Claude, I wanna respond to this but I don't want to be labelled as the mouthpiece for the executive. So I will simply'll see/hear things in the near future.
Note to Ingrid Blackwood-Belle: Did you see AQUIL ARRINDELL come on THIS FORUM yesterday and claim that THE CIP got rid of the entire OLD EXECUTIVE. Let let me tell you the TRUTH, Ingrid: That is a BLATANT FALSEHOOD, because KEITH DIAZ is still a part of the "NEW" EXECUTIVE.
And, INGRID, who do you think has the contract from BEVERLEY to produce the 2019 PANORAMA VIDEO?
Now you know that I have always called KEITH DIAZ the GREATEST POLITICIAN in the whole wide world. So after mismanaging PAN TRINBAGO for 9 years and running it BANKRUPT you would think that MR. KEITH DIAZ would walk away with the FINANCIAL CRISIS facing the organization. FAR FROM IT!!!
Instead MR. DIAZ surveyed the FIELD OF CANDIDATES and pick the one that he thought could offer him the BEST TERMS and struck a deal with that CANDIDATE to deliver the votes of all the SMALL BANDS he held influence over and in return he wouldl be retained as ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT and PANORAMA PRODUCER. And Beverley wanted to WIN SO BAD, she TOOK THE DEAL. Ah mean if you send BOOGIE to DIRTY KERON VALENTINE in ah funeral -- yuh definitely have no scruples (and people does get vex with TRUMP saying he eh have no scruples).
Anyway, to cut a long story short. Keith Diaz will be in charge of PRODUCING that 2019 PANORAMA and he has no idea how to contact dem 2 little 10-year old school boys bugs was recommending -- but he certainly knows where to find dem bogus video producers down in TRINIDAD and take his 50% cut from the PRODUCTION MONEY off the top and leave the video men with the small change to come and try to meet the standard that you and bugs are expecting.
The moral of the story is NOT to listen to AQUIL ARRINDELL with all that OLE TALK about what THE CIP accomplished because KEITH DIAZ is still LARGE and in CHARGE of PAN TRINBAGO as chief consultant to THE PRESIDENT and he will be RUNNING THE PANORAMA!!!
After all these years of paying for and receiving sub standard goods, I'm not going to use the excuse that "It's Trinidad, what do you expect?" I expect to get what I pay for. Travelling all the way to Trinidad annually to watch and then returning to the UK to relive my time away, only to be faced with "shoddy goods" is just not acceptable.
"Fish does rotten from the head down". So how come the "rotten head" is still running the show?
Beverley, you may not have realised it but you have signed a deal with the devil and that will be your downfall. I wonder how many of your slate or the voting members realised that Keith Diaz was part and parcel of your mandate? SHAME ON YOU!!!!
So much for honesty, transparency ......blah, blah, blah
Marcus Ash: If you happen to read this POSTING, I want you to send me about 20 different pictures of yourself!!! Since you are going to be doing ALL THE WORK and I will be constantly reporting on your accomplishments -- I would like a nice distribution of pictures I can choose from to go with my REPORTS.
Yuh know, like how dey does do in the NEWSPAPERS with them BIG STARS and PRESIDENTS!!!
Cecil: In 1996 Ingrid Blackwood-Belle (a POSTER from England who today participates on this forum) wrote a stinging letter to MULTIMEDIA LIMITED OF MARAVAL complaining that the PANORAMA VIDEO that she bought was "of poor quality ... amateurish ... distorted in places ... and not up to standard" -- I will not bother to print out the list of complaints Owen Serrette (then President of Pan Trinbago) and ah whole lot of other HIGH UP PEOPLE in the PAN TING had to read in that letter.
She was IRATE!!!
Leh meh see (4+18 = 22) -- 22 years later bugs complaining about the same "POOR QUALITY" and demanding IMPROVEMENT in this 2019 PRODUCTION.
This is the first real test for YOUR PRESIDENT, boy!!!
Yuh know how much young people I see multi-tasking while dey driving and end up dead?
Yes, everything that Claude says is true. Imagine, I bought the Dimanche Gras and Panorama videos and had them converted them to PAL when I came back to the UK. I couldn't even watch them, they were so bad. Obviously, we have now moved to CDs/DVDs but the audio and video quality is still now of a high quality but I have given up trying to change things.
Beverley, for us foreigners who come over to Trinidad for Carnival, perhaps you could make an effort to ensure that the Panorama videos are worth purchasing. Not everyone wants to watch the Panorama on YouTube!!
Ah see BEVERLEY dancing up and celebrating in TOBAGO and looking for every CAMERA or JOURNALIST to tell them about how she make history. Meanwhile, I am thinking that there are so many challenges ahead -- how about a PRESS CONFERENCE (if yuh so like the camera) where you outline your priorities and lay out your leadership agenda.
(Ah feel like ah watching TRINIDAD LADY TRUMP who still talking about and celebrating how he beat HILLARY.)
But ah sure that MARCUS ASH done working like ah dog. Ah hope that boy doh KILL HIMSELF in the PROCESS. But then again that is the ONLY CANDIDATE that I personally VETTED and ENDORSED in this election ... so I am NOT SURPRISED.
I am holding out a little hope for SANDRA AWAI, too. But ah feel that if she was a REAL INDEPENDENT PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER she would have come on THIS FORUM already and reached out to the 20,000 members of WHEN STEEL TALKS.
I know for sure that if I was the PRO and bugs come on THIS FORUM and challenge MY PRESIDENT to make a WORLD CLASS PANORAMA VIDEO, I would have come on here and MAKE SOME PROMISES and ting and assure him that was exactly what we have in mind and could he send us a DETAILED PROPOSAL of what he expects the final product to look like. And then I woulda gone to MARCUS ASH and say Marcus Boy ah know yuh is the EDUCATION OFFICER but you is the only man with any ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS so could you please in your SPARE TIME work on this PANORAMA VIDEO for me and bugs.
Because I doh want to be hearing no crap and no complaints on WST about the quality of this video after PANORAMA 2019.
Ah feel after about 18 months MARCUS ASH go just QUIT THAT TEAM and go about his OWN BUSINESS. That man have too much TALENT and ENERGY to be on a SLOUCH TEAM like TEAM REBUILD!!!
The St. Joseph Bridge take NINE YEARS TO BUILD
If yuh pass yuh could see it BUILDING STILL ... and BEVERLEY DANCING!!!
Note to Ingrid Blackwood-Belle: Did you see AQUIL ARRINDELL come on THIS FORUM yesterday and claim that THE CIP got rid of the entire OLD EXECUTIVE. Let let me tell you the TRUTH, Ingrid: That is a BLATANT FALSEHOOD, because KEITH DIAZ is still a part of the "NEW" EXECUTIVE.
And, INGRID, who do you think has the contract from BEVERLEY to produce the 2019 PANORAMA VIDEO?
Now you know that I have always called KEITH DIAZ the GREATEST POLITICIAN in the whole wide world. So after mismanaging PAN TRINBAGO for 9 years and running it BANKRUPT you would think that MR. KEITH DIAZ would walk away with the FINANCIAL CRISIS facing the organization. FAR FROM IT!!!
Instead MR. DIAZ surveyed the FIELD OF CANDIDATES and pick the one that he thought could offer him the BEST TERMS and struck a deal with that CANDIDATE to deliver the votes of all the SMALL BANDS he held influence over and in return he wouldl be retained as ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT and PANORAMA PRODUCER. And Beverley wanted to WIN SO BAD, she TOOK THE DEAL. Ah mean if you send BOOGIE to DIRTY KERON VALENTINE in ah funeral -- yuh definitely have no scruples (and people does get vex with TRUMP saying he eh have no scruples).
Anyway, to cut a long story short. Keith Diaz will be in charge of PRODUCING that 2019 PANORAMA and he has no idea how to contact dem 2 little 10-year old school boys bugs was recommending -- but he certainly knows where to find dem bogus video producers down in TRINIDAD and take his 50% cut from the PRODUCTION MONEY off the top and leave the video men with the small change to come and try to meet the standard that you and bugs are expecting.
The moral of the story is NOT to listen to AQUIL ARRINDELL with all that OLE TALK about what THE CIP accomplished because KEITH DIAZ is still LARGE and in CHARGE of PAN TRINBAGO as chief consultant to THE PRESIDENT and he will be RUNNING THE PANORAMA!!!
Remember: this is "Leadership You Can Trust"
After all these years of paying for and receiving sub standard goods, I'm not going to use the excuse that "It's Trinidad, what do you expect?" I expect to get what I pay for. Travelling all the way to Trinidad annually to watch and then returning to the UK to relive my time away, only to be faced with "shoddy goods" is just not acceptable.
"Fish does rotten from the head down". So how come the "rotten head" is still running the show?
Beverley, you may not have realised it but you have signed a deal with the devil and that will be your downfall. I wonder how many of your slate or the voting members realised that Keith Diaz was part and parcel of your mandate? SHAME ON YOU!!!!
So much for honesty, transparency ......blah, blah, blah
Marcus Ash: If you happen to read this POSTING, I want you to send me about 20 different pictures of yourself!!! Since you are going to be doing ALL THE WORK and I will be constantly reporting on your accomplishments -- I would like a nice distribution of pictures I can choose from to go with my REPORTS.
Yuh know, like how dey does do in the NEWSPAPERS with them BIG STARS and PRESIDENTS!!!
Beverley could multitask Boi...that's why she is President.
Cecil: In 1996 Ingrid Blackwood-Belle (a POSTER from England who today participates on this forum) wrote a stinging letter to MULTIMEDIA LIMITED OF MARAVAL complaining that the PANORAMA VIDEO that she bought was "of poor quality ... amateurish ... distorted in places ... and not up to standard" -- I will not bother to print out the list of complaints Owen Serrette (then President of Pan Trinbago) and ah whole lot of other HIGH UP PEOPLE in the PAN TING had to read in that letter.
She was IRATE!!!
Leh meh see (4+18 = 22) -- 22 years later bugs complaining about the same "POOR QUALITY" and demanding IMPROVEMENT in this 2019 PRODUCTION.
This is the first real test for YOUR PRESIDENT, boy!!!
Yuh know how much young people I see multi-tasking while dey driving and end up dead?
Yes, everything that Claude says is true. Imagine, I bought the Dimanche Gras and Panorama videos and had them converted them to PAL when I came back to the UK. I couldn't even watch them, they were so bad. Obviously, we have now moved to CDs/DVDs but the audio and video quality is still now of a high quality but I have given up trying to change things.
Beverley, for us foreigners who come over to Trinidad for Carnival, perhaps you could make an effort to ensure that the Panorama videos are worth purchasing. Not everyone wants to watch the Panorama on YouTube!!
Ah see BEVERLEY dancing up and celebrating in TOBAGO and looking for every CAMERA or JOURNALIST to tell them about how she make history. Meanwhile, I am thinking that there are so many challenges ahead -- how about a PRESS CONFERENCE (if yuh so like the camera) where you outline your priorities and lay out your leadership agenda.
(Ah feel like ah watching TRINIDAD LADY TRUMP who still talking about and celebrating how he beat HILLARY.)
But ah sure that MARCUS ASH done working like ah dog. Ah hope that boy doh KILL HIMSELF in the PROCESS. But then again that is the ONLY CANDIDATE that I personally VETTED and ENDORSED in this election ... so I am NOT SURPRISED.
I am holding out a little hope for SANDRA AWAI, too. But ah feel that if she was a REAL INDEPENDENT PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER she would have come on THIS FORUM already and reached out to the 20,000 members of WHEN STEEL TALKS.
I know for sure that if I was the PRO and bugs come on THIS FORUM and challenge MY PRESIDENT to make a WORLD CLASS PANORAMA VIDEO, I would have come on here and MAKE SOME PROMISES and ting and assure him that was exactly what we have in mind and could he send us a DETAILED PROPOSAL of what he expects the final product to look like. And then I woulda gone to MARCUS ASH and say Marcus Boy ah know yuh is the EDUCATION OFFICER but you is the only man with any ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS so could you please in your SPARE TIME work on this PANORAMA VIDEO for me and bugs.
Because I doh want to be hearing no crap and no complaints on WST about the quality of this video after PANORAMA 2019.
Ah feel after about 18 months MARCUS ASH go just QUIT THAT TEAM and go about his OWN BUSINESS. That man have too much TALENT and ENERGY to be on a SLOUCH TEAM like TEAM REBUILD!!!
The St. Joseph Bridge take NINE YEARS TO BUILD
If yuh pass yuh could see it BUILDING STILL ... and BEVERLEY DANCING!!!