The Appeal of the "persona non grata" motion was filed with Pan Trinbago [sent by fax & email on Monday July 28th 2014: hand delivered to the head office on Wednesday July 30th 2014].
This filing of this appeal is in accordance with Article 14.A.2 of the Pan Trinbago Constitution [All appeals shall be lodged within 14 days of the decision]
The filing of this appeal officially suspends the motion of "persona non grata": as such, the named Directors of the NVPF are entitled to all the rights and privileges as delegates and/or management of their respective steel bands, such as, attendance at meetings, the offices, events of the organization.
This is in accordance with Article 14.C.1 of the Pan Trinbago Constitution [Upon appeal being lodged within the time prescribed, the decision will be suspended until ratification by an extraordinary (emergency) meeting of the General Body]
Hey Bertel,
Does that mean you can now attend all meetings of PT?
Salah, all I want to know is when is the election?