United States Steelband Association Inc. has completed amending it's by-laws, we are now able to accept new members not only from steelbands but also from individuals, again let me make it clear, you don't have to be affiliated with a band to be a member.
If you are interested for yourself or for your band. If you are located in the tri-state area or any state within the United States, you are welcome.
for more information or to simply contact us call:
Office : 347-810-3967
Keith: 347-522-4010
Thank You.
Thank you for responding. To answer your questions. Individuals are welcome partly because there are no systems in place for an individual panist, arranger or tuner to have representation, just think of the many men and women who have passed and at the time collections had to be made for burial arrangements, or someone took in ill and again collection had to be made for hospital care or medication needs. when these craftsmen and women have gone as far as they can go with producing their skilled contribution to this art form, what happens with them, no pension plan, no plan for after care. It is time we bring these needs to the table and do something about providing for them. This can only occure with organized planning, research and implementation. There are also a number of individuals who can assist the organization with that endevor, but because the don't play pan or are not affiliated with a steelband, they have not been welcomed to work towards achieving this effort. We must recognize that we are in the united States of America in the year 2010, not in Trinidad in the year 1965. We can only do this with the help of trained skilled professionals, people in the busines community who have knowledge of how the business industry works.
Now I believe I may have answered some of your questions with respect to aims and benefits, there are more aims and objectives that USSA will works towards. Our website is still under construction, and will be up within the next month.
Thank you again for you responce and I look forward to meeting you.
Keith Marcelle
Keith Marcelle