The next PRO of Pan Trinbago, Fuad Abu-Bakr.

Fuad Abu Bakr for Public Relations Officer.

Fuad Abu Bakr LLB. First Class Honours Degree in Law with Business (Lon). Manager & Treasurer of Western Stars Philharmonic Steel Orchestra. CEO of four businesses. Political Leader of the New National Vision. Founder of Run Diego Martin. Member of several sport and community groups.

The next PRO of Pan Trinbago, Fuad Abu-Bakr. yesterday, collecting another award for community work. Intelligent young man with a law degree which can work for us. Choose your candidates wisely.

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  • Aquil 

    Does Mr. know "Shame" and "Integrity"? And how do you know this?


  • What a shame this tall drink of water is not on Mr. Sheppard’s team. 

  • Good questions! The kind I think only Fuad and his team could be able to answer. However I take offense to the subtle fear mongering you trying to push onto him with these videos. Even if the man won the nobel peace prize allyuh would still find something to be vex about. There is no one in Trinidad who is more equipped to take an organization with a tarnished name and restore it to a respectable establishment, it’s what he’s been doing for his own community his entire adult life.

    • People talk, but not all say something.

    • "Even if the man won the nobel peace prize allyuh would still find something to be vex about."

      Welcome to the REAL world.

  • odw: That ABU BAKR CALYPSO was a brilliant calypso. It was written by a friend of mine named BLACKSTONE!!!

  • Correction:He gave the response as he reflected on recent comments made by US Ambassador designate to Trinidad and Tobago, Joseph Mondello

  • OK, I understand all POLITICS is LOCAL, is he going to resign his position from his current job as PRO or is it going to be performing a dual function, would he be charging for LEGAL advice, what is the actual ROLE he intends to SERVE?

    Public Relations Officer of the Jamaat Al Muslimeen, Fuad Abu Bakr, is of the view that matters such as inequality, poverty, governance and socio-economic challenges are serious issues that should be addressed.

    He gave the response as he reflected on recent comments made by US Ambassador designate to Trinidad and Tobago, Joseph Mondello.

    People treating this election like is ah pick-up side/match...what's the campaign slogan going to be?

    Preacher Abu Baka Take Over

    Cro Cro ~Say A Prayer For Abu Bakr

    • Ah hear all that, but exactly why he should not be chosen?

      • Never said he should NOT be chosen, not my decision. The delegates and their steelband management will make that decision or drink ah beer on it. I consider myself an INDEPENDENT THINKER.

        If I was HIRING someone to join my team, I would be questioning their objectives and seek out hidden motives and decide what ROLE they can best serve the TEAM.

        CHARACTER ASSESSMENT from a business stand-point.  My guess in desperate times people resort to desperate measures.

        How many of them (candidates) are willing to take a job that requires yuh to actually WORK  4-5 months of the year and NOT collect a salary?

        Why not VOLUNTEER yuh services, if yuh LOVE Pan so much or your CONCERN fuh pan musicians survival or yuh want to promote Pan worldwide?

        Not sure how the process works at Pan Trinbago administratively, are they all PAID employees?

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