Since there are so many Panorama competitions globally, I believe an annual World Panorama Championship is long overdue. Current winners from around the world, can come together in a different nation, each year, to compete for World Champ. The first competition should be held in Sweet T&T. Competitions should be televised and webstreamed. The potential of taking Pan to a different level, through this annual event, is enormous. Please stay Blessed now.
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This is a great idea for an investor or group with the financial resources, I can see with the technology we have today, the profits can be huge. For example, paying a subscription fee for a live video broadcast and selling the rights for worldwide broadcast to individual countries and advertisers. A big win for PAN and the musicians.
A World Panorama held in different countries annually is an excellent idea.
''This is a Good Idea. It Will Help Expose Pan and its Music to a Wider Audience. ''We First Have to See How this Panorama in Trinidad in August Goes before We Plan Further Competitions. We Can also Learn from Any Mistakes Made at that Event. I Support that Very Much. I have Always said and Will Continue to Say. ''Panorama is the Heart - Soul - Body and Life Line of Pan Existence.