I was reading bout the NY 2011 panorama and I came to the conclusion that the poor SOUND SYSTEM is to blame for the ending results: Well then, we need to have the SOUND SYSTEM turned off at the NY panorama, Actually, you hear the true tonal quality of the Steel Pans without the SOUND SYSTEM. (LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS PAN FAMILY) come on, lets talk.
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The bands should have the option to say whether they want to be amplified or not. I know for the larger bands, Pan Sonatas,Casym, Adlib,Despers, they would really benefit from no amplification, for they are powerful enough to be heard clearly by everyone.With the smaller bands I do believe that proper amplification would help, that's why I said the bands should be given the option to choose.
BEDE LOPEZ > Sherwin CampbellSeptember 21, 2011 at 11:33pm
Thats a good suggestion bout having that option, the only think I am worried bout is they always mess up the amplification and it may hurt you more, but good though tho
BEDE that is ambitious but the audience will not hear the bands clearly if there were no sound system, there is a lot of problems to iron out here at the savannah in Trinidad the sound system is set up behind the judges at a point where the judges hear just the bands and this can be a solution to the museum situation, however there will be cries of thief, thief since the majority of the audience will be hearing the sound system, and that happens every year at the savannah, of course indifference will allways create controversy, that is why I am against contests in the arts, since art is an appreciation thing, some people like fat, some like skinny, some like salty some like sweet, getting back to the sound system I could not help but notice that the majority of bass players were slamming their pans and with mics right at them "chaos" that killed a lot of bands,Sonatas I am sorry, there were a lot of ensemble problems, some were their own fault, after 8.30 pm a large portion of their members were arriving late and russhing to line up to get on stage had the show started on time they might have missed their performance, and it showed up in the music, they did not sound like the Sonatas that won the last two panoramas and being out of focus still trying to settle down they were careless and the various management may have to work out a contingency plan to have a quick sound check like they did some years ago so they can have the mics placed at better locations, to their advantage,
the sound system was not poor but poorly organised, and it is up to bands, organizers, and sound technicians to get together and fix these problems, but on the whole I called the results just as it was declared, the standard of the arrangements were better than last year, but the bass players were a little too excited,
All we have to do is to get the right people who can handle the sound system, panorama 2004 in T & T we had the best sound coming out of the system, it could be done again
de sound system is not de problem . . de Operators of de system needs tuh be Properly Trained in "mikin-up " ah Steelban .It is possible . . . but defintely not easy , tuh do dat on ah Panorama nite . . . Each mike is pickin up too many different sounds . . fuh de average Engineer tuh seperate an produce ah quality sound . added tuh dat is de fact dat Many . . if not All of the Steelband Personnel , R also ignorant as to de mikin system . so dat dey cyah help . but most times Hurt de sounds . . Dis is an area dat needs very serious attenshun . Bands are so big bcause of de need tuh project ah bigger sound . . Amplificashun will allow ah much "bigger" an clearer sound for any band wid de rite system an engineers . . an yuh wont need 100+ players . De stage side is all yuh need . . so far is very backward tinkin amongst de Elders / Leaders in de Steelbands dat preventin dis very needed improvement in de sounds of steel . . De Granmaster of Steelban . . D Right an Honourable Mr.Anthony Williams . . designed Pans to be miked . about 40 years ago . . bcause of petty bikkerin anTribal warin . . we do not have dat in steelbands 2day . . de Pans not even Standardized . . Stop dis foolishness Pan people . . is as if we doe be mbarrased enuff on de road fuh carnival . . wen yuh actually cyah hear de Pans . . Pans on trucks . . in some "big-band . .an yuh still wonderin wot dey playin . . yuh hearin de DJ. an de odder electronic bands . . but no pan . . an dey rite dey . . Stop holdin bac de advancement of Pan . . Train Engineers fuh each band an step into de 21st - 22nd Century wid yuh Own Sound System . . Remember Pan Vibes an 3rd World . . all recordins . . Music Festivals . . Mikes R used . . does dat alter de sound negatively ? . .
Wayne you are totally correct. The challenges are in the hands of the Sound Engineers. Anthony Williams didn't have the Technology that we have now. We have to train Sound Engineers to handle the Acoustic Instruments, THE PAN. It is not easy and it is not possible to achieve a good sound by just simply putting a mic over a pan, or under a pan or above a pan. lots of research have to be carried out. We at RHAPSODY NG have been experimenting with pan amplification for the past 6 years and we maybe have about 55% success.
It was so satisfying and encouraging to witness so many people attending the NY Street Parades. Nice music! However the Followers, Masqueraders and listening audience were unable to hear the music because the sound couldn't reach them. You have to be actually inside the Band to enjoy the music. Additionally the BODIES of the people around the band would prevent the sound from going out. That is the reason, the main reason why Bands in Trinidad play on High Trailers on Street Parades. WAYNE WALCOTT couldn't have said it better. Every word he wrote, all the suggestions he made should be discussed in an International Forum. This is URGENT. We have the Technology to reproduce the Sound of the Steelbands and we are not using it because we are too lazy to try. Proper recording of Live Pan Shows, like Panorama, is very important and the reproduction of the sound to the followers and masqueraders is urgently required if we want to keep the Pan in the Carnival and the Fetes. As far as non-Pan people are concerned, Pan is just NOISE. We have to correct this problem. As I have said, Rhapsody NG have been amplifying its Band since 2005, and on the Road for Carnival, no DJ can prevent the Band from playing, alongside, front or behind. Additionally it was necessary to fuse the the Pan Music with the Electric Midi based Pan, the P.H.I. (Percussive Harmonic Instrument_ Check out Rhapsody Steel Orchestra on www.youtube.com and get an idea of the size of the ensemble and its composition. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rhapsody+steel+orchestr...
The larger steelbands may not need sound reinforcement to be heard by the audience but because of the distance between them (band and audience) the integral music will go un heard also the smaller bands will be at a distinct disadvantage in terms of power... the sound system cannot equalize a small band to a large band but it helps them to be completely heard without straining the ear. The Steel orchestra's sound can be successfully re-inforced via the sound system but it needs to be done professionally by those who KNOW what they are doing, what to look and listen for where to place the mics, what types of mics to use and which ones to use on which pans, the tonal quality of each band, the ratio and types of instruments in each band etc.. It has been done before. The problem is that the bands continue to return year after year regardless of the poor level of the sound system and its engineer/s. Maybe they (the steelband organization) are not complaining loud or effectively enough, maybe they might need help from the paying spectators to write to WIADCA with their concerns about the sound system. No paying spectators. No competition. No food and beverage sales. No Cash Cow... fix the problem or else.
Why does a steelband need a sound system? Those pans are highly tuned, and you cannot fit all of those tones, pitches, etc., into a system. I do not know anything technical. But, I am thinking that there is no room in the system. It cannot stretch to fit the width of the sound. The music is being strangled in the system. If my thinking is skewed, please do not hold it against me. Allow the steelbands to ring out on their own. Have a great day.
BEDE that is ambitious but the audience will not hear the bands clearly if there were no sound system, there is a lot of problems to iron out here at the savannah in Trinidad the sound system is set up behind the judges at a point where the judges hear just the bands and this can be a solution to the museum situation, however there will be cries of thief, thief since the majority of the audience will be hearing the sound system, and that happens every year at the savannah, of course indifference will allways create controversy, that is why I am against contests in the arts, since art is an appreciation thing, some people like fat, some like skinny, some like salty some like sweet, getting back to the sound system I could not help but notice that the majority of bass players were slamming their pans and with mics right at them "chaos" that killed a lot of bands,Sonatas I am sorry, there were a lot of ensemble problems, some were their own fault, after 8.30 pm a large portion of their members were arriving late and russhing to line up to get on stage had the show started on time they might have missed their performance, and it showed up in the music, they did not sound like the Sonatas that won the last two panoramas and being out of focus still trying to settle down they were careless and the various management may have to work out a contingency plan to have a quick sound check like they did some years ago so they can have the mics placed at better locations, to their advantage,
the sound system was not poor but poorly organised, and it is up to bands, organizers, and sound technicians to get together and fix these problems, but on the whole I called the results just as it was declared, the standard of the arrangements were better than last year, but the bass players were a little too excited,
de sound system is not de problem . . de Operators of de system needs tuh be Properly Trained in "mikin-up " ah Steelban .It is possible . . . but defintely not easy , tuh do dat on ah Panorama nite . . . Each mike is pickin up too many different sounds . . fuh de average Engineer tuh seperate an produce ah quality sound . added tuh dat is de fact dat Many . . if not All of the Steelband Personnel , R also ignorant as to de mikin system . so dat dey cyah help . but most times Hurt de sounds . . Dis is an area dat needs very serious attenshun . Bands are so big bcause of de need tuh project ah bigger sound . . Amplificashun will allow ah much "bigger" an clearer sound for any band wid de rite system an engineers . . an yuh wont need 100+ players . De stage side is all yuh need . . so far is very backward tinkin amongst de Elders / Leaders in de Steelbands dat preventin dis very needed improvement in de sounds of steel . . De Granmaster of Steelban . . D Right an Honourable Mr.Anthony Williams . . designed Pans to be miked . about 40 years ago . . bcause of petty bikkerin anTribal warin . . we do not have dat in steelbands 2day . . de Pans not even Standardized . . Stop dis foolishness Pan people . . is as if we doe be mbarrased enuff on de road fuh carnival . . wen yuh actually cyah hear de Pans . . Pans on trucks . . in some "big-band . .an yuh still wonderin wot dey playin . . yuh hearin de DJ. an de odder electronic bands . . but no pan . . an dey rite dey . . Stop holdin bac de advancement of Pan . . Train Engineers fuh each band an step into de 21st - 22nd Century wid yuh Own Sound System . . Remember Pan Vibes an 3rd World . . all recordins . . Music Festivals . . Mikes R used . . does dat alter de sound negatively ? . .
Wayne you are totally correct. The challenges are in the hands of the Sound Engineers. Anthony Williams didn't have the Technology that we have now. We have to train Sound Engineers to handle the Acoustic Instruments, THE PAN. It is not easy and it is not possible to achieve a good sound by just simply putting a mic over a pan, or under a pan or above a pan. lots of research have to be carried out. We at RHAPSODY NG have been experimenting with pan amplification for the past 6 years and we maybe have about 55% success.
It was so satisfying and encouraging to witness so many people attending the NY Street Parades. Nice music! However the Followers, Masqueraders and listening audience were unable to hear the music because the sound couldn't reach them. You have to be actually inside the Band to enjoy the music. Additionally the BODIES of the people around the band would prevent the sound from going out. That is the reason, the main reason why Bands in Trinidad play on High Trailers on Street Parades. WAYNE WALCOTT couldn't have said it better. Every word he wrote, all the suggestions he made should be discussed in an International Forum. This is URGENT. We have the Technology to reproduce the Sound of the Steelbands and we are not using it because we are too lazy to try. Proper recording of Live Pan Shows, like Panorama, is very important and the reproduction of the sound to the followers and masqueraders is urgently required if we want to keep the Pan in the Carnival and the Fetes. As far as non-Pan people are concerned, Pan is just NOISE. We have to correct this problem. As I have said, Rhapsody NG have been amplifying its Band since 2005, and on the Road for Carnival, no DJ can prevent the Band from playing, alongside, front or behind. Additionally it was necessary to fuse the the Pan Music with the Electric Midi based Pan, the P.H.I. (Percussive Harmonic Instrument_ Check out Rhapsody Steel Orchestra on www.youtube.com and get an idea of the size of the ensemble and its composition. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rhapsody+steel+orchestr...
Eye4Pan why are you trying to make trouble? Do you realize what would happen if pan people did what you suggest? LOL