Exodus Steel Orchestra
Fonclaire Steel Orchestra
Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Invaders Steel Orchestra
Phase II Pan Groove
Redemption Sound Setters Steel Orchestra
Exodus Steel Orchestra
Fonclaire Steel Orchestra
Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Invaders Steel Orchestra
Phase II Pan Groove
Redemption Sound Setters Steel Orchestra
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I think a top 12 should be the rule of thumb. That's the semis. For the finals it should be whittled down to 7 max that will guaranty an early finish. I'd go so far as to add that at least 1 south band and 1 Tobago band should be included. It may raise the competition in Tobago especially for Katzenjammers or Bucooneers to move up to Large band category because they're capable. But alas that might be too radical.
Add Invaders and that's your top ten list.
So it look like all of these picks are based on “ favoritism “
not arrangments, because I haven’t heard any of these bands tune of choice,
i know it’s all fun , but that is Pan Injustice,,, All bands should have their moment
Before we say who in and who out ... I want to hear them first, I love Pan to much
to deprive those bands of the moment ...or maybe this is how the judges pick too??
Favoritism ‘mmmm...
Miguel: Let us look at it from the other end of the spectrum!!! Suppose these were the 10 BANDS (below) that made the finals -- how many people do you think will show up for the PANORAMA FINALS?
birdsong Steel Orchestra
Exodus Steel Orchestra
Fonclaire Steel Orchestra
Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Invaders Steel Orchestra
Redemption Sound Setters Steel Orchestra
Silver Stars Steel Orchestra
Starlift Steel Orchestra
Tropical Angel Harps Steel Orchestra
Favoritism is a fact that is true , in competitions , food. And people ,
but it is generally after you get a taste of what is presented , as you asked,
if these ten bands were picked , how many people will show up, well partner
that is a different topic all together ( attendance and favoritism ) different things...
panorama attendance goes like this “ a few hundred for pan yard judging then a few thousand
for the pan on De greens north and grand stands pack and the greens with the party vibe happening
and then final night with the true supporters... final night vibes were killed by , things that I can’t explain,,
and I can say this because of the many years of either playing or a supporter on the side ...
No body know how many people will attend, but if the bodies that control the thing , put out the adds
to attract a crowd then people will come out but if they leave it up to hear say then final night will only see true supporters of Pan ..
And that number is unknown ?
Bands are chosen by arranger and popularity which is seldom wrong, we could call it whatever we want.
Your guess is as good as mine. Who's judging?
What I'd really like to know is why have Tokyo found it necessary to drop to the small band category?
After 1 time is 2 time
Skiffle will make my ten...
Desperadoes Steel Orchestra
Exodus Steel Orchestra
Phase II Pan Groove
Redemption Sound Setters Steel Orchestra
Renegades Steel Orchestra
Silver Stars Steel Orchestra
Starlift Steel Orchestra
Supernovas Steel Orchestra
Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra
NINE bands (above) are guaranteed and these SIX bands (below) are fighting for ONE SPOT!!!
birdsong Steel Orchestra
Fonclaire Steel Orchestra
Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Invaders Steel Orchestra
Tropical Angel Harps Steel Orchestra
I am giving the 10 SPOT to FONCLAIRE