
  • The purpose of the large steelband in T&T TO ME is to provide an authentic sounding product to a niche market (Panorama) for the satisfaction of its afficianados. It is pure, unadulterated culture, illustrative of the island. Also like Glenroy alluded, it's an arrangers dream.

    Panorama is not to blame for the deprivation of the steelbands  ability to develop as an independent organization... It's leaders are.

    Although the large band is highly unmarketable itself... it naturally has the ability or potential to utilize it's assets (instrument rental, instrument making, music schooling, stage side(s), combo side(s) for hire, recreational space, welding etc) as a multi faceted profitable organization. Just my thoughts... I know it's easier said than done but that does not negate the vast potential.

  • Seriously , though the large steelband has a certain presence that is unique.

    It allows the arranger a musical canvas on which he can reach unimaginable musical heights.

    And primarily , the sound  and power of a hundred plus member steel orchestra is something that can be heard and experienced only in a few places on this planet.

    Unfortunately , the only place it can truly be experienced is on the drag at panorama , with a relatively limited exposure, since I believe that you have to be up close and personal with a steelband to really get its vibrations.

    Is that answer good enough , CH ?

    • The Main Purpose of the Large Bands in T&T  is to be Present at the Largest Acoustics Festival on Earth Called Panorama. The Large Steel Bands are Keeping Panorama Alive. Someone Can also Say What's the Purpose of the Medium - Small - Pan around Neck or even Schools Bands. They are all Part of our Musical Pan Explosion that has Grown through the Years Called Panorama. If Panorama was not a Growing and Good Thing there Never would of been any Large Bands. When Panorama Started, the Maximum amount of Players were Sixty [60] Plus Nowadays that Number has Doubled. .  Most People at Panorama are not Interested in any other Bands than Large Bands. The Large Bands represent their Communities. No One Really cares about Who Wins the Medium - Small or even School Bands Panorama. The Large Bands Has Stood the Test of Time. Panorama without the Large Bands will be a Bust. The Reason that they Incorporated the Medium and Large Bands to Play the Same Night at the Finals is to Expose the Medium Bands to the Lime light. As Long as there is Panorama there Will be Large Bands. ''Panorama Is Here To Stay'' That's the Reason that Large Bands Exist..

      • Nice post VALENTINE!!!

    • Perception Glenroy.that's all...but then again I've been there and done that...

      • So the large steelband is to perform in panorama, a far cry from in the early days when they were a part of carnival, back them they operated like a business, they were independent. Fast forward  to today they sit around and wait for whatever they could get from panorama, their only source of income, so they move from being independent to dependent in a few years and call it progress.

        Had Brazil invented the steelpan it would surely be the instrument playing their music for the carnival.

        Panorama has made it impossible for steelbands to grow, they depend on few dollars they get and forget about carnival where there's big dollars.

        • Panorama has deprived the steelband the ability to develop as an independent organization.

          • A large band without a sponsor could be in a deep financial hole for panorama if you calculate their expenses. Panorama is only lucrative for a few bands and it's the same bands each year. Maybe this is a contributing factor for the player shortage and absence of new sponsorship.

      • Well , merrytones , you must admit that there's something special about a panorama size steelband , vastly different from a "stage side", or even a concert sized steelband.

        • Yeah?....what's so special about a hundred member band that can only play one tune...which they take 2 weeks to learn?...There is no way you can compare that to a "stage side"...The large band may make a lil raise once a year...but the stage side is much more marketable they could make money all year..even travel....Cecil has me a little confused with this topic though, since I would hardly have expected him to knock large bands (if that is his intention at least).

          The only purpose of the large band is Panorama...Full stop. I dare say that the laws of evolution would eventually cause the large Panorama band to disappear for good. When a tenor pan costs TT$6,000.00 it's time for common sense to prevail. One of the most unique and at the same time ridiculous things about the steelband is that players can just join, select an instrument, learn and play...for free. Very few panists have ever owned an instrument, hence the contempt for the industry.

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