Accusations of wrong doings in Pantrinbago, Pan Players remittance jumping in foreign cars, President and vice President not on speaking terms, Plans and decisions made with out the input and knowledge of the membership.Pan players are put on the back burner instead of being taken care of first, this sounds like a local STEELBANDGATE SCANDAL to me BLESSINGS.
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This is kinda deja vu scene with 2 different officers 2 different administrations and now twice the debt....Sad
Earl Richards: I know that you are a DIEHARD BEVERLEY SUPPORTER. But I have to bring to your attention a posting you put up just over THREE YEARS AGO. If you notice, we had already GUESSTIMATED the PAN TRINBAGO DEBT at around $30,000,000, then.
And we both know that in the last two years of the DIAZ-FORTEAU administration -- one can say that is then the REAL TIEFING START. Everybody have the AUDIT REPORT now so they can MATCH UP THE FIGURES and the DESPERATE GRAB FOR THE LAST MONEY.
So how could THE BEV when confronted with the AUDIT REPORT THIS MONTH suddenly say that she found the debt to be "UNIMAGINABLE" when she took over the ORGANIZATION? And she only made that concession when the AUDIT REPORT hit the PUBLIC DOMAIN this month.
Now doh let nobody fool yuh, Earl. All dem PAN TRINBAGO people does read THIS FORUM and have been doing so for years. So when your PRESIDENT claim to be shocked by the SIXTY MILLION debt -- she is not being honest. And she ran on a ticket of HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY. So I will keep calling her out on THAT SCORE.
Now she trying to fool MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE with the FALSE CRACK SHOT PROMISE. And I have been begging THE LADY to resolve the VEE PEE thing so that we could move on. BUT SHE STUCK IN SECRECY -- even though we are living in the INFORMATION AGE. And she still eh see how the FORENSIC AUDIT played out and make her further vulnerable to BEING EASILY READ.
Anyway, Earl!!! Yuh was way ahead of the game with THIS POSTING. So keep up THE GOOD WORK!!!
Pan Trinbago (PT) and the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) are on just about the same footing. They have been founded by acts of Parliament or government institution and they both think that they are untouchable.
Unfortunately the stakeholders, the players, both pan and cricket, believe this to be true.
But the reality is both of them depend on having players in their ranks to justify their existence.
The problem is not really how to change or get rid of either PT or the WICB. The problem is with the floor members, the players themselves.
If the players get together (and form an association) and decide not to support them, then they will be declared null and void.
PT will not be given any subventions by the gov't if the pan players revolt and do not support any of PT's initiatives, including but not limited to Panorama, which is the only thing they actually do and get funding for every year.
Same with the WICB, if the players get together (they already have an association that represents them against WICB) and decide not to play in any WICB sanctioned competitions, then the WICB will be dismantled.
The real problem is getting all of the players to comply.
There will always be those who act for themselves and not for the benefit of everyone and they will fill in the blanks when the others decide to not participate.
Just as the WICB can always find players to step up to the crease everytime they get rid of someone who isn't toeing the line, so to will PT find bands to play at Panorama, even if most of the bands decide not to play. Whether or not anyone decides to attend to hear the worst of the rest is nothing to them, just as the WICB do not care if the stadia are empty.
They still get their money.
What has to happen is that everyone has to bite the bullet and stand up like men for what they believe in.
Do what Little Bravo did. Call them idiots and don't back down.
Until that happens we will all be hearing these stories till we dead.
Wayne Cezair: We have been hearing these stories and will continue hearing these stories until ALL AH WE DEAD!
time for some awards
So now I have to adjust my figure again. PAN TRINBAGO is now in $29.5 MILLION debt since one bank snatched their $5 MILLION back ... and the PAN MEN have to wait AGAIN.
Pan Trinbago, is not like any organization which anyone can set up and dismantle.
The status quo is different because it was incorporated by an Act of Parliament 1985.
Therefore, to dismantle Pan Trinbago, it also requires an act of Parliament. This also illustrates the fact that Pan Trinbago is literally an ‘arm of the government”. That said and done it makes it incumbent on the government to intervene in special cases. The present situation calls for an intervention because up to October month (as the Minister stated), $5million was given to Pan Trinbago for the 2016 payment to the ordinary players. It is understood that the money was deposited at the bank but was confiscated by the bank because the bank was owed by Pan Trinbago. This is a dark period for pan history, but action has to be taken by the government and there are also things that the membership could do. We need to act now.
Salah, the membership has NO leader, is there a plan B? how come they did not have the foresight to know that the bank would confiscate the $5 mil?
First the government should intervene to determine if there is criminal intent and act appropriately. They obviously have to set in place an urgent election which should be triggered by the government. Hopefully we will then elect people who are capable, well mannered and illustrate good intent.
Salah, so far all that's out there are ACCUSATIONS. don't know if the Government will act on that.