Can Anyone Say for Sure Who is the First Man to Bring and Beat an Iron/ Car Wheel Hub into a Steel band to be used as Rhythm, which is still used Today?
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Certainly the forerunner "rhythmaires" with Tamboo Bamboo which "stepped in" when the Colonial Government "banned" the Afro-Drums all appear in one form or another in the various Riddim Sections showcased on their own or part of the Engine Rooms of various steelbands yesteryear and today.
That is a difficult question to answer. Steel percussion was used with the tamboo bamboo to fill in the spaces in the rhythmn.
However I was speaking to a couple of ladies from Point Fortin who adamantly declared that all steel percussion , engine room and drum began in Point Fortin . One said she has no doubt about this because he son was jailed for taking a cast
The Forerunner of the Steel band was the Tamboo Bamboo. It then evolved and Became another Rhythm Acoustic/ Percussion Creation by using Pots and Pans and other Various Metallic Objects'. The Steel band really got its Name from the Tuned Steel Drums that played Melodic Pieces on them. We cant Call a Rhythm Band a Steel band, they are Two Different Entities. My Question was. Who is the first Person to use a Car Wheel Hub as Rhthmn in a Steel Band which is Still in use Today in What We Fondly call The Engine Room
nick stevens > VALENTINE YOUNGSeptember 17, 2014 at 7:13pm
Val, if you know, say !!.....I think it was a mechanic from Neal and massy lol.......
As a matter of fact ,on further reflection on the subject of pan terminology , A thought occurred to me.
You know how many of us hate the expression "Steel drum band" ?
Well we shouldn't , because its technically accurate.
Go to any Caribbean carnival , and you'll see two types of STEELBANDS.
Steel percussion bands which we call Rhythm Sections.
And Steel Drum bands , which we call generically Steelbands.
So , you know all those pan language purists ? The ones who hate it when I use the expression " beating pan" instead of "playing pan" ?
Because its not technically correct ?
Well , for consistency , if you wish to be technically correct , maybe the Antiguans do have a point , since apparently The Hell Yard steel Orchestra was originally a steel percussion band that became a steel drum band.
I do not know who is that specific person or persons. However, since Alexander Ragtime is credited as the first steelband, we can all surmise that the first ironman is an Alexander Ragtime.
Talking about steelband, I will go out on a limb and say, the word "steelband" emerged out of steel percussive rhythm bands, and not steelband as in pan.
Maybe, just maybe pioneers like Oscar Pile and Prince Batson can edify us...
Certainly the forerunner "rhythmaires" with Tamboo Bamboo which "stepped in" when the Colonial Government "banned" the Afro-Drums all appear in one form or another in the various Riddim Sections showcased on their own or part of the Engine Rooms of various steelbands yesteryear and today.
Laventille Rhythym Section
Siparia Rhythym Section
It's too bad that the Engine Room has gotten so crowed, the IRON seem to be muffled, at times in a panorama tune you catch yourself listening for it
That is a difficult question to answer. Steel percussion was used with the tamboo bamboo to fill in the spaces in the rhythmn.
However I was speaking to a couple of ladies from Point Fortin who adamantly declared that all steel percussion , engine room and drum began in Point Fortin . One said she has no doubt about this because he son was jailed for taking a cast
off drum from the sea. He was laer released.
Thank you guys for educating me and many others ,on the steel band,i do enjoy these discussions...thanks again.
The Forerunner of the Steel band was the Tamboo Bamboo. It then evolved and Became another Rhythm Acoustic/ Percussion Creation by using Pots and Pans and other Various Metallic Objects'. The Steel band really got its Name from the Tuned Steel Drums that played Melodic Pieces on them. We cant Call a Rhythm Band a Steel band, they are Two Different Entities. My Question was. Who is the first Person to use a Car Wheel Hub as Rhthmn in a Steel Band which is Still in use Today in What We Fondly call The Engine Room
Val, if you know, say !!.....I think it was a mechanic from Neal and massy lol.......
As a matter of fact ,on further reflection on the subject of pan terminology , A thought occurred to me.
You know how many of us hate the expression "Steel drum band" ?
Well we shouldn't , because its technically accurate.
Go to any Caribbean carnival , and you'll see two types of STEELBANDS.
Steel percussion bands which we call Rhythm Sections.
And Steel Drum bands , which we call generically Steelbands.
So , you know all those pan language purists ? The ones who hate it when I use the expression " beating pan" instead of "playing pan" ?
Because its not technically correct ?
Well , for consistency , if you wish to be technically correct , maybe the Antiguans do have a point , since apparently The Hell Yard steel Orchestra was originally a steel percussion band that became a steel drum band.
That's the correct answer garvin, pan was added to the rhythm section.
Good discussion Val. and good answer Bertel.
I do not know who is that specific person or persons. However, since Alexander Ragtime is credited as the first steelband, we can all surmise that the first ironman is an Alexander Ragtime.
Talking about steelband, I will go out on a limb and say, the word "steelband" emerged out of steel percussive rhythm bands, and not steelband as in pan.