
  • Cecil My Bro. With All due Respect. You are wrong. I have seen Pantrinbago Officials at the Gates at Various Finals. Do You think that this  could be Happening without their Consent? These are their Cronies. The Fish Rottens  from the Head First. They Make Thousands of Dollars by Recycling these Tickets, This is not Petty Cash. This is a Felony. We cannot Trivialize this Scam. To Minimize this is one of the Reason Pantrinbago Stays in Power. We cannot Close our Eyes and Pretend that this don't Exist. Every one is Scared to Challenge them. Its a waste of Time trying to Remove Pantrinbago if We keep on Neglecting their Corrupt Practices. This is just one of Them.  ''Pantrinbago Forever'' because Nobody Aint doing SPIT. Just Talking.

  • Over the Years from Various Presidents From Arnim Smith whom I knew well to Patrick Arnold and Presently Keith Diaz. There have been a Corrupt Practice that goes on at Panorama Finals night. The Ticket Collectors at the Grand stand never give the Patrons the Tickets Stubs on Presentation to them, claiming that there is no Re- entry. They take the Tickets and RE-SELL them later in the Night, herby making Illegal use Our tickets. This Practice is also Dangerous to all Patrons because it causes Overcrowding in the Stands which is a Fire Hazard. I Spoke about this Corrupt Practice before this Year's Panorama but No one took Heed. This is the extent of Corruption that goes on under the Watchful eyes of Pantrinbago. Every one Listening but Doing Nothing. Some Drastic Move Must be made by All Steel bands to Get rid of this Corrupt Regime. The Steel bands are the Ones to put an end to this Corrupt Regime. Who will Fire the First Shot is the Big Problem.

    • Val, I think the re-sale of tickets is a small hustle the gate people have that have nothing to do with Pan Trinbago. 

  • What is the next step? Over the past few days I am reading with great interest the comments posted here.What I do not see or hear however are the views of the people MOST involved.The steelbands.

    • Luke Andre, this is the reason why we are where we are today, lack of involvement by the people most involve. Time for them to STAND. I don't even think the Steelband know that the boat gone and they are left on the docks.

  • The Main reason for Corruption in T&T IS. No one ever goes to Jail for this Practice . Keith Diaz and  His Corrupt Cronies know this, so they are not afraid of any type of Punishment of any  Actions  against them, so they just Bleed the Coffers of Pantrinbago at will without remorse. No transparency - No Accountability - No Incarceration. They take their timing from the Various Governments who are at the top of the Corruption Ladder. They are a Governing body themselves, so what do we expect?  They Stay in Power also because of this Same Corrupt Practice. The Steel bands only speak of this, but don't have the Balls to do anything for fear of Reprisal. Pantrinbago  knows this and is not fearful of them taking any Actions to Remove them.  Pan is in a Mess and Pantrinbago sits on their Throne like Nero twiddling their Thumbs while watching it Burn. They would fight Tooth and Nails before they Give up this Money Cow that they Control.  Pantrinbago is a Dictatorship ruled by President Keith Diaz who is not giving up Power to anyone. This is how Dictatorships Operate. The only way to get rid of Pantrinbago. All Steel bands have to unite and over throw them. This is How You remove a Dictatorship. ''

    • Is there anyone that want to run PanTrinbago?

      • What is the next step, who is going to make it and when?

    • Who in Trinidad & Tobago have the BALLS to organize and overthrow Keith Diaz and his Cronies. There is only one person that I believe can do this is George Goddard (The Ghost who Talks), but he is not in T&T. 

      • Bede,

        I don't think that's the reason....

        Pan Trinbago Death Threat Claim Live at the Town Hall Meeting

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