State University of New York at Oswego News
Sound engineering -- These four electrical and computer engineering majors are currently in Trinidad and Tobago for the study-abroad course "Engineering the Steelpan," with Samantha Carey (center) leading a Laker Takeover on the SUNY Oswego Instagram channel.
Four students are currently in Trinidad and Tobago designing prototypes for the Caribbean country's national musical instrument in the new course "Engineering the Steelpan," taught by electrical and computer engineering faculty member Marianne Hromalik.
Hromalik, who hails from Trinidad and Tobago, earned a SUNY Chancellor’s Grant for Innovative Study-Abroad Programs for 2017-18 to support creation of the course and to defray costs of the four students traveling. The instrument, which resembles a steel drum, has “a very complex shell” that involves layering to create a distinct sound, Hromalik explained. “There is a lot of folk knowledge about it but not a lot of scientific knowledge.”
The students will work with Hromalik to create a model, a blueprint for building a better steelpan. The initial prototype and testing will be part of a multi-year project, with future classes returning to refine the process.
Can anyone involved in PAN and anyone in higher education in T&T give reasons why this is not also an initiative of Trinidad and Tobago. I use the word ALSO deliberately. We should not want to inhibit the world from improving on or developing OUR gift. All international instruments are researched and developed and manufactured everywhere. But at least WE should be the focal point for research and development. It's not too late.
The PEOPLE in Trinidad see the PAN through a different LENS. Initiatives are usually POLITICAL; and they get appropriated by individuals who put their POCKET above the PROJECT. Beyond that they lack the vision and the SKILLS.
Right now there is a very simple PAN PROJECT that could bring HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of AMERICAN DOLLARS -- enough to buy PAN YARDS and NEW PANS for every STEELBAND IN TRINIDAD. And even new cars for all the EXECUTIVES. But that VISION is lacking because all the EXECUTIVES could see is the HAND OUT FROM THE GOVERNMENT.
Go up the FOOD CHAIN to the MINISTERS and BUREAUCRATS and all they could do is have meetings and write proposals that never leave the table. Like all the talk about TOURISM -- that will always be TALK that never manifests.
I think that you are understood by all who read this response of yours. The anxiety was caused by the final paragraph of the article which refers to your project as an initial one and speaks of future classes returning. It sounds like so many projects that sound innocent but have as a hidden agenda the eventual takeover of the process or cultural form.
People are afraid that the 'multi-year project' will finally end up inthe mass production of pans and sale of same, completely sidelining the present tuners etc (and probably the name 'Trinidad and Tobago'). There is precedent for this.
THE MISSION: "The students will work with Hromalik to create a model, a blueprint for building a better steelpan."
Thisis Marianne Hromalik. This article is misquoting me and conveying incorrect information. My students and I are here to build a prototype instrument to measure vibrations on the pan. I am not in any way building a steelpan - I am not qualified to do so, have no intention of attempting it and NEVER said in any context that I was doing this.. We want to builld an imaging system (custom camera) to measure steelpan vibrations in real time. This is for scientific understanding of the complex shell of a steelpan and has no link whatsoever to any attempts at changing how the steelpan is made or sounds. I am currently awaiting approval from the administrator of this forum to offically post on my own name to clear up this misunderstanding publicly.
So where is your story Marianne Hromalik?
Ah hope they make ah GOOD PAN in quick order!!!
Marianne Hromalik is my sister. She was not interviewed and has not authorised this article or the picture of the exchange studenst under her tutelage. Some of the information is inaccurate, Please contact Dr. Hromalik at 319 2503.
Thank you
Anne-Marie Pouchet