Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars - 2011 Large Band Conventional Category 


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  • Some people just hate to admit it to themselves

     a big band is a big band

    All Stars right up they Rookungtunkuntun lol


  • Real All Stars people doh have to show off, it is what it is!

    However, check me out in Boston for Carnival, Toronto for Caribana, and Brooklyn for Labor Day.

    I'll be wearing my Trinidad All Stars colours :)

  • hmmmm.... im not sure where to start...


    ok....first i would like to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to All Stars on their win. Wishing yall all the best.


    good! now im not sure but someone can correct me....did they do this thing where the highest and lowest judge's score was taken off from the rest of marks? where they would use 6 judges (5 judges and an alternate, allowing the highest and lowest mark to be thrown out making the score still out of 300)....because i know at some part of the season it seems as if they would have done just saying....maybe if that was done on final night, then that can play a part of why the results came out the way it did....if it was the normal 3 judges and an alternate then i cant say the reason for all the confusion 4 sure...

    personally, it doesn't really bother me much who wins the competition because i believe that bands do put out a lot of time, energy and really good music into this every year after year...i don't see the reason for all the bashing around between members here and who thought who should have d end of the day, all stars has already received their $2 mil and there isnt anything anyone can do now about it...i played with other large bands (silver stars and fonclaire), but i respected the judges decision...may the best band win next year.



  • How long have you been around panorama you really know the history of this competition?.Sorry to say your rhetoric do come across like an ignorant fanatic and by the way Valley Harps won the medium band category with the same song.
  • Congrats to ALL the winners in 2011 panorama............All Stars haters, can kiss my difference!!

  • Congats to All Stars , good performance ! Now lets watch the videos and listen to musical arrangements that's pleasing to the air even after all the fireworks. Unfortunately the champion band does not fall in that catergory but let's enjoy the musical arrangements of Phase 2 ,Exodus , Ivaders , Deltones and even Renegades from the semis . One thing we must remember is that the best music is not rewarded at all times in Panorama and after ' Woman on the bass ' and ' Curry Tabanca ' how many winning All Stars arrangements does anyone enjoy listening to . Most people in this forum that have even a little musical background will agree that it's very refreshing to hear some old arrangements from Holman , Bradley , Professor ,Rodney ,Jit and pellham to name a few but there are also some great arrangements that got lost and are much better to listen to after panorama than the eventual winners .

    So even though we may not agree with the judging lets enjoy the good music provided by the 'MUSICAL CHAMPIONS ' of the competition !

  • Splended performance by All Stars but i must agree with Burgess in every aspect, they played but not to win but then again prize money raise..who did we expect to win it? just something to think about..
  • Steups. No, let me change that to a big STEUPS. What can I say that hasn't been said already? And this is not about 'we get tief''. Its about hearing something that is pleasing to the ear, and it didn't do that for me (and countless others, given the comments on this forum). Gimme me a break!
  • yes my allstars came through boy!!! congrats man......but how silverstars even come in de top three,the second and thirs place should of went to Phase,Fonclaire,or Despers.....but ALLSTARS!! number one
  • Time for the competition organizers to share the entire breakdown of the scoring of each judge. We need to know what score each band received from each judge and in all categories. This is the only way to have any kind of conversation while obtaining a basic knowledge of what is expected of each steel band. I believe the pan public wants to learn much more about the scoring. Time for transparency.

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