A Taste of Boston Carnival 2012

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Some of the sights and sounds from Boston's J'ouvert and Carnival parade held on Blue Hill Avenue, Saturday August 25th, 2012.The thumbnail is old, old friend, Marabella's Lanceford Benjamin and his grand daughter.My, how time flies!

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  • I've been the drummer for metro for 20 years and still going strong!
  • The video is much appreciated!
  • I must mention another old friend from yesteryear, Pickett on bass(striped shirt) with the first band, Metro Steel Orchestra.

    He is one of the last of my band mates from Silvertones Steel Orchestra in the sixties that's still playing, and he remains an outstanding bassist.

    What a bass section we had in Silvertones back then!

  • I saw my Ole friend Kim Loy Wong having a good time. Hoping to see him in NY.


  • Nice!!  Thank you

  • Lill shakey yes, but is d best so far. We en't see notthing else yet. Way to go Glen. Thanks!

  • much appreciated G.R. Joseph...

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