This is my review of the Clive Bradley Memorial Classics and Carols Music Festival at Brooklyn College on Saturday, December 8th, 2012. My expectations of the bands were, for the most part, exceeded. I do think the criteria of the event need to be better established in the future, for I think the interpretation of "classical" was loose in some regards and time limits were ignored by some. But overall the musical standard was impressive.I was so happy to see this historic occasion be successful, which encourages a continuing sort of "Pan Is Beautiful" event for the New York steelbands, who collectively continue to prove their worth at panorama. Especially remarkable were the arranging talents displayed by names such as Khuent Rose, Jahlani Roberts, Kendall Williams, and Odie Franklin. The international pan community needs to be aware of what these young musicians brought to the table this past Saturday night - world class, thoughtful, highly sophisticated music.
The performers and instruments all looked beautiful - great consideration was given to appropriate presentation. On the producers' end, the sound was actually decent, the bands and stage crew were remarkably efficient in moving the bands along, and the pacing of the event was just right despite a few awkward delays in raising the curtain. The addition of emcees between bands was a good call, although our friends need to re-check their pan history a little more... and it was shameful to see, at an event purportedly honoring Clive Bradley, his name repeatedly spelled wrong in the bio in the program. But the production was excellent overall; it really put Panorama to shame. It even blew away the 2005 Festival at Madison Square Garden. The house crew at Brooklyn College and volunteer crew need to be commended for running such a smooth program.
A note to the audience: I think that a standard of decorum befitting a classical concert need to be reminded to patrons. Reason being, that often the subtle nuances of the classical selections were lost by spontaneous shouting and applause. If folks are willing to pay good money for premium seating and come out in their Sunday best to hear "the classics", they ought to be more respectful to the performers and other patrons. That's simply an accepted part of the classical music world, dictated by the sensitive nature of the music itself. I understand the vocal appreciation of music but if pan wants to be taken seriously in this particular musical sphere, the audience has their part to do too.
I won't go into the judging and results because I didn't view this too much from a competition angle - I think that it served the community better as a showcase of the potential of the bands and arrangers. I understand the place of competition; I would argue that it compels bands and arrangers to push themselves. But I will leave that philosophical discussion for another day. I will congratulate Despers USA and Crossfire for topping the field, indeed I congratulate all the bands and arrangers for putting on such an excellent show. I hope that the organizers continue to put it on, and that in the future it gets the coverage that it deserves.
To all who were part of the Steel Orchestra Concert Saturday, December 8th 2012 at Brooklyn College.
Are there CD's or DVD's available?
Little Man 1972 was the first panorama and Tropicans won with Denzil "belt" Botus.
In 1976 it was Exibits with Anthony Lynch. Merry Christmas
Good job guys, you all got 99% correct.
Little Man, Bradley's first time arranging was in 1981 when Borneo beat him.
All other answers were correct, but there are 2 other arrangers you all missed. HA! HA!
Thanks to the powers that be for brainstorming this concert. Lets hope that it was video taped for posterity and sale before Christmas.
I just heard the performances. Congratulations to the 7 American born arrangers.
Special congrats to Kendell Williams and my nephew, Odie Franklin, not forgeting Despers tuner, Clement Franklin, my last brother.
This is a trivia question for the old school Brooklyn panmen. Can you name the men who won a Brooklyn Panorama on their first attempt? x men did it; you have to solve for x. (lol)
Good job Mr. Rose. I have not listened to all the perfomers as yet, but I am very impressed with your variations.
I personally thought it in poor taste for people to applaud and scream during the songs which could wholly distract the other spectators while disrespecting the sacredity of the event. Then again, Im young and opinionated.
Hopefully that clarified the choice to do that in case there were others that felt offended. It is interesting that very few pieces seemed at all interested in one of Bradley's core musical tenants of story-telling.
Other than some discrepancies with adjudication I think that the event was per successful and that the bands represented themselves well.Congrats to Despers arranging team. And I have to personally congradulate Jahlani Roberts for a colorful, balanced and progressive take of his arrangement of "Have yourself a merry little Christmas". If I were capable of pride Im sure I would feel it.