I have tried to bring a "TODAY VISION" of PAN to this FORUM.
"But when ah talk nobody wouldn't hear
Like stick break up in dey ear!!!"
(Sorry, Iwer, for stealing your line!!!)
However, all the OLD TIMERS on this FORUM are going to DIE and leave PAN in the DUMPS.
Despite all the OLE TALK and PIE IN THE SKY pontifications.
My conclusion is that STEELBANDS will always be BEGGARS ... despite insightful direction from EXPATS like BOB DIAZ!!! Because PAN has gone past the LOCALS; but their arrogance and under-information lead them to believe that their SLIM TAIL is wagging the BIG DOG that PAN has become GLOBALLY!!!
Claude for Chairman...of the Expats Brigade for re-election of the President of PTB.....vote fuh me...and I will set you free.....
Gregory: I don't want NOTHING from PAN, boy!!! I eh never coming back to Trinidad for the REST OF MY LIFE because I don't want the "CHILDREN OF ERIC" to kill me.
I have put time and effort and thousands of dollars into supporting PAN on the WEST COAST. Just because I had HOPE for the MUSIC.
But I have always known better, intrinsically.
I do believe that I can PRODUCE a PAN CD that could gain GLOBAL AIR PLAY. But since I have never felt the pain of the PAN STRUGGLE -- I did not consider it MY DOMAIN. And so I have left it alone.
Anybody who has been on this forum for a NUMBER OF YEARS knows my opinion of PAN MUSIC. Although I think that it could be SOPHISTICATED if REAL MUSICIANS ever dabbled in it in the STUDIO.
Yet, I do believe that if I am ever given the RIGHTS to produce a GREATEST HITS PAN CD -- I can make it work, globally.
Though it will take a lot of WORK, studio wise and marketing wise. And a whole bunch of technical polishing, which intrigues me.
In the EXPAT WORLD there are some people who would genuinely like to see PAN as a commercial product. And I am quite sure that if the TRINIS ever got past their protectionism and small-mindedness and decided to collaborate with EXPATS -- good things can happen.
I am still offering my services as your EXPAT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT!!!
Your insights are very productive, even if you do not see it on a day-to-day basis.
You bring to this forum a wisdom in the pan fraternity that is hard to find in today’s pan players and in Pan Trinbago itself.
For this, I would say, “It would have been nice if someone like you could have been the chairman of Pan Trinbago”.
I say to you keep the wisdom coming and the fire burning for a progressive future of pan.
Claude, as mentioned prior to this year's Panorama: when Carnival done, everybody gone........ and people end up saying "what just happened, why nobody do anything about dat?"
Michael: Ah have ah BRAND NEW DRUG for you!!! You take it TOMORROW and it puts you to sleep until JANUARY 2018 when you are JUST IN TIME to start DISCUSSING PANORAMA. And as soon as PANORAMA (2018) DONE -- yuh fall back ASLEEP AGAIN until JANUARY 2019 just in time to WAKE UP for PANORAMA 2019!!!
And, by the way, 2020 is the year that the politicians told us that we will become A FIRST WORLD NATION.
That is not true Claude, You are just like W.S.T. You are W.C.T. When Claude Talks Everybody listens. Keep pushing for improvement in PAN and CALYPSO.
Earl: You have to go back and dig up the forum and UPDATE YOUR FILES!!!