For the last few years, I have been very disappointed with the panorama judging. This leads me to ask:"WHO'S JUDGING THE JUDGES?" As the music has evolved and improved every year, the judging seems to be the same old biases and personal preferences to a particular band or arranger. So one has to wonder: what are the credentials of those who are selected as "Judges?" I believe a committee of band captains and arrangers should be formed for the judge selection process. The committee would evaluate the resume, credentials and experience of each individual being considered for a Judge Position. A majority vote would then be the determining factor by which the judges are selected. The same committee would also be involved with establishing the rules for the competition, the points and grading system, the band size per category, number of players, and other rules to create a fair competition. This should give every band and arranger the opportunity to be involved in the most important elements of the competition and help foster fairness and comradery within the pan community. As it stands now, the arrangers are limited to create music the judges expect to hear which doesn't allow them true freedom of expression and interpretation of the song selected.
Yours truly, A Pan Lover for LIFE!
Something have to be done soon. It seems that the pan elites in position to do something are just sitting back to wait and see what happen. There are little or no discussions right after panorama and during the year to correct past dislikes and mishapes before they happen again. Every year a month before panorama there is a major change without total agreement from the bands. That's about the only time you hear from Pantrinbago.
PS, Pantrinbago should work with When Steel Talk to get everything we need to know about pan out to the public ASAP.
When there is a difference of 15 -20 points between judges scoring one band, it means that neither of 'em knows what the hell he/she is doing.
You all are arguing one seta chupidness of a hurt Despers fan, when the argument should be the disresrespect of the pan by Pan Trinbago in the pursuit of money. Pan Trinbago learned nothing from last year when bptt Renegades was disrespected, and pan by extension, when a deejay continued his arseness whille the band played on.. Pan in the Panorama shoutd take pride of place in its main event, and not PARTY by part time pan lovers. Why is Keith Diaz who has always criticised deejays for disrespecting pan (and panmen) encourage party in the pan, because the organisation is money hungry. With all this money collected, Pan Trinbago will still say it cannot pay its bills. This hypocritical organisation CANNOT now dump on deejays, after they have encouraged party in the pan, and failed in its mandate to uphold and defend the national instrument. When Pan Trinbago sees MONEY-all else is lip-service. Pan has been stabbed int the back by Pan Trinbago. What a sad day.
We certainly agree about the DJ vs. Renegades affair, and the conflict between the party culture in pan and its dedication to music. Nevertheless, it is not your place (nor mine) to determine what is or is not a chupid debate/discussion within this forum. Obviously we are both entitled to have our own opinions, but such topics as "judging pan competition" and the idea of a "Pan World Cup" are legitimate and necessary discussions for us to have.
No offense, Peter
I would like to offer this opinion about the subject at hand. Please take in mind that this is just an opinion not fact and I would like your opinion on wether these things are plausable.
First we must remember that the people who sit to judge are humans and as such are subject to humanistic tendencies. I remember in 1991 when Ray Holman being interviewed by Dalton Narine after Renegades performed "Rant and Rave" attempting a three-peet, remarked, when asked about the bands performance said with open honesty"I don't particularly like Jit's style of arranging." Now taking this into mind, imagine one or more the judges sitting adjudicating bands performances, holds that same opinion about a particular arranger or arrangers. These individuals may not have the intent to willfully discredit or downgrade the performance of a band, but I believe in their subconcious when listening to a band or bands rendition, don't hear the good musical qualities of that composition.
I offer this to you my friends to ponder, that this may be a cause for what has been happening over the years in panorama adjudication. Now, I'm not saying that their are not willful biases coming in to play or even forms of conspiricies to arrange a particular result, but we must consider all possibilities.
I now offer an idea that may in some way be a solution to some of the problems that exist in adjudicating. Some years ago someone I can't remember who, suggested this concept: That there be a systematic change of the judging, having one person judge a particular category from the criterior that is establish, for example: one judge's responsiblity would be to adjudicate the tonal quality, another the rhythm and so forth. This would alleviate a judge from having the responsibility of adjudicating the entire criterior themselves. Think about it!!! and maybe you or someone else could develope or create another system that would elevate these issues.
It would be interesting to have the "existing system" and the "suggested system" running at the same time to see how different the results turn out.
Mr. Marcelle I think your idea of having judges for different aspects of the competition an excellent one.