I Think that there Should Be Pan on Carnival Friday Night and Saturday Night. Friday Night should Be Pan 21st Century and Pan Down Memory Lane and Saturday Night Medium and Large Band Panorama Finals. All Music Should Be in Calypso Tempo For Both Shows. Its Carnival.
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Sounds great, give it a try! Why not?
With due Respect Roderick. We cant just put all our efforts into Panorama at Carnival and forget that Pan is for every Steelband . I am a Great Lover of Panorama but We must diversify our Pan Talents on other aspects of the Pan at Carnival. The Bands that makes the Finals have Two Weeks to Get ready for the Finals, One Day Wont Make a Difference. It can be Done. If We only Focus on Panorama it will be Like Eating Stale Soup Everyday, People will get Fed up if its only Panorama that the Bands Can Showcase at Carnival. We Have to Inject Some Blood into The Pan Culture, Right Now Panorama is on Life Support. The Main Reason that Panorama is Still around is Because there is noting else for the Public and Pan people to enjoy at Carnival Time. According to The Grand master Kitch. ''More Pan'' The People Want Pan. We Cant Go on like this. We will ruin a Good Thing. We Have to Try Something New. Bless!
I think that Val Young has heard what we've been preaching.
My only disagreement with Val is that I do not believe we can achieve the high standards expected of a modern panorama and fully pursue other carnival actives at carnival time , especially in a short carnival season.
It may be possible , but I doubt it. There would have to be a lessened focus on panorama , and the quality will suffer.
Which is one of the reasons I've been an advocate for a month long panorama festival later in the year.
Why not a return to Blockorama? I certainly enjoyed that! It was definitely an engaging time when members of different villages were able to showcase their "steel talent" with a variety of musical genres.
Inez John, for the last couple of weeks there is something called ComPANions happening in T&T where members of steelbands meet and play games at various pan yards, this is even better than BlockO
Hey Cecil, I do not live in TnT; and, I am not trying to be facetious, but I assume they play the steel drums also? You state that they play games. If indeed our national instrument is being played during these game times, it is good to know that something positive is happening in the way of steel in the communities. Is that being advertised though? How do communities/pan aficionados learn about that?
Inez John, I learn about it on the Pan Trivia site.
Pan 4 times a year,, Carnival, Pan in 21st Century, Pan on the Avenue, Pan down memory lane. and a event to keep the north stand up all year round.
I welcome any ideas pertaining to the steelband, It is good that more and more people are being vocal about the in activeness of the sreelband, however I would like to point out that they are making the steelband a sit down and listen kanda thing which it's not.
Cecil Hinkson : You got that right! They killed of jazz in the same way, musicians in tie-and-suit and audience confined to chairs,straight-jacketing the living music until it 'dere-pon-dead'. Music and movement go together. Free it up!