As we prepare for the G.G.Town Hall Meeting on the 7th in StarLift pan yard I don't see any harm in discussing how we would like to see the steelband moving foward.
It would be nice if members could make their make their comments or suggestions known because this is an opportunity that we never had before so we might as well make use of it.
My ONLY concern is that too many of us have given up on the steelband, the steelband is an orchestra created to supply music for us to play our mas on carnival days, a lot of people are trying to tell me that those days are over but I cannot believe that my people are so stupid as to let what makes our carnival unique die.
To those that see panorama as the MAIN EVENT you are wrong because all panorama does is allow the powers that be to PIMP the steelband.
The MAIN EVENT has to be steelbands on the road, where they car do something to help themselves. Remember how the saying goes" if you teach a man how to fish he will always have fish"
Martin, I do not agree with the last part of no.4 in brackets.Many touring steelbands, have showcased to thousands what can be produced from steeldrums from soprano to bass,and well orchestrated to play anything, to the amazement of listeners. I remember after being asked by a group where were the plugs and electric chords for the instruments and when I overturned a bass drum and they saw cobweb and a bit of rust,they were shocked. One even said. "I burn garbage in these things".The electronic instrument(s) would not create the type of impact or sell pan for what it really is. It would be taken for granted like "yeah right" it's what I expect from electronic instruments.
Pan on the road is dying because you cannot get committed players. 70% of the players in panorama do not play on the road, some are masqueraders and the elder ones claim that they have a family to be with on carnival days after spending all that time in the yard for panorama. Money is also an issue. Some bands do not make the money to pay a decent wage. I know of players from a well known band who refused to play because of what was offered for the two days.Even the band i belong to will have 100 for panorama and by comparison offer the best wages for 2 days, still have to request retirees to come out and play in sections where there are no players. My pardner and I did it for the last two years to make up a tenor side and this year three of them were requested to play bass,after years of retirement.We however had quite a few youths in other sections,so with the "old men" it worked out. I was surprised to see the struggle of some bands,with empty pans and some hardly knowing the music.
This is my point. The 6 million spent on the greens to entice young people to panorama could be better spent paying bands to play on carnival Monday and Tuesday with added incentives of winning a large sum of money. Many bands have extremely young players and many have lots more than they need. Putting out lots of hours for no reward is the killer.
For the last 40yrs. we mis-lead young people into believing that the steelband is about 8mins.once a year on the stage, what are we to expect now?
Steelbands in NY get a half day every year to do their stuff and it works. Labor Day in NY is a 'steel' for me.
Most of the views expressed on this site are really laments that Steelband music is not, after all this time, a viable (profit) industry. But the fact is that an industry can only be an economic success, if there is a demand for its product or service.
While our honest idealism re Pan is good; we must also grapple with hard reality.
Maybe you should take a visit to Pan on the Avenue and see how much people and vendors turn out for the event and all the bands that played not a DJ in sight … Last year almost every band large; medium and small played. Just one big night of pan on the road... How about Pan in the Stadium.
I would like you to tell me what the future of the STEELBAND is. Why should a sponsor invest in a steelband if they are only going to play 8 mins, once a year on the panorama stage.
For years we mis-lead our young people into thinking that panorama is what the steelband is about, that's the reason we don't see them after.
Why should a steelband come on the road and have to deal with a DJ?
As for the Conspiracy theory just let the government say they are giving the steelband a day yuh see something.