Pan Times's Discussions (7523)

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All Stars elders pay tribute to Jules



Members of the All Stars Garret Elders gathered at the Duke Street panyard. - GARY CARDINEZ

WHEN the men of All Stars Garret Elders (AGE) held their annual gathering at the Massy All Stars panyard on Duke Street in Port of S

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The Last Panman

by Willi Chen - Guardian


"This is all ah have. Take it —thir­ty-two cents."

"Dat can’t even buy chan­na. Is pas­sage mon­ey ah want. And is stale bake them chirren tak­ing to school to­mor­row.

"Well, leh them stay home, where I could be near them.

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Music Festival makes sweeping changes

Paula Lindo - Newsday


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Jubilant members of the Scarborough Methodist Primary School after they won in the Primary Schools folk choir category in 2018. category. -

The 33rd Biennial TT Music Festival has made sweeping changes to its comp

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