Quiet, humble, unassuming but meticulous - Robbie Joseph, editor of Pan Podium is the consummate professional. He brings a cutting-edge combination of talent and experience to the table, in addition to a passion and dedication to the steelband art form and its community. With his impeccable journalistic and photographic skills, and tech savvyness, he safeguards the steelband product and delivers all matters related to the art form with an undisputed authenticity that few can, or care to, emulate. The editor of Pan Podium’s magazine lets us relive the recent Trinidad and Tobago steelband music panorama competition in all its beauty, glory and magnificence through pictures, and the architects of the art form, the steelpan musicians. contact Robbie at robbie@panpodium.com
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It is remarkable what he has done to promote pan, not just in the UK but worldwide. The Pan Podium is a beacon of light and hope for pan jumbies that folks can put together a professional product in regards to pan.
Thank you Mr. Joseph for the sacrifice you continue to make, to bring us a great product that brings a smile to our faces and warms our hearts.
Just in case no one has said this to you Mr. Joseph, I too second what GospelPan has voiced. Too often we don't say enough about the great work people like yourself have done for pan.
Thank you Mr. Joseph for the sacrifice you continue to make, to bring us a great product that brings a smile to our faces and warms our hearts.
Thank you