Why isn't George "Sonny" Goddard's passing mentioned in this "time line"? Why isn't he given credit for MUCH of the info posted, which are direct quotations from his book: "Forty Years In The Steelbands - 1939 - 1979"? Should his "death" receive the same respect, and wishes that he (too) "Rest In Peace"? The pan fraternity should be ashamed that such a major leader is still not given the respect and homage he deserves. And that's why I will continue to keep the name of GEORGE "SONNY" GODDARD" in conversations that would not have been without his contribution and written works. Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks.
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Mr. Goodard's book "'Forty Years in the Steelbands 1939-1979 : George “Sonny” Goddard 1991 Karia Press"' is listed as one of our sources. But more importantly WST is still waiting on you to provide us with a list of items you felt would make our list more complete. You said you would provide us with this. Our list is nothing more than a very very small attempt to fill a void until folks like yourself produce the real deal.
I assume you didn’t wait on any of your “sources” in creating your current list. I have certainly been very involved in discussions on this forum, and have actively participated as a member in numerous debates. I am sure that any of your editors could find important facts from your various sources, about the struggle known as the “steelband movement”, which, like America’s Civil Rights Movement, allowed for some acceptance from a discriminative society. The successes in the socio-political arena are more important than the successes in the various Panoramas and other competitions, yet your “time-line” which is supposed to be about “steel pan history”, is overwhelmed with unattractive hyperlinks of Panorama winners. I lost count at 300, the number of times the word “Panorama” is mentioned and the subtitled bullet point.
BTW – Please provide your primary source, which corroborates the claim that Antigua’s pan competition was called “Panorama” in 1949, or ANY time prior to the beginning of the 1960s, when CDC Chairman, Ronald Williams, according to my sources, is the one who came up with the name for the competition, i.e. “Panorama”.
Incidentally, this is not the first time I brought up the omission of George’s passing on WST “time line”; your reply should have included a response to that issue. After all, it is the least you can do to show gratitude and respect for one of your self-proclaimed “sources”. So, I ask again: “Why isn’t George ‘Sonny’ Goddard’s passing mentioned…?” After all, it’s when “STEEL TALKS, EVERYONE LISTENS”, and, often in this forum, when “The Ghost Who Talks” talk, the lynch mobs form. I am sorry, but your approach reminds me of Pontius Pilate’s washing his hands. I hope that you are sincere in your waiting, and I will ignore my instinct, which tells me that your tone is condescending and not genuine.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life.” Winston Churchill.
Finally, I think that your list is “complete” in what it seeks to do, although I am not sure, that when it comes to the “steelband movement” (which is still very much alive), “a very small attempt” in reconstructing its history, serves in its best interests. I actually believe that there are those who are more comfortable with your (well-intended) non-offensive “time line”, especially non- Trinidad & Tobago nationals, and others who just want to play pan and have some fun playing music. They prefer not knowing the facts when it comes to the socio-political aspect of pan and her history. Then there are those who have NO other intent, but to exploit pan to its MAXIMUM, and if we think that international exploitation ended with Wolfgang Krause, then we are forgetful as the moth attracted to the bug zapper.
RULE OF THUMB: Include in your “time line”, events and actions that really mattered and positively affected the lives and well-being of the “steelband movement” and its dependents.
Some of your “time line” should include:
1950 – Albert Gomes addresses the need for “steelbandsmen forming their own association…”
(Your “time line” gives credit for the forming of the association to Lennox Pierre and
Carlyle Kerr. It also seems to give dredit to these two for introducing the “steelband
recital Please provide your source/s.)
– George “Sonny” Goddard elected as Vice-Secretary of the Steelbands Association.
– Sydney Gollop, Joe “Admiral” Crick, and George Goddard ride bicycles with placards on
their backs and chests, promoting the association’s first “Steelband Recital”. Part of the
funds were to be used help with Winston “Spree” Simon’s medical bills, the result of an
“accident”, which I later found out was really a gunshot wound.
– (Correction) Steelband Association’s drive to end individually-sponsored competitions,
not neither “banned”, nor had the power to ban, any steelband competition. Two of
these competitions were cancelled last minute, after Goddard, Oscar Pile, Sonny
Harewood, and others, showed up and “picketed” at the venues.
1951 – (Clarification) TASPO came out of the “Operation Britian” Action Committee’s formation
by the Steelbands Association executive, and did not just “establish” itself.
1955 – George Goddard, at the time not a member of the association, is asked by the
association’s president, Nathaniel Crichlow, to attend a meeting with Dr. Eric Williams.
At the meeting, which was poorly attended, Dr. Williams stated that “steelbandsmen
must be involved in politics because politics determines what you eat, when you eat,
how you eat, and if you eat.”
1957 – Desperadoes and Marabuntas involved in bloddy clashes.
– George Goddard is elected President of the Steelbands Association for the first time. He
meets the association in disarray, and with only a dozen (or so) steelbands of the over
seventy-five, were members. Public relations with the media and law enforcement were
slipping back into the “pan clash” perceptions of the steelbandman (as hooligan). Bands
from South formed their own association, and the “movement” was fragmented and
disorganized. Member ship drive begins.
– Community steelbands marginalized, in favor of “other privileged groups…”, such as the
UWI Steelband and Boy Scouts Steelband. Meanwhile, the US Navy Steelband receives
rave reviews for their tour, and performs at the White House, using Esso Tripoli’s pans.
1958 – The newly-formed Carnival Bandleaders’ Association, and the Steelbands Association
meet, in an effort to support each other’s interests in the upcoming West Indian Festival
of Arts. Later, the festival organizers would announce “No Carnival for Arts Festival”.
– Dr. Solomon indicates that the Steelbands Association’s lack of credibility as “the
bargaining body for steelbands, came from uncertainty as to the association’s status as
“registered trade union”.
– “Princess Margaret taps her feet to pan music” at the arts festival. A few days later,
George Goddard is presented to the princess. Albert Jones, defends the move, after
published opposition to George being presented to HRH.
1959 – George Goddard resigns as president of the Steelbands Association for “religious
1962 – George Goddard re-elected president of the Steelbands Association.
– The Steelbands Association renamed. Now called the National Association of Trinidad &
Tobago Steelbandsmen or NATTS.
– Local news reports the associations intentions of forming a National Steelband.
– Curtis Pierre (Dixieland) convicted in the UK of weapons charges. The association decides
to host a “variety show”, to help raise funds for Pierre’s legal fees. Goddard writes to the
UK Office of the High Commission of Trinidad & Tobago, on Pierre’s behalf.
– Trinidad & Tobago gains its “independence” from the UK.
1963 – The first “Steelbands Panorama” held, a name first presented by Ronald Williams.
– George Goddard leads the association to organize pan’s first music festival (now known
as “Pan Is Beautiful..”).
– George Goddard re-elected president of NATTS for his third stint as leader.
– Wolfgang Krause of Germany disappears with hours of footage of “steelbandsmen in
action, including the famous Ellie Manette tuning his pans…”
1964 – George Goddard again re-elected president of the NATTS.
– George is invited by Moral Re-Armament (MRA), to perform at an international
youth forum to be held in Mackinaw Island, Michigan. George suggests that the National
Steelband would be better at representing steelbands, than having him do lectures.
Conrad Hunte, insists that George attends, and the MRA sends for Goddard, covering all
his airfare and expenses.
1965 – University of California graduate students “moved to tears”, after Goddard’s lecture at
the Casablanca panyard, titled “The Evolution Of The Steelband”. They present him with
an honorarium which he turns over to Casablanca.
1966 – George Goddard and Mrs. Goddard presented to Queen Elizabeth II at the Botanical
Gardens. Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salndenha, also among the distinguished guests.
– George Goddard, as an advisor to tour manager, Melville Robin, among cultural group
picked to perform at the First Festival Of Negro Arts in Senegal. This would be the first
time a steelband would perform in Africa, as Desperadoes was among the cast that
included (dancer) Julia Edwards, and (calypsonian) Mighty Terror.
1967 – George Goddard writes letter to the Pope, amidst opposition and resistance to having
religious music be played on pans. The Vatican responds favorably, however, local church
leaders and many parishioners, stuck to their prejudicial views of pan and her players.
– George Goddard manages National Steelband at the Expo ’67 in Montreal, Canada.
1968 – George Goddard is again re-elected president of the NATTS.
– George Goddard appointed on a two-year government contract, as “Advisor on the
Improvement of Steelband Music”. This was a low-income position, but he reluctantly
took it on advice from both Lennox Pierre and Ronald Williams.
– George Goddard comes to panmen’s defense against efforts to “ban the Bomb” tune.
To be continued… 1970 onwards..
. Do you see ANY info here that is important to the “history of the steel pan”, that can be added to your “time line”? I understand how many times the name George Goddard keeps coming up; that’s the extent of his influence on pan history, and I challenge ANY of you to compare what he did with the works of others involved, not merely as naïve musicians, but as visionary leaders who had the courage to defend EVERY member of an organization he was elected to represent. Bring it. Please, I am longing to give credit where credit is due. Yeah, Boogsie bad, and Despers had a hell of a leader in Rudolph Charles. But please articulate for me, how what they did benefits the “steelband movement” in its quest for social acceptance. This is why I have to conclude that George “Sonny” Goddard is the GREATEST leader of the “steelband movement”! Period. And, until the evidence shows otherwise, we ALL should be grateful. Unless, we are more concerned about “what we eat, when we eat, how we eat, and if we eat…” In that, George was the least concerned, and that is why he was not afraid to march in Port of Spain, and speak in Woodford Square, declaring that he “knew when the deaf one hear what ah have to say, ah go lose meh job (as advisor), but is okay, ah accustom to catching mosquito…” (referring to his old daily-paid, non-skill job as a malaria evaluator.)
Pan Times > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksOctober 26, 2011 at 3:59pm
Your father is someone we would have loved to have met. Pan stands on the shoulders of his accomplishments and others. You won't get a fight from WST over the value and importance of the life and works of George Goddard as it relates to the steelpan movement. Who better than you, his son, to provide such information?Mr. Goddard's work speaks for itself and doesn't need to get into some balancing of equations with others for his contributions to be recognized. At least from WST's perspective.
Having said that, let's be clear we are not historians. And we are not trying to be or want to be historians. The WST timeline is simply a place-holder until those like yourself and other qualified historians do your thing. WST is simply of the understanding that if you don't know and tell your history someone else will do it for you. And most likely it will be wrong or "you" will be written out of existence. The fact that you are having this discussion with WST highlights the fact that things have already gone wrong and folks are not taking care of their business.
We recommend that you put together the proper Time-line as you see it and WST will link to it.
Firstly, thank you WST for the respect you have for GG's works, and for letting everyone on this forum know that "Pan stands on the shoulders of his accomplishments and others". Unfortunately, his work does not speak "for itself", otherwise we would not be having this conversation. In fact, the vast majority of panists don't even know what that "work" is, and that is why the "Ghost Who Talks" appeared.
Based on the declaration on your main page that, "When Steel Talks is dedicated to pan worldwide. It is an initiative designed to promote the history and culture of the Steelband globally.", I assumed that you are serious in promoting both the history and culture, both of which extend outside Panorama's history of winners. I say stay true to your declaration. I constructively criticized your "time line" and the excessive use of hyperlinks, which are both unattractive and confusing. And I took the time to provide you with a list of items as you requested, and I have done my part. If you are true to your word, then you would be the one to add to your existing "time line" any items that you think are important. I assume it is a "living document", and it is always being updated as the facts come in. (Why treat this updated info any differently.) This is EXACTLY the kind of treatment to my dad's legacy that makes me angry, for on one hand you appear to honor his work, yet on the other, you choose to keep it out of your "time line". You recently added the passings of both Dr. Geraldine Connor and Pat Bishop, yet you REFUSE to even answer my question as to the omission of my dad's passing. I guess you add what is popular and palatable, and, apparently, adding George's passing and other important historical facts about his work, is less important than adding Connor and Bishop. Please get real, and DO THE RIGHT THING! You stated that you were "waiting" on me to deliver. I delivered. Now is your time to update your "time line" as you see fit. This is your forum, not mine, and I am neither historian nor qualified. I am simply PAN'TUM - THE GHOST WHO TALKS, and I HONOR THE LEGACY OF GEORGE "SONNY" GODDARD! As for the others who stand on the "shoulders of his accomplishments...", all I can say is: Karma. Karma. Karma.
As for the rest of your mumbo-jumbo, I'm sorry, but I don't get it. "My history"? History is not mine to possess, and TRUTH always trumps falsifications of history. I can NEVER be "written out of existence", because I am the Ghost Who Talks, and I will be here FOREVER!!! In the true GRIOT tradition, George's legacy and contributions will be forever known! And there is NOTHING that can stop that. I call it DIVINE WILL; and no mere earthling can suppress it. You see HE was called to be that leader. THE GREATEST LEADER OF THE "STEELBAND MOVEMENT". And not just simply, as you put it, "one of the early leaders..." Please stop presenting George as some fly-by-night leader, and if you cannot do that, at least honor his legacy, by removing EVERYTHING in your "time line" about him or that came from his book. People all over talking about TASPO and EXPO '67, and they don't even know that the common thread is GEORGE GODDARD. Ask Hugh Borde. Ask Clifford Alexis. Ask ANY of the old TASPO or Expo '67 panists. GEORGE WAS THE LEADER, NOT JUST ANY OLD LEADER! (Sorry for shouting.)
Steelbands Association. NATTS. Pan Trinbago. MRA youth seminar. Pan in Africa. Expo '67. TASPO. PANORAMA. Steelband Music Festival. Brass-o-rama. Kiddies Carnival. Cultural Advisor to the Prime minister. Government-appointed author on pan history. What do they ALL have in common? George's input and leadership.
I thank you for your replies, and look forward to you updating your "time line".
Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks...Honoring The Legacy Of George "Sonny" Goddard.
Dear Sir:
Mr. Goodard's book "'Forty Years in the Steelbands 1939-1979 : George “Sonny” Goddard 1991 Karia Press"' is listed as one of our sources. But more importantly WST is still waiting on you to provide us with a list of items you felt would make our list more complete. You said you would provide us with this. Our list is nothing more than a very very small attempt to fill a void until folks like yourself produce the real deal.
Dear WST,
I thought I already did. https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/forum/topics/who-am-i-a-breakdown-of
I assume you didn’t wait on any of your “sources” in creating your current list. I have certainly been very involved in discussions on this forum, and have actively participated as a member in numerous debates. I am sure that any of your editors could find important facts from your various sources, about the struggle known as the “steelband movement”, which, like America’s Civil Rights Movement, allowed for some acceptance from a discriminative society. The successes in the socio-political arena are more important than the successes in the various Panoramas and other competitions, yet your “time-line” which is supposed to be about “steel pan history”, is overwhelmed with unattractive hyperlinks of Panorama winners. I lost count at 300, the number of times the word “Panorama” is mentioned and the subtitled bullet point.
BTW – Please provide your primary source, which corroborates the claim that Antigua’s pan competition was called “Panorama” in 1949, or ANY time prior to the beginning of the 1960s, when CDC Chairman, Ronald Williams, according to my sources, is the one who came up with the name for the competition, i.e. “Panorama”.
Incidentally, this is not the first time I brought up the omission of George’s passing on WST “time line”; your reply should have included a response to that issue. After all, it is the least you can do to show gratitude and respect for one of your self-proclaimed “sources”. So, I ask again: “Why isn’t George ‘Sonny’ Goddard’s passing mentioned…?” After all, it’s when “STEEL TALKS, EVERYONE LISTENS”, and, often in this forum, when “The Ghost Who Talks” talk, the lynch mobs form. I am sorry, but your approach reminds me of Pontius Pilate’s washing his hands. I hope that you are sincere in your waiting, and I will ignore my instinct, which tells me that your tone is condescending and not genuine.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life.” Winston Churchill.
Finally, I think that your list is “complete” in what it seeks to do, although I am not sure, that when it comes to the “steelband movement” (which is still very much alive), “a very small attempt” in reconstructing its history, serves in its best interests. I actually believe that there are those who are more comfortable with your (well-intended) non-offensive “time line”, especially non-
Trinidad & Tobago nationals, and others who just want to play pan and have some fun playing music. They prefer not knowing the facts when it comes to the socio-political aspect of pan and her history. Then there are those who have NO other intent, but to exploit pan to its MAXIMUM, and if we think that international exploitation ended with Wolfgang Krause, then we are forgetful as the moth attracted to the bug zapper.
RULE OF THUMB: Include in your “time line”, events and actions that really mattered and positively affected the lives and well-being of the “steelband movement” and its dependents.
Some of your “time line” should include:
(Your “time line” gives credit for the forming of the association to Lennox Pierre and
Carlyle Kerr. It also seems to give dredit to these two for introducing the “steelband
recital Please provide your source/s.)
their backs and chests, promoting the association’s first “Steelband Recital”. Part of the
funds were to be used help with Winston “Spree” Simon’s medical bills, the result of an
“accident”, which I later found out was really a gunshot wound.
not neither “banned”, nor had the power to ban, any steelband competition. Two of
these competitions were cancelled last minute, after Goddard, Oscar Pile, Sonny
Harewood, and others, showed up and “picketed” at the venues.
by the Steelbands Association executive, and did not just “establish” itself.
association’s president, Nathaniel Crichlow, to attend a meeting with Dr. Eric Williams.
At the meeting, which was poorly attended, Dr. Williams stated that “steelbandsmen
must be involved in politics because politics determines what you eat, when you eat,
how you eat, and if you eat.”
meets the association in disarray, and with only a dozen (or so) steelbands of the over
seventy-five, were members. Public relations with the media and law enforcement were
slipping back into the “pan clash” perceptions of the steelbandman (as hooligan). Bands
from South formed their own association, and the “movement” was fragmented and
disorganized. Member ship drive begins.
UWI Steelband and Boy Scouts Steelband. Meanwhile, the US Navy Steelband receives
rave reviews for their tour, and performs at the White House, using Esso Tripoli’s pans.
meet, in an effort to support each other’s interests in the upcoming West Indian Festival
of Arts. Later, the festival organizers would announce “No Carnival for Arts Festival”.
bargaining body for steelbands, came from uncertainty as to the association’s status as
“registered trade union”.
George Goddard is presented to the princess. Albert Jones, defends the move, after
published opposition to George being presented to HRH.
– The Steelbands Association renamed. Now called the National Association of Trinidad &
Tobago Steelbandsmen or NATTS.
– Local news reports the associations intentions of forming a National Steelband.
– Curtis Pierre (Dixieland) convicted in the UK of weapons charges. The association decides
to host a “variety show”, to help raise funds for Pierre’s legal fees. Goddard writes to the
UK Office of the High Commission of Trinidad & Tobago, on Pierre’s behalf.
– Trinidad & Tobago gains its “independence” from the UK.
– George Goddard leads the association to organize pan’s first music festival (now known
as “Pan Is Beautiful..”).
– George Goddard re-elected president of NATTS for his third stint as leader.
– Wolfgang Krause of Germany disappears with hours of footage of “steelbandsmen in
action, including the famous Ellie Manette tuning his pans…”
– George is invited by Moral Re-Armament (MRA), to perform at an international
youth forum to be held in Mackinaw Island, Michigan. George suggests that the National
Steelband would be better at representing steelbands, than having him do lectures.
Conrad Hunte, insists that George attends, and the MRA sends for Goddard, covering all
his airfare and expenses.
the Casablanca panyard, titled “The Evolution Of The Steelband”. They present him with
an honorarium which he turns over to Casablanca.
Gardens. Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salndenha, also among the distinguished guests.
– George Goddard, as an advisor to tour manager, Melville Robin, among cultural group
picked to perform at the First Festival Of Negro Arts in Senegal. This would be the first
time a steelband would perform in Africa, as Desperadoes was among the cast that
included (dancer) Julia Edwards, and (calypsonian) Mighty Terror.
religious music be played on pans. The Vatican responds favorably, however, local church
leaders and many parishioners, stuck to their prejudicial views of pan and her players.
Improvement of Steelband Music”. This was a low-income position, but he reluctantly
took it on advice from both Lennox Pierre and Ronald Williams.
To be continued… 1970 onwards..
. Do you see ANY info here that is important to the “history of the steel pan”, that can be added to your “time line”? I understand how many times the name George Goddard keeps coming up; that’s the extent of his influence on pan history, and I challenge ANY of you to compare what he did with the works of others involved, not merely as naïve musicians, but as visionary leaders who had the courage to defend EVERY member of an organization he was elected to represent. Bring it. Please, I am longing to give credit where credit is due. Yeah, Boogsie bad, and Despers had a hell of a leader in Rudolph Charles. But please articulate for me, how what they did benefits the “steelband movement” in its quest for social acceptance. This is why I have to conclude that George “Sonny” Goddard is the GREATEST leader of the “steelband movement”! Period. And, until the evidence shows otherwise, we ALL should be grateful. Unless, we are more concerned about “what we eat, when we eat, how we eat, and if we eat…” In that, George was the least concerned, and that is why he was not afraid to march in Port of Spain, and speak in Woodford Square, declaring that he “knew when the deaf one hear what ah have to say, ah go lose meh job (as advisor), but is okay, ah accustom to catching mosquito…” (referring to his old daily-paid, non-skill job as a malaria evaluator.)
Your father is someone we would have loved to have met. Pan stands on the shoulders of his accomplishments and others. You won't get a fight from WST over the value and importance of the life and works of George Goddard as it relates to the steelpan movement. Who better than you, his son, to provide such information? Mr. Goddard's work speaks for itself and doesn't need to get into some balancing of equations with others for his contributions to be recognized. At least from WST's perspective.
Having said that, let's be clear we are not historians. And we are not trying to be or want to be historians. The WST timeline is simply a place-holder until those like yourself and other qualified historians do your thing. WST is simply of the understanding that if you don't know and tell your history someone else will do it for you. And most likely it will be wrong or "you" will be written out of existence. The fact that you are having this discussion with WST highlights the fact that things have already gone wrong and folks are not taking care of their business.
We recommend that you put together the proper Time-line as you see it and WST will link to it.
Firstly, thank you WST for the respect you have for GG's works, and for letting everyone on this forum know that "Pan stands on the shoulders of his accomplishments and others". Unfortunately, his work does not speak "for itself", otherwise we would not be having this conversation. In fact, the vast majority of panists don't even know what that "work" is, and that is why the "Ghost Who Talks" appeared.
Based on the declaration on your main page that, "When Steel Talks is dedicated to pan worldwide. It is an initiative designed to promote the history and culture of the Steelband globally.", I assumed that you are serious in promoting both the history and culture, both of which extend outside Panorama's history of winners. I say stay true to your declaration. I constructively criticized your "time line" and the excessive use of hyperlinks, which are both unattractive and confusing. And I took the time to provide you with a list of items as you requested, and I have done my part. If you are true to your word, then you would be the one to add to your existing "time line" any items that you think are important. I assume it is a "living document", and it is always being updated as the facts come in. (Why treat this updated info any differently.) This is EXACTLY the kind of treatment to my dad's legacy that makes me angry, for on one hand you appear to honor his work, yet on the other, you choose to keep it out of your "time line". You recently added the passings of both Dr. Geraldine Connor and Pat Bishop, yet you REFUSE to even answer my question as to the omission of my dad's passing. I guess you add what is popular and palatable, and, apparently, adding George's passing and other important historical facts about his work, is less important than adding Connor and Bishop. Please get real, and DO THE RIGHT THING! You stated that you were "waiting" on me to deliver. I delivered. Now is your time to update your "time line" as you see fit. This is your forum, not mine, and I am neither historian nor qualified. I am simply PAN'TUM - THE GHOST WHO TALKS, and I HONOR THE LEGACY OF GEORGE "SONNY" GODDARD! As for the others who stand on the "shoulders of his accomplishments...", all I can say is: Karma. Karma. Karma.
As for the rest of your mumbo-jumbo, I'm sorry, but I don't get it. "My history"? History is not mine to possess, and TRUTH always trumps falsifications of history. I can NEVER be "written out of existence", because I am the Ghost Who Talks, and I will be here FOREVER!!! In the true GRIOT tradition, George's legacy and contributions will be forever known! And there is NOTHING that can stop that. I call it DIVINE WILL; and no mere earthling can suppress it. You see HE was called to be that leader. THE GREATEST LEADER OF THE "STEELBAND MOVEMENT". And not just simply, as you put it, "one of the early leaders..." Please stop presenting George as some fly-by-night leader, and if you cannot do that, at least honor his legacy, by removing EVERYTHING in your "time line" about him or that came from his book. People all over talking about TASPO and EXPO '67, and they don't even know that the common thread is GEORGE GODDARD. Ask Hugh Borde. Ask Clifford Alexis. Ask ANY of the old TASPO or Expo '67 panists. GEORGE WAS THE LEADER, NOT JUST ANY OLD LEADER! (Sorry for shouting.)
Steelbands Association. NATTS. Pan Trinbago. MRA youth seminar. Pan in Africa. Expo '67. TASPO. PANORAMA. Steelband Music Festival. Brass-o-rama. Kiddies Carnival. Cultural Advisor to the Prime minister. Government-appointed author on pan history. What do they ALL have in common? George's input and leadership.
I thank you for your replies, and look forward to you updating your "time line".
Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks...Honoring The Legacy Of George "Sonny" Goddard.
(Because if I didn't, no one else will.)