I was born a Silver Stars’ baby, so I gather I am always bias to them. However, I did not think that Liam Teague was capable of arranging a Panorama song. He proved me wrong on Saturday night. They had a fantastic arrangement and choreography. I thought they were winning until All Stars played. The standard of the Panorama was very high. Congratulations to everyone! Great Panorama!
Your views noted and appreciated. That is the great thing about all ART, and one of the principal reasons why it should never be in competition. Appreciation of art is in the final analysis, subjective. Each person brings his or her own life experiences into the process of liking, not liking and appreciating. But on Saturday night a vast majority of us in the live audience gave our rousing approval to the TASSO performance. But Panorama is not at any crossroads. It is our unique living art form, that grew out of the art and science of music making, that an earlier generation of T&T discovered and gave to the world, and like all living organisms, it is constantly growing and changing. Its present and future development is in the capable hands of a new generation of participants (that includes Liam, Mia and many others) and a nation of lovers. Did you notice the big change in choice of tunes this year. Our sole responsibility as a nation is to continue to appreciate and support in whatever way we can. Keep the comments coming. WST is a great platform.
Disclaimer: I am TASSO, as such I admit to my TRINIDAD All Stars bias, but I am also a Trini to the Bone steel pan lover.
Peter deLight > Claude GonzalesFebruary 27, 2017 at 8:28am
If you believe that All Stars simply played at the penultimate position at 2:30am on Carnival Sunday morning you probably weren't there!
I asseverate they performed!!
For pan enthusiasts and Panorama cognoscenti alike, expats included –– a pan performance!
For locals —–– a pan renaissance!!
This will certainly be deemed a remedial performance that rendered refuge for disenchanted souls ulcerated by Pan Trinbago's lamentable moral bankruptcy amidst their alleged financial misappropriations.
Nevertheless, was this simply another display of Mr. Edward's musical supremacy once again? Perhaps it was Clive tele-tattooing his discernible audible 'maque'. Or even that great Dane hot-dogging the frontline.
Whatever — wallow if you will in your confused yet comforting speculation. You know — it is simply and irrefutably Trinidad Massy All Stars.
Well come on, you should know by now!!
It's clearly evident that Mr. Edwards’ musical pedagogy includes passing on his extensive pan knowledge to the young un's but how does one really bequeath to posterity one's innate musical skill and creativity? Rhetoric? Maybe. Hyperbole? Definitely NOT!
Let's just be thankful and grateful, yet again, that Mr. Edwards has shared another ’work' of his unique mastery with all of us.
His is a musical creation where every arranged note and chord of every pan, accurately and dexterously played, connected successfully on this 2017 Panorama evening. Brilliant! Superbly brilliant!!
'Smooth' captures and relays the melody with an arrangement seasoned and stewed in true Trini style, and with the idiosyncratic All Stars' big-band sound he coerces every one of his crack-shot pannists to convey the played theme – Full Extreme.
So coerced, so played and conveyed.
If you were not previously aware, surely you must immediately know now, or at least be convinced — All Stars is an 'extreme' band.
It's a musical message which Mr. Edwards conveys convincingly to each listener, and herein lies the true beauty and artistry of this intricate arrangement in that it connects, touches, and moves most everyone even those who merely hear it.
This painstaking arrangement is neither rough nor gruff. On the contrary it is smooth, undeniably ebullient, and most notably – enticingly deLightful.
Friend, why the consternation? –– This is All Stars.
Of course, scintillating as this stelliferous performance was, it corroborated, yet again, my hypothesis that pan is not a drug –– it's an addiction. And no sooner than their musically-replete performance had ended they left our hearts pleading and our souls yearning for and craving more.
Always and in all ways, loyal to their word and faithful to their supporters, All Stars performed indubitably no less, to the full extreme.
Sadly, Panorama is over now, but thanks to All Stars, 2017 World Steelband Champions —We Jamming Still!
Indeed indebted.
However not to be remiss, Claude, I think I should mention I am of the humble opinion Renegades' musical arrangement (at the Finals) could and probably should have garnered an extra 7 marks, ceteris paribus. I found they were 'on point' musically, from the very get-go of the Preliminaries.
Ps. Claude perhaps you could enlighten some of your ‘followers’ — no marks are given for choreography. At least that’s what I have been told.
Cecil hinkson > Peter deLightFebruary 27, 2017 at 12:19pm
We know points are not given for choreography and dressing, but they still do it and I believe it has help the champs in some way over the years.
Cecil: In the end is SHOW BUSINESS, so I am not opposed to the SHOWMANSHIP. ALL STARS did exactly what SPARROW used to do back in the SIXTIES for CALYPSO KING. As soon as SPARROW get ready to sing all dem people from the hills storm the bottom of the stage and start screaming and yelling and jumping up and the judges get tootoolbay and give him the crown.
PANORAMA has become a conundrum because it is not about MUSIC and it stopped being about CALYPSO MUSIC long ago. It is true that ALL STARS, playing a very popular song, and playing in the BUILD UP position and playing the same runs that they have played for years integrated into a new melody with lots of style in their delivery and having a rabid crowd supporting them -- created the most excitement for the night. So on that level they won in the judges eyes even before they started to play.
PANORAMA is an UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD!!! And ain't nobody setting up no ALTERNATIVE FESTIVAL any time later in the year.
So this will always be the MAIN EVENT waiting to morph into the vision of Dennis Phillip:
"It is a development process deficit. Many of the arrangers have not yet developed their musical vocabulary. They have a good ear and technical ability, but musically they're not staying up with what the world wants to hear," Dennis Phillip emphasized. His and birdsong's collective hope is that birdsong becomes a shining example of how a school infrastructure with multiple education levels fordeveloping young steelpan musicians and arrangers can work in the broader context of Panorama and steelpan progress in general."
Because arrangers are so fixated on winning this competition, many of them have become reluctant to try and break new ground. They are hesitant to expand their respective musical vocabularies and, to a large extent, have become predictable. Panorama music is now being shaped mainly to appeal to the nod of judges (many of whom, mind you, have never studied composition and/or arranging, have never worked in the steelpan arena and, quite frankly, do not possess the talent, expertise, and knowledge of some of the arrangers whom they are adjudicating) rather than being created to stand the test of time, to provoke the intellect and appeal to the emotions (objectives of true artistic expression, in my estimation). Instead, we have language that was used in the 1970s,´80s and ´90s, being regurgitated and, in some cases, being praised as having innovative characteristics.
I had picked All Stars to win since the preliminaries. Yes they out played and out performed all the other bands, but they really played over Curry Tabanka. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating but I think that Mr Edwards is too talented to be playing the same music year after year. Listen carefully and you would see that I am not mistaken Congratulations ALL STARS
Road Runner > Claude GonzalesFebruary 27, 2017 at 4:53am
I didn't think that Silver Stars won, but I did have them second. They couldn't shine ALL STARS shoes. Silver did beat Despers.
I was born a Silver Stars’ baby, so I gather I am always bias to them. However, I did not think that Liam Teague was capable of arranging a Panorama song. He proved me wrong on Saturday night. They had a fantastic arrangement and choreography. I thought they were winning until All Stars played. The standard of the Panorama was very high. Congratulations to everyone! Great Panorama!
Your views noted and appreciated. That is the great thing about all ART, and one of the principal reasons why it should never be in competition. Appreciation of art is in the final analysis, subjective. Each person brings his or her own life experiences into the process of liking, not liking and appreciating.
But on Saturday night a vast majority of us in the live audience gave our rousing approval to the TASSO performance.
But Panorama is not at any crossroads. It is our unique living art form, that grew out of the art and science of music making, that an earlier generation of T&T discovered and gave to the world, and like all living organisms, it is constantly growing and changing. Its present and future development is in the capable hands of a new generation of participants (that includes Liam, Mia and many others) and a nation of lovers. Did you notice the big change in choice of tunes this year. Our sole responsibility as a nation is to continue to appreciate and support in whatever way we can.
Keep the comments coming. WST is a great platform.
Disclaimer: I am TASSO, as such I admit to my TRINIDAD All Stars bias, but I am also a Trini to the Bone steel pan lover.
If you believe that All Stars simply played at the penultimate position at 2:30am on Carnival Sunday morning you probably weren't there!
I asseverate they performed!!
For pan enthusiasts and Panorama cognoscenti alike, expats included –– a pan performance!
For locals —–– a pan renaissance!!
This will certainly be deemed a remedial performance that rendered refuge for disenchanted souls ulcerated by Pan Trinbago's lamentable moral bankruptcy amidst their alleged financial misappropriations.
Nevertheless, was this simply another display of Mr. Edward's musical supremacy once again? Perhaps it was Clive tele-tattooing his discernible audible 'maque'. Or even that great Dane hot-dogging the frontline.
Whatever — wallow if you will in your confused yet comforting speculation. You know — it is simply and irrefutably Trinidad Massy All Stars.
Well come on, you should know by now!!
It's clearly evident that Mr. Edwards’ musical pedagogy includes passing on his extensive pan knowledge to the young un's but how does one really bequeath to posterity one's innate musical skill and creativity? Rhetoric? Maybe. Hyperbole? Definitely NOT!
Let's just be thankful and grateful, yet again, that Mr. Edwards has shared another ’work' of his unique mastery with all of us.
His is a musical creation where every arranged note and chord of every pan, accurately and dexterously played, connected successfully on this 2017 Panorama evening. Brilliant! Superbly brilliant!!
'Smooth' captures and relays the melody with an arrangement seasoned and stewed in true Trini style, and with the idiosyncratic All Stars' big-band sound he coerces every one of his crack-shot pannists to convey the played theme – Full Extreme.
So coerced, so played and conveyed.
If you were not previously aware, surely you must immediately know now, or at least be convinced — All Stars is an 'extreme' band.
It's a musical message which Mr. Edwards conveys convincingly to each listener, and herein lies the true beauty and artistry of this intricate arrangement in that it connects, touches, and moves most everyone even those who merely hear it.
This painstaking arrangement is neither rough nor gruff. On the contrary it is smooth, undeniably ebullient, and most notably – enticingly deLightful.
Friend, why the consternation? –– This is All Stars.
Of course, scintillating as this stelliferous performance was, it corroborated, yet again, my hypothesis that pan is not a drug –– it's an addiction. And no sooner than their musically-replete performance had ended they left our hearts pleading and our souls yearning for and craving more.
Always and in all ways, loyal to their word and faithful to their supporters, All Stars performed indubitably no less, to the full extreme.
Sadly, Panorama is over now, but thanks to All Stars, 2017 World Steelband Champions —We Jamming Still!
Indeed indebted.
However not to be remiss, Claude, I think I should mention I am of the humble opinion Renegades' musical arrangement (at the Finals) could and probably should have garnered an extra 7 marks, ceteris paribus. I found they were 'on point' musically, from the very get-go of the Preliminaries.
Ps. Claude perhaps you could enlighten some of your ‘followers’ — no marks are given for choreography. At least that’s what I have been told.
We know points are not given for choreography and dressing, but they still do it and I believe it has help the champs in some way over the years.
Cecil: In the end is SHOW BUSINESS, so I am not opposed to the SHOWMANSHIP. ALL STARS did exactly what SPARROW used to do back in the SIXTIES for CALYPSO KING. As soon as SPARROW get ready to sing all dem people from the hills storm the bottom of the stage and start screaming and yelling and jumping up and the judges get tootoolbay and give him the crown.
PANORAMA has become a conundrum because it is not about MUSIC and it stopped being about CALYPSO MUSIC long ago. It is true that ALL STARS, playing a very popular song, and playing in the BUILD UP position and playing the same runs that they have played for years integrated into a new melody with lots of style in their delivery and having a rabid crowd supporting them -- created the most excitement for the night. So on that level they won in the judges eyes even before they started to play.
PANORAMA is an UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD!!! And ain't nobody setting up no ALTERNATIVE FESTIVAL any time later in the year.
So this will always be the MAIN EVENT waiting to morph into the vision of Dennis Phillip:
"It is a development process deficit. Many of the arrangers have not yet developed their musical vocabulary. They have a good ear and technical ability, but musically they're not staying up with what the world wants to hear," Dennis Phillip emphasized. His and birdsong's collective hope is that birdsong becomes a shining example of how a school infrastructure with multiple education levels for developing young steelpan musicians and arrangers can work in the broader context of Panorama and steelpan progress in general."
Because arrangers are so fixated on winning this competition, many of them have become reluctant to try and break new ground. They are hesitant to expand their respective musical vocabularies and, to a large extent, have become predictable. Panorama music is now being shaped mainly to appeal to the nod of judges (many of whom, mind you, have never studied composition and/or arranging, have never worked in the steelpan arena and, quite frankly, do not possess the talent, expertise, and knowledge of some of the arrangers whom they are adjudicating) rather than being created to stand the test of time, to provoke the intellect and appeal to the emotions (objectives of true artistic expression, in my estimation). Instead, we have language that was used in the 1970s,´80s and ´90s, being regurgitated and, in some cases, being praised as having innovative characteristics.
You were not alone My Brother, I've never seen such choreography in the ssteelband for panorama.