Well, they could put Andy last or third to last but that was the cleanest piece of PAN MUSIC I ever heard. Panorama wise, it was SHORT ON CALYPSO and the JAZZ was TOO POLISHED for that stage. But musically, BIRDSONG set a new standard for performance on PANS.
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One of the most enjoyable and harmonious Panorama arrangements I've heard for the 2016 season. I will enjoy this, for years to come.
Nutones won panorama in 1998 with an arrangement of High Mas by Clive Bradley.
Before making comments about the style of music and speed you should all listen to that winning arrangement.
To be Honest I Dont Have a Problem with Andy Narell Music. I have over 8 to Ten of His CDs. My Problem is He is Trying to Change Something that He Dont even understand. He is Learning our Panorama Craft. Its only Arrogance and Ego that He is Bringing to the Table. His Panorama Pieces are Rejected because its not up to Par with our Music. Does He feels He Knows Panorama Music Better than us who Have been doing this for over Fifty [53] Years?
My ting Val is that Andy could be Beethoven reincarnate, that doh bodder me. He MUST NOT COME TO TRINI and impose he ting on we Panorama if he feel it is noise, doh matter how good he is. An he aint dat good! We cant go to him and do this with him and he music!
We are too tolerant here in T&T. We accommodate too much and doh stand fuh NUTHEN. And maybe dat is why we cant get nuthen rite! Not even d Pan on d roads.
Pan on d roads without big truck noise and smoke.
Bertel My Bro. I Applaud Your Strength. My Sentiments are Very Much the Same. Those who are Blinded by Mediocracy wont see what we are Speaking about. As I Stated earlier. You think that He Can go to Jamaica and try to Change the Way they Play their Reggae or Chance the Beat. This is Hypocrisy and Claude know it. He Has no Valid Point besides His Own Ego. Andy NARELL IS very arrogant. He don't want to even Provide Lyrics for His Piece, something that Ray Holman did when He Started The Own Tune Era with Pan On the Move. If All the Bands Play the Music at His Pace it will be a Very Dull Competition. If all the Bands also played their Music at His Pace they will Expose His Music as Just a Normal Piece. Sometimes I disagree with the Judges, but I totally Agree with them by leaving Him out. The only sad thing is Birdsong becomes Collateral Damage. Bless!
For the past three years around this time Andy Narell has been the "hot topic" it has become tiring because the same arguments are rehashed and to me this is nonproductive. However I have one question, why Trini people hire a foreigner to do a job that is different to their national standard?
Cecil,nutten wrong wid dat. Deh trying a ting. Sometimes is good to try a ting , to come different
Maybe narell will bring something to the music that we can take and use in this our panmusic odyssey. We will see.
Doh treat me so nah MORNING STAR. Just post ONE SONG (All ah want is ONE SONG it wouldn't take too long -- ah little Scrunter for you) from you to prove your point. Any time any American ask me about PAN ah does play ONE SONG for them: the WE KINDA MUSIC video. So give meh ah song to add to that nah ... ONLY ONE.