I'm throwing my hat in the ring with the others momo, I thought this was one of the best Panoramas I've heard for some time. The top four or five bands all deserved winning marks. I had Phase II & Starlift for first place and second, followed closely by Renegades.
GospelPan > RenegadesFanFebruary 22, 2009 at 4:20pm
you're not paying attention man...Starlift? LOL
Pay me no mind, I'm always causing trouble, but I think you mean Silverstars.
RenegadesFan > GospelPanFebruary 23, 2009 at 8:09am
Opps, you're right it is Silverstars. No disrespect to the players intended...
I also have to disagree, yes this was the worst panorama but not because of the music. Everyone came hard and did some things that were a bit unexpected. Trinidad All Stars called out Phase II in the song, a band made finals with a very basic song (I'm Not Drunk), and Machel Montano came out to be a flagman like that's competition and entertainment. This was the worst panorama RESULTS in Trinidad history. Quite frankly, Phase II, Renegades, and Exodus were robbed...Especially Phase II
hmmm gotta say i disagree. this was the first year in several that everyone had a good count & played at a decent tempo, nobody raced it down too fast. i loved that
you're not paying attention man...Starlift? LOL
Pay me no mind, I'm always causing trouble, but I think you mean Silverstars.