
  • For steelpan music
    Try YouTube

    Type: xxxx steel orchestra for a start.
    Follow streams by Glenroy Joseph, panjumbie, Gentle Benjamin, IsDePanInMe, tobagojo4sure, etc..
    there are a few more serious others (hunt!)

    There is an amazing amount of TT stuff up there.
    Some specialise in quality audio only.

    Good luck

  • There are several local collectors who will be happy to supply almost every type of local music.

    • I'm in the UK, bro.

      Looking for old Starlift LPs - with Brazil, My Fair Lady, Ascot Gavott etc.

      • Randy. I am not Sure if You Can get an Album with STARLIFT Playing My Fair Lady and Brazil. You Can Get it from a Despers Album.
  • plenty calypso just put in the artist  name

  • I saw a few "Steel Drums" albums and an album by Machel Montano in "World Music"

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