Under the last administration it was a lot of NEGATIVES on one side. But under THE BEV  the needle shift to the POSITIVE SIDE.

And I have to give her some credit for NEGOTIATING THAT OFFICE SPACE!!!

If she could pull off a miracle and PAY THE PAN PLAYERS and bring a little more TRANSPARENCY to the game and deliver the PANORAMA PRODUCT then she is off to a GOOD START.

That is why ah doh like to smoke this sinsemilla -- it does make me see the world through different eyes!!!

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  • Marcus Ash: When I first saw Rowley make that statement a thought came to mind. What if YOU and BEVERLEY approach Dr. Rowley and encourage him to legalize marijuana in T&T and give you and Beverley and Pan Trinbago the rights to set up the legal trade of the product setting up some stores around the country (not all at once) and splitting the profits between PAN TRINBAGO and the Government -- maybe at least until PAN TRINBAGO clears up some of its debt.

    Well at the very least he should decriminalize it and stop locking up people for smoking a joint.

    Ah have no idea how big that market is but ah smart fellah like you could do the analysis!!!

  • Transparency? Perfect example, long time top champion steel-band Starlift, their management, still don't know the meaning of that word. How the hell you expect the panorama product to move forward positively. And I am sure there are others.

    • Patrick: Why yuh harassing STARLIFT, still. Dem fellahs eh want to tell we what going on in that band. Dey say is dem business!!!

  • Wake meh up when the talk start about the money from Panorama semis and finals.
  • Claude,

    I ALWAYS say that weed isn't for everyone....but I'm glad it's legal on your side. LOL 

    Hey! Yuh never know, maybe in June this year a lot more Trinis would see the world through different eyes too if honorable PM really "decriminalize" the plant like substance.... LOL 

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