I have been watching a live stream from the Savannah on what is advertised as "The National Carnival Bands Association of Trinidad and Tobago" (info@ncbatt.com) now I believe this is the mas bands association, if it is, I ask the question. WHAT THE HELL IS PANTRINBAGO DOING? They are actuall streaming with the best picture I have seen, the audio did have some problems, but the mas association is streaming from the savannah and Adam Smith Square. The million dollar question is, why can't Pantrinbago do the same for all panorama event and if not all, maybe the finals in each category. Now, I don't know all the particulars about this stream, at the same time if it is what I think it is, the mas association has certainly put their finances to good use on behalf of their membership. Just in case you may have doubts about the stream I mention, tomorrow from 6 am New York time they will be broadcasting again, check the website I listed earlier.
I am finished talking about the judging and you should also, at this point we can't change it, but we do need the put Pantrinbago under the microscope, much more than we have. I know that change can only come from those people in the membership, how ever I always remind myself that you don't always have to be in membership to effect CHANGE, once we keep the CONVERSATION going, provide critical examples of INCOMPETENCE, MALFEASANCE and CORUPTION, someone or some group of individuals together in Trinidad and Tobago will step up the floor. I know, I know , discussions have been going on, but it always stops after a short time, keep it going and continue to keep the pressure on, with all the other things that Pantrinbago is bound to do because of their AROGANCE add to that, pan people in T&T at some point have to get tired of Pantrinbago spitting in their face. THE REVOLUTION WILL HAPPEN. Again they MUST make sure that the OFFICERS put in place are the wright ones for the job.
Keith, you talked about Pan people putting their feet down and demanding change through election, it's a good thought but believe me, that's all it would be, for the simple fact that these same people can't stand up to the "powers that be " in the pan world to put an end to the embarrassment and disrespect at the semis, shows how much masculine fortitude they possess. Everyone wants to get their hands on the 1 million dollar check.
Mr Marcelle, it is surprising to me that you are surprised that Pan Trinbago don't stream T&T Panorama live. And you said it yourself, its all about the ABILITY to put the finances to good use for the membership. I am anxious to see or hear how the Greens profits will be distributed in 2015.
Mr. Gittens I am not all that supervised, I was being facetious and we will never hear what was done with those profits. Have we ever?
Jojo what is shocking is that they are totally oblivious to what is streamed world wide, I called CTV three days before the finals to complain about the quality of stream, the lady I spoke to said she was surprised and that I was the first person to complain about it also it was probably my cable provider also two days before the semi-finals both Pantrinbago and CTV couldn't say with any certainty where or if I would be able to see a live stream of the panorama.
Folks what I am hoping happens is if enough noise is made 1) Pan people in Trinidad will force the election and put the proper people in place. 2) Some were along the lines those new administrators will then make the necessary changes to improve the quality of service and production which would improve the life of pan. I must say under this administration we have to go back to Merchant's calypso "PAN IN DANGER"!
I always wondered if we in New York at one time or another, had the resources at our finger tips as Pantrinbago has had, what we could have accomplished.
Keith, I agree with your viewpoint. This year was my first for watching Carnival after a long absence. I tuned in primarily to watch and listen to Panorama and was extremely disappointed by the streaming quality. I actually switched off the stream audio and listened to 105, which was far superior. Incidentally, I wonder if the comments about the judging from us who watched the stream was influenced by the video/audio quality because as good as the audio was from 105 I felt it was probably still somewhat deficient from the experience in the Savannah.
I've seen comments that stated previous year's Panorama streaming by CarnivalTV was HD but that PanTrinbago didn't want to work with them this year.
The streaming on Monday and Tuesday from Carnival TV and from NCBATT was far superior to PanTrinbago which leads to me wonder if PanTrinbago isn't setting us up for a Pay Per View service in order to offer HD streaming in the future. Its possible someone could have thought about this as an explanation for the poor streaming we all experienced. I don't want to think that the piss poor streaming to the global audience was just due to sheer incompetence.
We also need to ask the question 'what's their incentive to do better?'. Pride? Brand? Money? Like a lot of other things in this global village we are currently living in, if the Brand owners can't monetize what they own then they'll likely not make any changes.
Mr. Marcelle it is truly shocking that the mas stream quality was so much better than the one for Panorama.