On 91.9 FM steelband show last night a caller called in and said PANS long ago used to sound better and the best basses were DESPERS. The host asked who am I speaking to and the caller said BOOGSIE man, BOOGSIE SHARPE. and the host said BOOGSIE man.i did not make out your voice. BOOGSIE then wish the guests on the show success on their steelband tour to MEXICO and said to the host when any band is playing do not stop the music to take a phone call let the music finish then take calls. My question is if BOOGSIE is right about the PANS from long ago sounds better, who is at fault the TUNERS or the material of the drums are not as good as the long ago oil drums. BLESSNGS.
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Rudolph Valentino Charles is a figure of national importance in the development of the steelpan. This legendary “panman” was involved in the invention of six different types of steelpan. He was also a steelband leader, a world-class tuner and a versatile innovator.
In this part of the When Steel Talks exclusive interview with Grammy award winning producer and song writer, Ralph MacDonald, speaks on the brilliance of the legendary leader of Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, Rudolph Charles.
EARL RICHARDS: Yuh put up a very daunting topic here!!!
The PIANOS,GUITARS,VIOLINS,and the rest of the musically family that played classical music centuries ago are they sounding better now because the tuners have vastly improve their tuning skills or the material used to make these instruments are more refined, textured, treated and coated to make them sound richer.
Earl Richards: Yuh getting aggressive and dangerous, boy!
Very interest Topic.Very interesting observations... Gentlemen the answers are very complex and will only be found through the application of scientific principles . The answers are to be found through in-dept studies of the work of the past masters from 1960 and 1990 .. This forum is too limited for me to get into any lengthy explanations. However I would reiterate that all the post touched on different aspects of the challenges.. what we need now is the implementation of the solutions. Some of the challenges: Raw materials, Tuning techniques, application of scientific principles.. to name a few... We also have to remind ourselves that this is a young ..probably the youngest family of instruments in the world today.We are fortunate to be part of its evolution and growth.We have to be careful when we use the other established family of musical instruments as references;they have had 100s of years of development. And even up today there is continued refinement of those same instruments.The knowledge is available. The question is "are the tuners ready to take up the challenge!!
Caspar Durant, I can support your description of the unique technique which Allan practiced when he completed a Tenor pan. He did explain to me the reason why he threw the Pan several feet away and had it land on its playing side. I spent as much time as was possible with him while you all were in Montreal back in 1967.He taught me a lot. It took me almost 20 years to master what he taught me. I probable will recognize you if we meet because I spent that entire summer at the expo'67.
Despers - Yuh Lookin Fuh Horn
Despers - Amour HD
That was NICE odw. Never heard it before!!!