land of Steelpan.
Personally, I would prefer to see the latter remain an acoustic-centric competition!
However in terms of that event, the rules are posted for all to inspect for New Visionaires We have to be careful and remain vigilant that ANY the gimmicks and tricks (as some see it) do not over-shadow the traditional steelpan music. As to the influence that will have on PanTrinbago to change direction, we'll see how that goes.
As for WIADCA's event it appears those in charge were consulted in advance and the rules were followed. If someone has access to those rules, it would benefit from a posting herein. In this case, I find it enhanced the flavour of the performance piece and did not distract from either the arrangement or performance. As for the future, time will tell...
Next time, contract AfroPan's Bell Man to do the gig (lol)...
There are other steelpan events across the globe which involve the electro-pans and other musical instruments integrated into competition performances, so spread the love where the audiences will embrace it, in all kinds of musical expressions and idioms for new ideas to catch fire, elsewhere.
Now as to some other aspects of this conversation... Indeed, Necessity is the mother of invention and the innovation of the steelpan into "electro" forms is part of the performance evolution.
Just look at what the creative juice has inspired, in all its form, where mimicry is the source of flattery, controversial as it may seem; e-pan, E.S.D., panKAT and last but not least the PHIpan...
If one does not think that a steelpan-inspired layout which steel-pannist are already familiar and comfortable with where the electro-version allow them to play and access steelpan and other tones, as opposed to the keyboard which most pannist are unfamiliar and not learned with, then open your minds and thinks again.
The inclusion of true steelpan tones are improving and being incorporated into the spectrum of products offered out there, which Salo has called for from day one, so stay tuned for what Salo's continued quest will deliver in terms of "sounds" and better fuctionality.
With regards to the effects new technology with have on the e-volution of the steelpan, Salo himself stated it best.
Time and tide waits for no man and who knows what the future bodes. But but my suspicions sense that all is well with GenNeXers when you see youth like Freddy Harris III in action. He has his own e-pan and his future demos will go way beyond the 1,000,000+ it first garnered on YouTube , which in the steelpan world makes it a "viral" first. As far as I know, any misunderstandings between him and Salo have been long resolved which is good to know when you see brothers make sincere attempts to keep in positive and move forward as Salo is doing with him, Duvone and others.
I am not sure where this talk about Salo being a QRC boy, but he is a self-declared and proud student of St. Augustine Senior Comprehensive, where he captained the School Steelband a.k.a The Mean Green On Steel.
My name was invoked as being the subject of some malcontent issues. Salo and I have our tête-à-tête, which can become heated not unlike many such situations as we do not always see eye-to-eye, but he remains my friend and has my support. I am comfortable in my own skin for “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” - Mahatma Gandhi
As for the changes which continue to unfold and provoke heated exchanges and challenges.
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment? ~ Nelson Mandela
When the direction of the wind changes, some (people) build walls, some (people) make windmills. ~ Ancient Chinese Proverb
“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~ Bruce Lee
As to the challenge to debate this in a live public forum, f.y.i. find another venue than the one you suggest, because steelpan ain't that WACK anymore.
Just be mindful of what the old folks say in patois, "Pa antré an lagè san baton."
Andre good post, I have a BIG question without the use of the electronic Pan what is the benefit of the Indigisounds software to the panman or panwoman ?. As I see it 99% of panmen/women can't play the KEYBOARD so ????.Now I am very happy that a Trinidadian (David) has done this work but as long as Panmen/women don't get their act togather the Keyboard player will take ALL the JOBS away from the steelpan player. So we Panpeople continue to fight down each other and all the FOOD going through the back door ..... lol lol lol .