Not too long ago all Steelbands appearing in Panorama weather they win lost or fell by the wayside used to be on the road for Carnival, Now most of them are just registering for Panorama to get assistance to bands, appearance and stipend fees. Some of them tried their best but cannot even show up for Prelims and the others that failed to advance just goes in hibernation from the Carnival season with no intentions of playing on the road only to reappear 12 Months later for the next Panorama. Now i am not a person to stop anyone from eating ah food, But if The Big 5 and other large bands says they are only taking part in Panorama and not playing on the road on Carnival days will it have and effect on Tourism and the Economy so i am just asking a question here, Should Steelbands who have no intentions of taking part in Carnival with no intentions of playing on the road on Carnival days be allowed to register and take part in Panorama?
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If pan on the road dead what then? Monday afternoon Steelband Street Party is the best thing they can do to promote the steelband today.
Why do people -- especially EXPAT pan lovers -- think that what they witness in their early window of life years that it applies for ETERNITY.
Do you all know how many CARNIVALS have been held in Trinidad and how many of them never had PAN?
PAN ON THE ROAD for carnival DEAD.
Move forward to what , Claude ?
And believe me , I'm only asking.
Maybe you see something that I don't , but then again I must admit I'm an old ex-pat pan lover.
Because , try as I might i cannot see much of a future for steelbands in T&T without a full participation in the country's main cultural event , the carnival , which is an event that is still identified with the steelband in many areas of the world where the art-form is recognized..