Type: xxxx steel orchestra for a start. Follow streams by Glenroy Joseph, panjumbie, Gentle Benjamin, IsDePanInMe, tobagojo4sure, etc.. there are a few more serious others (hunt!)
There is an amazing amount of TT stuff up there. Some specialise in quality audio only.
For steelpan music
Try YouTube
Type: xxxx steel orchestra for a start.
Follow streams by Glenroy Joseph, panjumbie, Gentle Benjamin, IsDePanInMe, tobagojo4sure, etc..
there are a few more serious others (hunt!)
There is an amazing amount of TT stuff up there.
Some specialise in quality audio only.
Good luck
There are several local collectors who will be happy to supply almost every type of local music.
I'm in the UK, bro.
Looking for old Starlift LPs - with Brazil, My Fair Lady, Ascot Gavott etc.
plenty calypso just put in the artist name
I saw a few "Steel Drums" albums and an album by Machel Montano in "World Music"