From Trinidad Express
By Fitzgerald G Cardinez
Another Panorama bacchanal is brewing, with the management ofPetrotrin Phase II Pan Groove up in arms over the rules and regulationsgoverning Panorama 2011 handed out to bands on Monday.
Manager Errol Skerritt told the Express yesterday Pan Trinbagohas added a clause that could affect his band's chances of movingforward to the final.
Skerritt said under Rule 5— Music Selection, Section 5.1 hasbeen amended to include "and that the lyrics of the chosen piece notcontain material which is considered to be libellous or obscene". Lastyear, Section 5.1 read, "For the purpose of the competition, eachparticipating steelband may select and perform any calypso, as long asthe same selection has not been played by said steelband in a previousPanorama competition."
The manager feels his band will be at a disadvantage because ofthe song they are playing for Panorama. The song is a GregoryBallantyne composition, "Do Something For Pan", with melody composed byarranger Len "Boogsie" Sharpe. The song contains words to the effectthat members are unhappy with Pan Trinbago's president Keith Diaz'sleadership, Skerrit explained.
"About eight other bands have chosen 'Do Something For Pan' astheir Panorama piece and could be affected. These bands are in anadvanced stage of practice and cannot afford to change their song,"Skerritt said
Coulc it be possible that sooo many people are deft, dumb blind or stupid??? Which "Pan" plays lyrics??? What does this have to do with "music" Pans dont sing. The lyric battle is Diaz vs Bally This does NOT bear on Panorama Music or any steelband. As a Panist (all my life) I have seen those who talk the talk but dont walk the walk when it comes to furthering the instrument and artform in other words the movers and shakers in the society all pay lip service. Pan Trinbago is no different It has become a self serving org that does NOT represent the interests of the pan movement
paddy corea
The Pan Players Ass. Has listened and read the reports uttered by all of you over the past days and we can now say without a doubt and without any apology that the main forces that fight against us are within us. If this continues, we will see a very long and hard road ahead. Here we are grabbing at straws worrying about $800; a tune is rebellious and so on. Few want to defend the truth. Here it is that The Pan in the Classroom Project is under pressure, where is Pan Trinbago, a Steel Orchestra is being evicted, a Pan Player is murdered , No Education for Pan Players to service all the Universities, Colleges and other Institutions around the world, No Legislation to allow a Pan Player to become a Tutor or a Teacher, No Performance Rights for Players since 1963, Now No Freedom of speech, The Discrimination that a Player must play in one Band alone, NO Secured % Air Time for the Music of our Culture and the Thoughtlessness that a Steelband could play a tune from any year and not how it was in the past but rather a move to stifle growth, WE The Pan Players ass, of T&T stand firmly behind all those Developed Minded Surporters who voiced their opinions in Respect of Truth and our Basic Human Right of Freedom of Speech,
We believe the Institution Pan Trinbago has failed the Pan Fraternity, We also are of the view that its members were better served when they were THE STEELBAND ASSOICATION.
Bevon Phillips
Pres. Pan Players Ass. T&T
Today, I visited Pan Trinbago's office in POS and from what I was told...apparently the rule about the song has been this is no longer an issue. Now that this distraction is over we should get back to the main issue which is petitioning the policy of the Gypsy and the Government concerning the funding for the Panorama preliminary competition for 2011
well Kim, the point is they only made this new rule AFTER the tune choice was already decided, and practice of said tune already underway
Both Pan Trinbago and Gypsy are providing comic relief for the 2011 Panorama season. Unfortunately the issues they are in egeaged in are quite serious. They seem to not have a grasp as to how their actions play out on a global stage. Embarrassing behavior from both offices.
Another first for pan.The only musical instrument that plays lyrics.
Congrats to PanTrinbago