Patrick Arnold new NCC chairman

FORMER HEAD of Pan Trinbago, Patrick Arnold, yesterday received his instrument of appointment as National Carnival Commission (NCC) Chairman from Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism, Winston Peters.

Arnold declined to comment on his new appointment and his vision for the state agency, saying he wanted to first meet with the NCC board.

"I don't want to make any comment until I meet with the board," he said, adding that he plans to have this meeting soon.

He did say, however, that after 13 years on the NCC board and as a former Pan Trinbago president, he did have a lot of plans and "a lot of experience with culture and with the organization".

"There is a lot to put in place, Carnival is around the corner," he added.

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  • Can your Steelband play the National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago? For our Golden Jubilee 50th Year of Independence All Steelbands must pay Tribute to the Land of the Steelpan.♪♪♪August 31 2012 @ 12:00 PM

  • congrats Mr. Arnold. Hope u make us proud

  • Here is a WST interview with Patrick Arnold. It may give us some insight as to what to expect or not expect next from him in this new position.


  • Mr. Arnold has only Pan Trinbago to manage and he fail, now he have all the cultural agencies  under his belt we are looking for more failure, so please minister Peters watch who you put in charge of my/our pan, mas and calypso.

    • Mr. Curtis what do you mean,"he has only Pan Trinbago to manage? perhaps you do not understand the

      position he now holds. He is the new NCC Chairman do you get it? Let me take this opportunity to wish 

      Mr.Patrick  Arnold all the best in his new position. You have a lot of hard work to do, I believe with your

      vast experience in our cultural art form, you can only move this organization (NCC) forward. May I also say many thanks to the former Chairman Mr. De Silver.


    • Congratulations Mr Patrick Arnold on your new appointment, probably you can give a few pointers to the President of Pan Trinbago
  • Congratulations to Mr. Arnold, on his new appointment from the Board of Directors and Members of United States Steel Band Association Inc. (USSA).

    • This is a victory for Pan. Congratulation Patrick on your elevation to this important Office. You have the experience and should use it wisely. You come from the 'Belly' of the Pan, so we expect good and favourable decision wrt the progressive movement of our National Instrument.

      As Pantrinbago President you had good ideas but wasn't able to implement because you hadn't the power then. Now that you are in the position I expect 'forward ever, backward never' I want to see fairness and equity ar far as assistance to Steelbands are concerned. I would be looking Forward towards the 'Evolution of the National Instrument' I would be looking forward towards your professional and cordial involvement in the Steelpan Initiatives Project from the Panadigm Team/Board, a way forward for Pan.........................Next Generation, Patrick P J Joseph

  • The appointment of Patrick Arnold to Chairman of the NCC at this time in our development is a retrograde step. There are T&T citizens far more competent and suitable for this position.  

         This job requires administrative competence, passion, cultural knowledge, drive and a creative vision of Carnival’s potential as our most important multicultural Festival. Which of these would you say Mr Arnold has displayed at Pan Trinbago or his 13 years as a committee member at said NCC?

         With all due respect, I am disappointed with those in Government who appointed him. The time is long past when jobs of such National importance are filled by the archaic attitude of “Gi the boy a chance, nah?

         We need to write the specs, advertise the job, measure the applicants against the specs and then examine those ‘extra qualities’, such as their vision, that each applicant brings to the position, before an appointment is made. This process of democratic meritocracy must be adopted if we in T&T are to grasp and development the heritage that our ancestors left for us. ASW.

    • Agreed. But that will happen "when pigs fly." After 10+ years living here, I know things won't change. In fact, change is feared and held back. That's why, sadly, this country loses so many talented people as they must go away to pursue their dreams. I only wish it was different.
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