Cecil this is a short early 1980s video of a Steelband and its Masqueraders crossing on top of the savannah stage together, not like now when Mas only on stage and Steelbands on trucks on the side, I guess the savannah stage was made stronger in the old days, see if you can recognized the popular Steelband featured in this video, is this your meaning of Steelbands must returned to the past or( BACK TO THE FUTURE) choice of words you used on a recent post?. ur s.
Awaiting your sincere comments. BLESSINGS.
odw they prefer to cop-out and hide behind "dem days done" in-spite of watching All Stars do it every year.
DEM DAYS DONE!!! HALF ah dem PAN MEN leave TRINIDAD and take PAN all around the world. The TENS AND TENS of THOUSANDS who left the ISLAND were replaced by a different breed from a different culture and different islands; and the PAN PASSION and ENERGY died.
Plus, PAN was like a TIDAL WAVE that swept TRINIDAD rising to its highest heights (coincidentally) during our teenage years. That was TIME and CHANCE and MAN barely directs TIME and CHANCE!!!
"With the help of the Government of TNT" -- The Government has spent BILLIONS over the years and PAN is still stretching for handouts. As Eric Williams said and was grossly misunderstood: MONEY IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Take away PAN TRINBAGO from PAN MEN and replace them with retired or benevolent business men -- maybe you could get back on the road with some effective management and new business connections. But it just cannot be BUSINESS or GOVERNMENT pouring billions into PAN with ZERO RETURNS.
But as long as PAN MEN are running PAN TRINBAGO -- PAN is going to stay DEPENDENT and STAGNANT. That is your first problem and BARRICADE to bringing PAN BACK ON THE ROAD.
Put the CIP to run PAN TRINBAGO and there will be more confusion and dysfunction than DONALD TRUMP in the WHITEHOUSE -- and he is as competence-deprived as you can get.
Morning Glory: Why are you letting Cecil Hinkson strap you into a TIME MACHINE and take you BACK TO THE FUTURE. Are you not happy with your life today? Isn't tomorrow important to you? Don't you have unfulfilled dreams or ambitions that make you look forward and not backward?
What we need today is PAN MUSIC that could gain worldwide AIR PLAY and SALES. Not romantic journeys into the faded corners of our minds. What we need is a TRINIDAD PAN MAN who could take PAN to the world like Jonathan Scales and Andy Narell.
So stop looking backwards and start enjoying the REST OF YOUR LIFE in REAL TIME!!!
I would like to straighten something here, all I am asking for is 8-9 hours Monday afternoon for steelband on the road, NO J'ouvert or Tuesday.
This way we are freeing up young people to play their dutty mas j'ouvert and beeds, bra and butt mas Tuesday.
A common term that is used in this high-tech age to change people’s thinking and adapt to new behavior is called “programming” in the name of efficiency and profitability.
I recently had a conversation with my brother-in-law about the medical advances we see today. His observation had me thinking, he came from a large family 6 brothers and 4 sisters all of them delivered by a mid-wife who was their mother’s sister, his aunt was considered by some as semi-literate. The times we are talking about were in the 40s and 50s Trinidad. His father provided for the family as a gardener, his mother lived to 110 years.
Today an expectant mother run the risk of going to the local hospital and having a successful delivery with some doctor lacking in skills those mid-wives learned naturally, using their hands “touch and feel” without the use of machines or the need to cut to make the delivery easy. What we learn from our past can help shape our future.
We have the resources and qualified personnel who can produce a carnival experience for locals and foreigners to enjoy the true spirit of Trinidad carnival in the tradition of the pioneers and those who helped shaped the steelband traditions.
The producers could help answer my question, as a visitor am I willing to spend my hard earned money to come for Panorama and not want to experience the steelband in its traditional role at carnival? Let explore the business thinking and develop this product.
Brenda, it's all up to the Steelband to reclaim their place on the road for carnival, no one is going to include them, they have to include themselves.
earl richards, "dats the damn ting self" if the nay sayers could show me where else could the steelband go I'll be happy to stop my crusade, in the mean time lets take the steelband off life support, starting with 8-9 hours on the road carnival Monday afternoon Ah Steelband Street Party with a Bomb Competition.