Congratulations to Despers for their well-deserved win, and to all the other bands for their great performances. The arrangers, performers and judges all did a great job!
Pan Trinbago would make an important contribution to public understanding and appreciation of Panorama results by providing a standard breakdown of the criteria used by judges in each of the four categories: Arrangement (40 point), General Performance (40), Tone (10), Rhythm (10). By that I mean, what exactly are the judges looking for when they assess the performances in each category? For the lay person, like myself, it would be very helpful to know what the judges are looking for when they assess for example, Tone: does Tone relate to the quality of the sound from the instruments, or is it something more than that? Similarly regarding Rhythm: what exactly is looked for when the judges assess Rhythm? Does Rhythm mean the instrumentation coming from the rhythm section only? Or is the bass section considered as part of Rhythm as well?. What specifics are looked at in judging General Performance, which accounts for 40 out of 100 points? What do they look at when they assess how the arrangement is harmonized between different sections of the band? Or how the players execute their pieces? Is the attractiveness of the attire worn by players, the quality of the choreography (dancing), flagwavers' movements, the physical appearance and set-up of the pans and racks, the fireworks etc, included in the assessment of General Performance? As for Arrangement (which everybody has an opinion on), how can we break down that criterion into specific "look fors" in language that average person can understand?
I think that this kind of information about the adjudication criteria would be very educative for the public. Pan Trinbago would a great service to put their heads together in consultation with the relevant experts including the arrangers to provide these explanations.
As a further thought, building on the above, it would also be helpful, that, following the final results, Pan Trinbago publishes the breakdown of the total points for each band, in each of the four categories. For example, Despers' total of 285 points should be broken down into the total number of points for arrangement, general performance, tone, and rhythm. Similarly, for each of the other bands.
Some people may say, let's not do that, because that will cause more argument. I disagree. I say that kind of objective data will lead to informed discussion.
IMHO . I think that the judges are humans , not perfect , but they give it their best.
And judging of the arts is subjective , so there will always be disagreements.
And , BTW in all my years of observing panorama , I've only questioned the judges decisions on two occasions
1) Professor wuz robbed in 1990 ( Pan by Storm)
2) Try as I might , I still cannot get the Nutones win( High Mass)
By the way, I want folks to know that the point in my piece which began this discussion is not about challenging judges' decisions. The judges' decisions are final and should be respected even when they don't give the most points to our band of choice. My point about providing the public with clear descriptions of the adjudication criteria and with the aggregate scores in each category for each band is all about educating the public about how panorama is judged. So any discussions about challenging judges' decisions is not relevant to my own discussion.
P. S I too am only human, and I believe that Soucouyant and Curry Tabanca are winning performances in their respective years! Curry Tabanca has been validated by its win in the International Panorama. Glenroy, please post All Stars' Soucouyant, so that people could understand what I'm talking about.
Lloyd…also consider that this year there was in force a 10 second overtime rule for all competitions…judges were instructed to deduct one point after the initial 10 seconds and one point for every 5th second onward…probably that rule had a negative effect on some bands…you never know...
I agree. We will never know because we are not told what the breakdown of the scoring is. We remain in total ignorance. A pity!
According to the motto of the nations most famous college...“Certant omnes sed non omnibus palma”,…We all strive but the prize is not for all...
Merrytones: Even though we disagree on the PANORAMA RESULTS -- we is still the BEST OF PARDNERS.
Indeed Claude…and neither of us can stop PPSS…Post Panorama Stress Syndrome…what's worse, there is no known cure….sufferers just have to wait till next year to suffer al over again...
All this Dont Make Any Sense. All The Bands Play under the Same Criteria and Who Perform the Best on the Night usually Wins. That is The Long and Short of It. Everyone Always think that they Knows what is Best For Pan. Panorama is Here To Stay, so Lets us All enjoy and Accept it and don't try to Change it Ah La Andy Narell.
Mc Intosh, it still exists.
Well thank you very much Gerald it's been a long time for me i have not seen the north stand and the grand stand for the last thirty years.I am hoping to see it soon maybe next year.