New York, USA - “The instrument is amazing as is; however, it’s the organizations and people of power that give it the wrong attention.” - Earl Brooks Jr.
The name “Brooks” resonates deep and loud in the world of Pan. There is the iconic Earl Brook
Semi Final Saturday 20th June @ 8pm Sunday 21st June @ 6pm Monday 22nd June @ 8pm
We continue to look at some of the musicians progressing to the semi final stage of the competition These videos were taken from the preliminary stage.
A continued look at some of the musicians progressing to the semi final stage of the International Pan Ramajay competition. These videos are taken from the preliminary performances.
A a look at some of the musicians progressing to the semi final stage of the International Pan Ramajay competition. These videos were taken from the preliminary stage.
New York, USA - After ten years with one of New York’s powerhouse steel orchestras, Tamika Alexander could be described as being ‘Despers USA to the bone!’ She is impassioned about, as she calls him “M
Sycamore, Illinois, USA – Jesse Wiemer-Hastings, a graduate of DeKalb High School, is the recipient of the 2020 Palmer Family Music Education Scholarship award.
Historically, the scholarship recipient is honored at the first DeKalb M
As far as WST (When Steel Talks) is aware, Desperadoes Steel Orchestra of Trinidad and Tobago, andPan Evolution Steel Orchestraof Brooklyn, New York, are the only orchestras that employ the six-pan as a regular voice in their orchestra. As of Summ
Brooklyn Steel Orchestra - ‘Ah Feeling’ - Live On Stage
New York - This is Brooklyn Steel Orchestra as they performed live, on stage in Trinidad, as they competed in the 2015 International Panorama. They performed “Ah Feeling” by “Lead Pipe” and “Sa
Hello, everyone. I wanted to make a documentary, so I did. And I'm releasing it right now for free. This is really special for me and feels like publicly releasing a musical diary. I have sacrificed a lot in my life to be able to create and release m