Tune Selections by Steelbands for 2009 Trinidad and Tobago Panorama
“A Blue Crescendo,” “Dr. Jit” and “Wild and Wonderful” are the main tunes of choice in this year’s Panorama with six plays each. The first two are penned by Winston Scarborough, sung by De Original De Fosto Himself, while the third is an Edwin Pouchet/Alvin Daniell composition with vocals by Olatunji.
Not far behind and with five ‘plays’ each are: “Brazilian Flag Woman” composed by Amrit Samaroo and Mark Loquan and sung by Anselm Douglas; “Dangerous” - also composed by Mark Loquan, this time in tandem with Ken “Professor” Philmore, vocalized by Anselm Douglas and Colin Lucas and; “First in De Line” composed by Alvin Daniell and Edwin Pouchet, and sung by Eunice Peters.
While Conventional Bands have selected 2009 compositions, the majority of Single Pan Bands have chosen calypsoes of yesteryear.
Several Conventional bands have opted for specially commissioned songs. These include reigning champions Phase II Pan Groove who are going with “Magic Drums” - a Machel Montano/Len “Boogsie” Sharpe collaboration, while Sagicor Exodus will play “Festival Time,” written and performed by Pelham Goddard & 3 Canal, respectively.
This year, it is a Leon “Smooth” Edwards composition for Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars, called “Pan Rivalry;” it will be the first year that “Smooth” wears two hats - he is also, as expected, the band’s arranger. Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille is also coming with a selection from their arranger for 2009, Ken “Professor” Philmore - “D Trini Way.” WITCO Desperadoes has decided to continue with the music of Jason “Peanuts” Isaacs for a consecutive year, with the latter’s “Pan Redemption.”
At the close of registration TCL Group Skiffle Bunch, Pamberi, Birdsong, Tokyo and Power Stars are yet to decide their music selections.
Panorama Preliminaries will once again be staged in Regions at the various panyards/theatres commencing Friday 23rd January, with those for Single Pan Bands being held in the North. Conventional Bands will face their adjudication panel from Tuesday 27th January.
Click here to see complete list of bands and their selections.
from information provided by the Pan Trinbago News desk
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I am mesmerized by the musical quality of Ray Holman's "Rocketman". I hope serious attention is paid to the amount of room for arrangement in this piece this year. I am also totally blown away by Professor's two pieces, namely "Dangerous" and "D Trini Way". Best of luck to both arrangers in Panorama 2009. These three songs, in addition to De Fosto's "A Blue Crescendo" and "Dr. Jit" should generate quite a lot of excitement in this year's pan competition.
Don't quote me on this but I heard that upon hearing Pan Redemption composed by jason "Pnuts" Isaacs, skiffle bunch made a last minute switch from Pan Baby to Pan Redemption.....
I believe that this is Desperadoes tune, so I wish Skiffle Bunch well. In commenting though, I must say that I'm sorry that Desperadoes did not choose "Celebrating Crawl", a song written for this year's panorama by a member of the band in tribute to the memory of legendary Despers bassman Frank"Crawl" Findlay, who suffered a tragic death in a road accident in July 2008.