Are we supposed to sit be quiet and play like we don't remember that an election was supposed to be held around this time some 3-4yrs ago for the World Governing Body of Pan in the Mecca?
I find it ridiculous that pan people have to wait so long to have legally elected leadership.
I think someone dropped the ball here, enough is enough.
Cecil , on this forum we may chat , exchange ideas , make suggestions ,etc. about the direction and future of the steelband movement in T&T , but eventually , like in politics , any change has to come from the bottom up.
In other words , the rank and file members of each steelband , and the steelbands themselves, have to figure out what change is necessary and realistic and then demand such change.
Without an active membership at the grass roots clamoring for change , little can be done , and the status quo will remain, since there are many who benefit from that status quo,
Here I am thinking that there are influential people in the Mecca who love the steelband and understand their plight, who acknowledge importance of strong leadership for the pan body and is willing to use their influence to have matters resolved but there is none, no not one. We can only conclude that "they like it so" I have no choice but to respect the those that run things, they are relentless in their fight to remain the voice of the steelband, they have successfully pushed aside all attempt to have them removed and certainly know how to exercise the term "by all means necessary"
Most have lost interest in this topic, everyone is tired, fed-up, angry, beaten down, worn-out, just don't give ah shit, all this is understandable seeing it has been a few years, but would you believe that this is the strategy of those in power to make us loose interest so they can do what they want. We have to make the fat lady sing.
Cecil, I think the Fat Lady is on a Diet, lol
OJ Simpson had good legal representation and he got away with murder, the present administration of the ruling governing body of pan in the Mecca with the use of the people of T&T tax dollars are able to have good legal representation, so they too are getting away with murder.
It's unfortunate that a lot of the members who have the authority to make things happen and vote, don't get motivated until panorama is in trouble of taking place. We have become so tunnel vision with respects to Pan. I am looking at how Pan functions throughout the world, and as hard as it maybe to say and hear or believe, Pan does much better in other parts of the world other than Trinidad and Brooklyn. And when I say better I don't mean in putting on a panorama, I mean in what is accomplished. Now I know even in some of these places it could be better, but as compared to Trinidad and Brooklyn they do better. I say this because 1. Trinidad as we say is the mecca of pan. 2. Brooklyn is said to have the best set of pan player outside of Trinidad, but what good are those claims if they can't conduct the business of Pan to become an establish success.
We look at Pan as a cultural thing, ok but it can't just be about culture, for instance, to a lot of Panists winning a panorama is the all to be, WRONG! Living, taking care of your family, paying your bills, owning a home, paying your children school fees, being able to take your family on vacation trips all over the world those are the things that are all there is to be. Now if we can only make Pan do those things for us as some have it would be great, now I am not saying that everyone could get to have a life like that from Pan, but I am saying more could.
Because of the narrow minded people, who, because we let them control Pan it is going no where very fast. Some of these guys are holding on to grudges from the 60s, 70s, they think only about their self profit and personal status. They are there because we let them. Do any of you think, there is any one organization or agency which wants to operate successfully will allow their corporate heads get away with as much as we in Pan have.
I know some of you may disagree with me and that's ok, you are entitled to your opinion, but remember, WE GIVE THEM THE POWER AND WE CAN TAKE IT AWAY.
Keith Marcelle nice post, at present panorama is working against the steelband, so in order for them to survive panorama has to go so they could acquire the skills needed to function.
As for the leadership, what I can't understand is how the legal system don't see the importance of good leadership for the steelbands and order an election immediately.
Where are the Pan PATRIOTS????
Bertel, you will always have the support of the Patriots but I'm afraid it's you all that will have to take the battle to the opponent.
Cecil boy, I guess you could say, things didn't " pan out" But seriously, who in that organization, takes responsibility or is accountable for their actions.... there seem to be no one designated to answer any questions on anything concerning the this group. What a shame !