United States Steelband Association Inc. held it's election for Board of Directors and Officers on January 13th, 2010. They are:
Keith Marcelle, Chairperson (Sesame Flyers)
Douglas Martin, Vice Chairperson (Crossfire)
George Dowden, Treasurer (NY Pan Stars)
John James (Pantonic)
Travis Roberts (CASYM)
Magnus Scanterbury (Pan Ambassadors)
Kamau Hutchinson (Despers USA)
There were no canidates, accepting the nomination of Secretary, so the membersship by unanimous consent appointed Ms. Claudette Baptiste (Women in Steel) temporary acting Secretary and she accepted.
They will be installed on January 17th, 2010.
This organization is going to embark on a very ambitious journey.
I must first apologize to past and present members, during my previous tenure, mistakes were were made, mistakes I must accept full responsibility for. I have been given another opportunity to lead this great organization and I intend to do that with transparency and by being inclusive, all members will be heard and all members will have an important and critical role to play with the development of USSA.
We are going to:
1) Amend our by-laws to reflect some things
a. The insertion of the word Caribbean in our aims and objects.
b. Erase the minimum requirement of players in a band seeking membership.
c. The inclusion of individual members such as Panist, Tuners and Arrangers.
2) The establishment of a Youth Education and Culture committee, allowing the youth of the organization to plan and execute projects and events, the further pursuit of educational pan programs in schools and preservation of the culture of pan.
3) Stop being a panorama only organization.
4) Establish an Events committee, to plan promote and produce events throughout the year.
5) To have more fiscal oversight over all events and projects of the organization.
6) The establishment of a training facility to teach the building and tuning of pans, have our very own pan factory, creating jobs and setting up our whole sale and retail outlets.
7) Reach across the ocean and America to form alliances with other Steelband organizations.
A few bands have resigned their membership, of course I wish they did'nt, but they have and I will like to offer my best wishes to them and their new organization.
In closing, with the lord's blessing we will be able to fulfill our task and continue making USSA successful. Thank you!
Keith Marcelle
Chairperson Elect
Views: 442
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Mr. Marcelle, instead of wishing the steelbands that left USSA your best wishes, I suggest that you make every attempt to mend branches with them. The idea of having more than one steelband organization is the path to uselessness. Mr. Marcelle, you should hold a steelband convention this spring or summer to bring all the steelbands under the roof of USSA. If you try and it doesn't work out, then you and all panjumbies can say that you tried.While I agree that any steelband is free to join whatever organization they chose if it meets with their interests and agenda, no idea or agenda should be bigger than the steelband movement. In this cruel town Unity is still Strength. The City will not cater to two steelband organizations. Remember the mess that was Miami and Toronto? In this recession there is only so much money to go around. I hope USSA doesn't go down that road.
In 2013, Steelbands of Pantrinbago will be celebrating Panorama's 50th anniversary. USSA should be planning to attend that celebration. USSA should send the winning steelband of Labor Day 2012 to attend Pantrinbago's 2013 Panorama as a guest steelband.
As far as fiscal oversight is concerned, USSA should have as one of their top priorities the building of USSA Web site. On USSA Web site, you can post a quarterly financial report to panjumbies. USSA must be responsive to the community. You can also list all the steelbands on this Web site. USSA Web site should be the place to go for steelband information in the USA. Steelbands have been in New York since the 1960s but they are still divided with little achievements. Some Steelbands still move from yard to yard each year. USSA must find a new Panorama model for the 21st century. There has to be more fund raising events with proper notice to the public. And, meetings should be often and short. Your admistration should work tirelessly to unite the steelbands under USSA.
Finally, USSA should post their Constitution and bylaws. Panjumbies must know USSA in order to render full support. If USSA is to be taken seriously as a steelband organization it must focus on transparency.
Now, please explain what you mean when you say that it is your wish to include the word "Caribbean" in USSA aims and objectives.
Thank you for all the advise you offered, some of what you mention was on the minds of members to be looked at, the other ideas will be put on our agenda, please never stop offering advise, the one thing everyone must understand, we don't know everything and we will not pretend we know everything, but we will work with a lot of different people and ideas. The word Caribbean was omitted from the original by-laws, it's and indication of the parts of the world we will reach out to. Thanks again.
I wish USSA new board of directors the best. I shall be watching their actions to report to the steelband community. I hope it is not more of the same for the steelbands of New York. The first thing USSA can do is to build a proper Web site. In the 21st century, no steelband organization can claim to be serious without a Web site. As Charlo used to say, there is only room for one steelband organization. All steelbands and panists should be able to find a home with USSA, keeping in mind that the steelband movement is bigger than the man/woman. ONE JOURNEY TO MANY GOALS!
Anytime someone tries to come clean about past mistakes, they will always gain my respect.
Even though you haven't made it clear what those "mistakes" were, I applaud you Mr. Marcelle
for making this initial step, which required a lot of soul searching and courage though it took eight years.
Im Very happy that there is a change in USSA but from what i see in terms of the committee, its the same old direction. Why is it that USSA think that you must have active steelpan people on the committee? I have the utmost respect for Keith, Claudette, and travis but these other committee memebers are people who know nothing about running an organization such as this one. I played in Despers for a few years and that gentleman from despers knows nothing about running anything. It's time for this so called steelband association to move away from the old time idea and start thinking about representing all steelbands in the United States of America. Some of the people on this committee were directly and indirectly involved with the old USSA and its always been the same. It's situations like this current election that continue to show me and other steelpan players that steelband in New York will never amount to anything more than panorama. It will never reach the heights it was destined to reach until we start electing individuals who know how to lead and run an organization, not people who want to try to lead and run one. . .
Congratulations on your new board and I wish all the best for new plans. I do however have 2 of questions and 1 comment. 1. Is this organization a New York regional organization? - I'm asking because the entire board is made up of New York players. and 2. If this is a "United States" Steelband Organization why is it not reflected as such by your membership?. My comment is there needs to be a National US organization that works with regional bands, Schools, Colleges and Pan organizations - time to get this show on the road........the UK has done it...its time we did..Take a page from the uk's book.I would be very interested in this type of organization.
Keith Marcelle > Branches Steel OrchestraJanuary 15, 2010 at 12:57pm
Thank you Branches, part of the oversite at the inception was structuring the by-laws so that it only dealt with the New York region, however it was always the intent for USSA to cover the whole of the United States. As I wrote one of the first action by this Board is to amend the by-laws,this will be on the agenda, so that it will allow us to accept membership from any part of the US and yes that region will have a seat on the Board, we will also make amendments so people not affiliated with bands or more to the point people from the business community or public can have a seat on the Board. I look forward to your organnization and others in your region applying for membership. We have to open up the organization and expand, looking for ideas and information in order for us to grow and be successful.
Keith you could always talk a good talk and i am not going to be a player hater so i will wish you and the new USSA all the best because i am and will always be for the best interest of pan-steelband so who ever that person be i wish them well???? but your pass record is very bad .i no everyone makes mistakes and i hope that you have learnn from yours but i like many others will be keeping a close eye on you and who ever it is that is trying to move the steel pan forward
It is good to see you as the new Chairman put forth the agenda of USSA in an open forum. This speaks very well of your new administration. I hope you will continue to take the time to engage the pan community from time to time.
The WST pan community will be following you and your administration very closely.
In 2013, Steelbands of Pantrinbago will be celebrating Panorama's 50th anniversary. USSA should be planning to attend that celebration. USSA should send the winning steelband of Labor Day 2012 to attend Pantrinbago's 2013 Panorama as a guest steelband.
As far as fiscal oversight is concerned, USSA should have as one of their top priorities the building of USSA Web site. On USSA Web site, you can post a quarterly financial report to panjumbies. USSA must be responsive to the community. You can also list all the steelbands on this Web site. USSA Web site should be the place to go for steelband information in the USA. Steelbands have been in New York since the 1960s but they are still divided with little achievements. Some Steelbands still move from yard to yard each year. USSA must find a new Panorama model for the 21st century. There has to be more fund raising events with proper notice to the public. And, meetings should be often and short. Your admistration should work tirelessly to unite the steelbands under USSA.
Finally, USSA should post their Constitution and bylaws. Panjumbies must know USSA in order to render full support. If USSA is to be taken seriously as a steelband organization it must focus on transparency.
Now, please explain what you mean when you say that it is your wish to include the word "Caribbean" in USSA aims and objectives.
Even though you haven't made it clear what those "mistakes" were, I applaud you Mr. Marcelle
for making this initial step, which required a lot of soul searching and courage though it took eight years.
It is good to see you as the new Chairman put forth the agenda of USSA in an open forum. This speaks very well of your new administration. I hope you will continue to take the time to engage the pan community from time to time.
The WST pan community will be following you and your administration very closely.