It was to the accompaniment of a fearsome din coming constantly from The Greens at Panorama 2015 that the 14 medium and 15 large steelbands made their appearance on stage Sunday at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain.
Those on The Greens partied away while the competition went on.
In one sense, this is why the event was so aptly immortalized in song “Savannah Party” by David Rudder.
But when he sang about it, he was referring generally to the good time that people had at the event, not the kind of “party hard” that now constitutes The Greens, not just with rhythm sections, but sound systems, air conditioned tents, premium bars, and security guards.
When you are in there you have no idea of what’s going on on stage. But it’s not fair to the pan players after their many late nights into early morn of rehearsal to have to play in this kind of atmosphere.
This was aptly demonstrated when band No.2 in the large band category, Birdsong of Tunapuna came onstage. They were set up and ready to play but the noise never stopped. Some in the audience started to slow clap not understanding they were waiting for the noise to stop, but it never did and so they eventually played, noise and all.
This is fine and some might even say, it goes with the territory. But really, the onus is on Pan Trinbago is to find some way to monitor The Greens and make that noise stop when a band is on stage. It is so disrespectful to the bands and to the art from. This makes a mockery of the competition and the so-called love for pan. Do something about this, Pan Trinbago.
The Low frequency boom was affecting me a only happened when the house DJ stopped for the bands to start. It was the first time for me in panorama in 17 years. I had to work (abroad). I had previously heard of the greens and the North stands party. Funny enough I was not bothered after about 1 hour. I was focused on hearing what I came to hear and that was the Bands. OK! everyone is not as focused as I was!! I came to my party and I enjoyed myself.
If Pan Trinbago is getting an income from the Greens....Good for them......The pan players are as focused as I was, and they showed by their great playing. About The Birdsong Steel Orch. The greens were the least of their problems....The observation that I made after they had setup and was ready to play, concerned the REMOVAL of their FLAG WAVER, that's what all the back and forth was about. The stage manager Mr. Morancie had to indicate to the band that it was the SAME for all bands.....did you not observe how upset the Banner and flag wavers were? Eunice Peters the recording artiste for one of the bands were so upset she was almost bought to tears.
Well, a sane comment, finally. Like the man says: FOCUS.
I am trying to figure out whom to blame for the 'rain' falling on the pans. The gov't or Pan trinbago? The steelbands who were affected by the "noisy greens' should get the media to address their concerns. Mammy and Granny used to say "greens" is good. Whapin????
I was there in the Grand Stand and trust me this WILL be my last time if that jackass who heads Pantrinbago insists on this madness.
My blasted seat was vibrating...YES effin vibrating Mr Diarse!
Not one cent of my money again diarse....I'm effin pissed off
Now ah could get a 'seat' in the stands. Whew! What a long wait!
The people must vote with their feet
Nah! Not at all. FEET is made to walk on carnival day. Doh correct my English.
At this point it has to be clear that the financial bottom line of the greens is what Pantrinbago mostly cares about. The steelband leaders, along with players and supports must now standup, tell Pantrinbago there will be no more bands attending the semi-finals if the greens are to are part of the days events(boycott). This will surely prove how many are really serious about the love for the art form, also put a stop to the disrespect and degrading acts steelbands, Panists, true pan lovers and supporters receives at the hands of the body that is supposed to be protecting and uplifting pan and Panists.
And besides, one wonders how much of that money that is made on the Greens really go to the Steelbands that perform and are disrespected this way with all that BOOM BOOM noise? How much money did the Steelbands received in 2014 or 2013? Anyone knows???? Kamla, put ah hand !!
Do the steelbands really care about the money that is made on the greens?? Does the average pan man care about how much money their band makes? Leave Kams outa dat.