Many negative things going against the Steelbands and Panplayers in the mecca of PAN, BIRDSONG facing eviction, one wonders which Steelband will be next. Asami murder is unsolved, Panplayers unpaid for 2016 Panorama. With four months before the year ends what next could go wrong for Steelbands.I am hoping for good and positive news for all Steelbands in the mecca of pan to get their house in order or is this wishful thinking on my part. BLESSINGS.
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Earl Richards: How yuh treating meh so? I does make sure to respond to all your posts. I want you to go up and respond to that ANDY POST. I don't care if you love him or hate him. Just go up and express your opinion on his BIRDSONG post. Because that is a MASTER POST. Ah going and print it out and tape it over the headboard on meh bed.
Earl Richards: I have to point out to you the most absurd statement regarding this whole panyard fiasco.
Yuh Ready!!!
The Vice President of Pan Trinbago, Byron Serrette, said: "Pan Trinbago stands ready to support Birdsong."
JOKEY on the surface, in one context. But, boy, ah get like merrytonestothebone now -- ah cyar tell yuh how I interpret that statement.
Claude…the reason I rest my case is because just like Alice said in Wonderland…"I can't go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then"….
merrytonestothebone: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”
However: If you grow up in Trinidad in the SIXTIES and EARLY SEVENTIES playing and pushing PAN on the ROAD and you went to FOREIGN during those years -- You CAN go back to yesterday and you can step into that river twice simply because of the ECHOES IN YOUR MIND.
All Stars doing what they did in the 60s .
Cecil / claude great minds have said ( TO KNOW THE FUTURE YOU HAVE TO RETURN TO THE PAST ) is steelband included in that saying, Will steelbands have a better future by returning to the road on carnival days,playing in fetes, blocorama, intercol and pan round the neck on Christmas and new eve nights going from house to house and village to village or no way in hell will those days ever come back. BLESSINGS.
Earl: You should go and find the exchanges that me and merrytonestothebone had about returning to the past and trying to cross the same river twice.
Let me tell you a story about trying to revisit the past. I went down to Trinidad one time and when I was there I decided to go to GUYANA to visit some friends I had made when I lived there in the late sixties. I arrived in Georgetown at midnight and took a taxi to my friend's house. When the taxi got to the house in KITTY I paid the driver and jumped out. When I knocked on the door of the house (as in the past) my friends did not live there any more. So here I am in a dangerous city like Georgetown stuck in the darkness off the main roads.
Just by luck a Guyanese man walk up to me and ask me who I looking for and I told him THE HINDS. He said that THE HINDS don't live on this street anymore but now they live two streets over and he gave me the address. When I knocked on the door they were thrilled that a man from Trinidad could just show up just so in the dark and find them. My heart was sinking inside because I caught a lucky break as I have ALL THROUGH MY LIFE.
The moral of my life story is that the PAST doh have nothing to do with my future. In two years time I am leaving California and going to Florida. And when I get to Florida, California will be so far back in my rear-view mirror that I will not care if the earthquake comes and shakes down the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE into the PACIFIC OCEAN because I will be looking ahead to and living THE FLORIDA EXPERIENCE.
When Cecil and dem fellahs done finish making the TIME MACHINE to take us back to the SIXITES -- doh save no SPACE for me. I love the present and future tense much more than the PAST TENSE.
You draw from your past to improve your present so you have a successful future.
Cecil: You know how I feel about the ONE EXAMPLE. Meh new pardner RUDY KENDALL come on the forum and try to mamaguy me with the ONE EXAMPLE and ah let him run he run. He give me ONE EXAMPLE of all the WHITE PEOPLE who teefing BLACK CULTURE.
He cite ANDY NARELL for teefing the BLACK PAN and he cite EMINEM for teefing BLACK RAP and he cite JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE for teefing BLACK R&B. But I dare him to put two more WHITE PAN TEEFS after Andy and I dare him to put two more WHITE RAP TEEFS after Eminem and I dare him to put two more WHITE R&B TEEFS after Justin Timberlake. (Maybe TALENT fits into the equation somewhere.)
And I dare you to put two more examples of STEELBANDS WINNING BAND OF THE YEAR in Trinidad out of the 174 STEELBANDS that enter PANORAMA.
So don't try to tie me up with the ONE EXAMPLE.
Niki Minaj is my BIGGEST HERO -- PURE TALENT AND MARKETING. Because she came to AMERICA, read the cards and she BRUCK DEM UP like ARCHIE. Well, maybe because she have ah lil Indian in she RUDY go say she eh BLACK and she TEEF THE BLACK RAP.
Good Topic earl richards, whatever master plan Steelbands operate with has not been working for sometime, it has reached the point where something has to be done.