Make sure you hire professionals to video tape and properly document the bands' performances. This will allow the organizations involved to generate income for years to come from these performances in the future "while you are sleeping".
Make sure NO ONE remotely connected with the recent Panorama audio and video recordings are involved, The folks who did that are criminals and should be arrested for impersonating engineers.
Bugs, you are right on the money. Plus, I am out 50 bucks (U.S.)! Not even a menu on the damn' thing.
Bugs: A man with YOUR ON THE GROUND CONNECTIONS should be able to point the BIG 5 in the direction of professionals to video tape and properly document the bands' performances. On another note, I heard that OJ is getting out of prison soon and he will be giving his ORANGE JUMPSUIT to THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ. Of course, DIAZ could auction it off for a few million since the forensic audit AIN'T HAPPENING. And on another note HOUSTON is starting to give me a little bit of a concussion -- they are just ONE STAR away from dethroning the CURRENT CHAMPIONS.
The BIG 5 does only take advice from the SIX CONSULTANTS!!! But nice try!!!
Claude I suggest you make your doctor's appointment early because weather its Obama health care or Trump non existence health care you are in line for a concussion blast off from Houston.
Earl you are a wicked man. Why are trying to send Claude into a deep early depression before the concussion stage kicks in? One would not believe the man just won a championship.
Houston will get Mello and LeBron will join them in a year later.
I'm sure the Big5 are already working on the China leg of their world tour.
As for Rolly Polly, I heard the Small Bands will repeal his Presidency without a replacement.