
  • Shadow - Horning for Dummies


  • For yet another year , and maybe 3in a Row, I am looking forward to hearing 

    Renegades and their 2020 selection “ Wrong Again”

    I can almost see the antics Devon Stewart will be displaying for this one ..

    the story line in this track will bring out all the horning songs of the past..

    • I'm sure we'll get some theatrics, who will be the horner man and which jumbie beat he'll give us...3828132148?profile=RESIZE_710x

      Mighty Shadow - Horner Man Crying - Digital HD

      Mighty Shadow - Yuh Lookin Fuh Horn

  • Makes sense to me. That strum is perfect for the PAN!!!

  • Noah, this one for you...Duvone vs Zanda

    “I give thanks to the Creator for giving me the knowledge of rhythm, melody, and harmony - to understand the science of orchestration."


    Wrong Again Drum Cover-Skinny Banton

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