As Steelbands have been excluded from Carnival Fetes, Pantrinbago for the 2019 Carnival Season should not focus only on Panorama, but take a page from All Stars book and do more things for Steelbands by having their own Carnival Steelband Fetes. For example they should promote a Pantrinbago Carnival Steelband Fete with Bands in the Northern Region, Then a Pantrinbago Carnival Steelband Fete with Bands in the Eastern region, And A Pantrinbago Carnival Steelband fete with Bands in the South Central Region in order to do something else for Pan during the Carnival Season instead of focusing only on Panorama during the Carnival Season, Bands will have a repertoire for the Fetes and the road Instead of just learning a Panorama Tune and maybe a Bomb for the whole season, That is doing something for pan. We need Pan back in the Carnival fetes..
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I do not think anyone excluded pans from dances at carnival time, economics did. Steel Orchestras have to be their own promoters throughout the year. What will be nice is that the Steel Orchestras learn about 5 pieces and entertain the crowd at its respective panyard. Bands do not have to spend 6 hours nightly on the same tune.
No Visionaries, No ComPANions, No Nutten. That is the state of the steelband thing. And the gov't true to form . No Nutten.
It eh have no "new" or "next set of executives" coming. It is the same OLD RECYCLED CREW who are going to TAKE OVER. And if by now you all don't know THEIR HIGHEST PRIORITY -- then allyuh must be still doh know that LEBRON JAMES is the GREATEST BASKETBALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME!!!
earl, I hope the next set of executives are visionaries. Steelbands today have to come alive and do things together. The spirit of ComPANions must manifest to go after the Carnival crowd.