It's been sometime since I posted here, I've refrain from doing so because at time the conversation becomes a bit unproductive. Today I am stirred by the lack of pan event coverage. I believe there are people around the world who play, listen and love pan. We are longing to hear see and feel what is happening.
To whom it concerns, the men and women who say they are dedicated to the promotion and development of the steelpan and pannists worldwide. Please bring us out the darkness and begin broadcasting, streaming or reporting on pan events in an expeditious and timely manner.
Do you believe the lack of media coverage helps or hurt the art form and it's progression?
Much thanks folks for chiming in folks.
The question was posted after listening to a program where the announcer spoke of the advancement garnered by a sport as a result of media coverage, and the revenue generated as interest of the sport grew as a result of media coverage.
Humbly, I hope that our words are unlike a tree that falls in a forest.
Andy: Many responders did not focus on the question because it came at the end of the posting. They kinda miss the point of the post!!!
Claude, If you notice a lot of these Discussions go unanswered because people just say whatever they want to say and don't answer to the Post..
On a different note, Bede.
You, Glenroy and DJ have the best MUSICAL INSIGHTS (Calypso and Pan) on this forum. Dey should hire allyuh three to select songs for the 2015 WST Pan Song Postings. Limit it to the best 10 and save me the BOREDOM and FRUSTRATION of enduring such TRIVIALITY.
Andy: T&T is one BIG forest.
It comes down too the power brokers in the Mecca who don't see beyond their shores. Foreigners see the whole picture and often times when they try to get involve they run in to locals that feel they come to take something away from them.
My father, "Papa D" used to say speding some time in foreign was good for Trinis as they tended to better see the forest and the trees back home. The Big Picture provided much better insight into problems and solutions. Foreign versus Local – The Mindset That Separates And Conquers A Na...
FYI, I got confirmation from 2 well placed sources that CNMG will be covering the semis on television from 12 noon Sunday. This is good news given the lack of coverage last year. On a different note, we need to start a lobby for Pan Trinbago to allow the technicians at UTT to post audio of the bands from their panyard prelims. The site was unceremoniously pulled last week with no return date mentioned. This is another case of himself shooting himself in the foot and applauding, and it must stop.
This is crazy.....every year thousand of us look to Trinidad and Pan Trinbago leadership to help us promote and encourage the Genre and culture of Steel Pan Globally - It's all about the music.....and one thing I was extremely pleased with was the Pan Trinbago "Revernation" site - What a resource for us who cannot be there to hear it for ourselves. But, like JD said - another "shoot yourself in the foot" move...2 steps forward and 10 steps consistency at all......Does the Pan world in TNT have any voice in their own musical culture?......just asking.....or is it about money? (As usual).
Thanks so much for this information.....I live in London and therefore will not be able to view the panorama via Tevelsion...Last year I listened via Wack radio....Just to add I would usually keep up to date with bands via Reverbnation and yes you are right in saying that the feed is no longer available. and no return date....I have posted questions and yet to receive a response....Not acceptable...Maybe I need to start a lobby from this end.....