We all know that they are all responsible for the day to day operations and the GOTT fund Panorama but who is supposed to take care of the steelband for the people of T&T? Many would say that's the job of Pan Trinbago but don't you think it's about time we re-examine whose hands the steelband should really be in? We got BP, Shell, Texaco and those guys to take care of the oil and gas but what did we do for the Steelpan? I don't think the GOTT hands off approach worked, Pan Trinbago did what they could but more is needed.This is 2016 and we have that internet, pan people has a voice. Time has come to get real about the Steelband.

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  • INEZ: And that's the way it is!!!
  • Cecil: One day you are going to wake up and realize that all the old men on this forum are going to die and leave STEELBAND IN TRINIDAD in the same stagnant mode that it is today. BP, SHELL and TEXACO had managers. When STEELBAND gets some serious managers things will take off. For that to happen the government has to STOP FUNDING the industry. Let the freeloaders disappear and then real managers will come to the fore.
    • Let me tell a short story about why I believe pan in TNT needs the Mother, the Father and the Holy Spirit (religious folks, please don't be offended.) Last January I was in TNT to attend to personal issues; just in time for small and medium band preliminaries. I was certain that there would be a large turnout, and Trinis would be there to support the local panists. If there were 200 patrons, nah, 150 patrons, that would be plenty. I forgot the number of bands that were to participate, but by the 7th band in the small band competition, the folks with whom I attended, asked me if I was ready to go home. Well, I had no choice but to go with them; because, I didn't have a key to their home (next time is hotel for me oui.) These were folks in their early and late 60's. They had no appreciation and tolerance for the pan music (I think they went just to please me). I always thought that Trinidadians in that age group would be the last heroes of pan. I was definitely wrong. If we can't influence that age group, how we reaching the younger ones? And the music was sweet and hot for so. Shame!

  • Mr. Hinkson

    In response to your question. Not the Government, that would be both Pantrinbago and the individual band leaders.

    Pantrinbago  for the direction of the whole organization, developing programs,events, funds for some assistance to those who may need it , both individuals and bands, a pensions plan for those who have come to the end of their ability to function in the service of pan in Trinidad and Tobago. 

    Band Leaders for their specific band, housing, instruments, travel, all miscellaneous items and  financial compensation for all individuals associated with that band in their related function. 

    Both Pantrinbago and Band Leaders must undertake this as a five, six or even seven day job and yes set themselves up with a salary for that job, this idea of functioning with only love as to be put aside, no one can live on love alone.Our time as to be now measured in dollars, it's not about greed but being practical, if you are unable to accomplish this at this level then you should not be involved in it. Just think of the instrument or a band as a child, if you are willing to bring a child into this world you should be ready to provide everything that child needs in life , not rely on some agency or agencies to fill that role.

    To many band leaders sit on their behind and wait for people to provide for them, take New York, every year is the same dam thing, they leave one year knowing what's ahead for the following year but when June reaches, they have done nothing to help them self, even the simple task of joining forces with another steelband to attain that goal or at least  on the way to that, there are to many selfish band leaders.  I have  told band leaders that my concern, not only lies on panorama or panorama night, there are 364 others days that we should be worried about, unfortunately some only have panorama on the brain and that is all they think about. 

    There are a lot more things I can speak about but I think this is good for now. 

    • Keith Marcelle, I know it's Pantrinbago job but I am beginning to question their capabilities, they don't look like they have a long term plan for the Steelband, their interest lies only in Panorama and they have manage to convince the steelband that it is what their existence is about, they put the steelband in a BOX.

      The steelband has too much value to  the culture of T&T to be left in the hands of of one group . I see he GOTT as the custodian of the steelband, it's their duty to put together a cross-section of citizens to come up with a plan to move the steelband forward.

  • It's more than just money, more like direction, a plan. or goal. to me it looks like the same year in year out, zero growth. Who is responsible for charting a course so they all  can have some degree of success.

    This is why some believe there should be a Ministry of Pan, so more attention will be given to how to move forward, many feel that the steelband is not taken seriously enough. We can do a lot better than Panorama and pan here and pan there.

    All Trini are responsible for the Steelband, there is a spirit of complacency in the leadership of the movement that is responsible for the stagnation.

  • Cecil: You have to define what you want and where you want to begin. Lilian just gave you a newly popular entry-level subset.I will continue to believe in small projects building up. But I know that the Trinidad mentality is to begin with the castles in the sky -- and those are real hard to build. In terms of what you want to do, you should contact Mr. Oswald Alexander (or that merrytonestothebone fellah) and ask him to break down the cost for you to bring ONE STEELBAND ON THE ROAD for Carnival. Whether it be Jour Ouvert morning or Carnival Monday or Tuesday. Then you can pursue Lilian's route or you could seek funding from whatever source. To me, that is a simple attainable goal. And you have about SEVEN MONTHS to get the project in gear. If that works, then you repeat the process the next year and get others to join the brigade and pretty soon you have a tsunami of PAN beating all over town for carnival.

    Boy, I have to be nice to you because I may need a sponsor to come to live in Canada pretty soon. This government down here encouraging this terrorism (making excuses for them) and you don't know when you are going to get blown up.

    Once I come up we could sit down and map out a plan to take the pan to the promise lan!!! 

    • Not me and this pan business, Claude. You don't need terrorism to get 'blown up"......some Dasheen, Cassava, Tania, Yam, Potato, Breadfruit, man,  you could get 'blown up' in a minute.

      BTW:  Gerard said you could find pan tuners online, but I am looking for locals. Can't find 'em.

  • Cecil. there is the very promising possibility of online 'Crowd-funding'. I checked out some sites like 'Go Fund me' which can be used for personal needs, business investments, start ups and cultural and arts activities. It seems like a good way to go, as many small contributions add up quickly. One problem (and a big one): you can donate globally, but you can only receive funds in the US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia and New Zealand. (in other words: US ,Western Europe and the White Commonwealth, the more things change-the more they remain the same ).

    But there are ways of getting around that. Collection could be based in the US  for disbursements to Trinidad,  or you could j set up individual crowd-funding sites. I am sure that many people , at home and abroad, would want to contribute to their favourite steelbands if it was made easier.

    Crowd-funding is definitely worth investigating. 

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