- Authority 2
- Definitions 2 - 3
- Management 3
- Registration 3 - 4
- Participation 4 - 5
- Music 6
- Adjudication 6
- Arrangers 7
- Procedure for Competition 7- 10
- Qualifying and Preliminary Rounds 10 - 11
- National Semi-Finals 11 - 12
- National Finals 12
- Discipline 12 - 13
- Recordings 13
- Finance 14
- Transport 14
- Force Majeure 14
- Interpretation 14
- Declaration (to sign and return) 15
Thank - As usual you folks are truly the voice of the Steelpan world. #cultureliveshere
16.1 Transportation Expenses – During the Semi-Final stage of the competition Pan Trinbago will provide financial assistance to competing steelbands in the Single Pan, Small Conventional, Medium Conventional and Large Conventional categories to defray part of their transportation costs to and from the respective competition venues, based on the bands’ geographical location. The amount of the assistance to be rendered will be determined at the sole discretion of Pan Trinbago.
Having not read the rules of panorama ever, it would be useful if someone from the panorama management committee, or better yet a member of Pan Trinbago's central executive can define before the forthcoming AGM; what provisions have been made for the transportation of steelbands for the Finals of any category of competition. How was/is that expenditure being determined, or has that aspect of panorama not yet been finalized?