Trinidad Guardian

October 21, 2019

"Cit­ing the late Mer­chant’s ca­lyp­so Caribbean Con­nec­tion, Ram­sey-Moore re­mind­ed the large turnout that Mer­chant’s Caribbean Con­nec­tion was held in To­ba­go and that the fi­nal of the Na­tion­al Panora­ma (Small Bands) will be held in To­ba­go in 2020."

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2020 (2019?) PANORAMA eh even start yet and the FEVER done spread to 2020 (2021?). Clearly, this is a PANORAMA ADMINISTRATION and NOTHING ELSE.They have NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER.

Well, if the ting continue so


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  • Cecil: Since you are the GLOBAL SPOKESPERSON for BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE I would like you to explain to me this 2020 SMALL BANDS FINAL IN TOBAGO that was announced yesterday. (Now ah really think that she gone to 2021 already because she so want to TIE UP PAN MAN HEAD with PANORAMA that they cannot think about nothing else.)

    Because this is what I read:

    Jan. 11, 2020

    • Trinidad & Tobago National Panorama Finals:  featuring Small Steel Orchestras.  Time:  TBA - 14 steel orchestras | Venue:  Guaracara Park, Point-A-Pierre - or - Gilbert Park, Couva, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, W.I.

    Ah missing something here ... enlighten meh, nah.

    • I take it to mean the 2021 SMALL BANDS PANORAMA FINALS will be held in TOBAGO in late 2020.

      • Earl: Yuh smarter than CECIL and MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE and RP and me -- all wrapped up in one.

  • So...what happen to the Medium Bands Final in Tobago?...Or, will the both finals be held there now?...Politics is a hell of a thing oui?...

  • Ah was plannin to forget all dem pan show-----------------and settle down in 2bago------------- but now I'm afraid Ah cyah make the grade.

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